[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KCZd8E9.png[/img] [h2]Sagamiyama[/h2] [h3]Saturday - Midday[/h3] Interactions: Bokuto [@BladeSS4] || Tony [@McNephelim] || Ouga [@Sho Minazuki][/center] [hr] Mindless wandering had driven him towards the bike shop, his mind in another realm entirely. Mitsuaki felt eyes on him at one point, head raising for a moment to scan the area, but the feeling was gone before he found the culprit. It was probably just his boss, cursing him from the cafe he hated. Maybe he could get a job at that video store down the street; he’d probably have to work late though, if he worked there, and that wouldn’t do. That was the reason the cafe was so promising, the early morning hours being better suited for his extra-curricular activities. Then again, if he overslept and missed his shift, it would be just as bad as having to run out on a night job. Maybe getting a job with Ouga or Shouko would be possible; would they care if he were late for a shift, seeing as how they knew what could possibly go on in the lives of Substitute Shinigami’s. A voice, practically screaming, pulled him from his thoughts. Jolting, Mitsuaki stood on edge as his eyes swirled around, looking for the man who it came from. Finding Tony, the young man blinked, his eyes shifted to quickly find Bokuto as well, decked out in all of his Shinigami glory. Had there been a call? Was there a hollow around, were they supposed to be [i]training[/i] at this hour? Mitsuaki didn’t [i]remember[/i] any sort of training schedule for today. Either way, the situation needed to be dealt with, before Tony did something that he would regret. [color=6B91BA] “Hey, Dingus!”[/color] Mitsuaki drew closer to Tony, hissing out. [color=6B91BA] “Quiet down,”[/color] eyes narrowing, he glanced towards Bokuto as he stepped up closer to his substitute comrade, the one currently in a real body. [color=6B91BA] “You know people can’t [i]see[/i] him, right?”[/color] A hand raised to motion towards Bokuto, a slight wave that would look natural to people watching them; his voice was quiet enough now with the distance he was from Tony that only his two comrades would be able to hear him. Although there weren’t as many people around as say, if they were in Tokyo, there were still enough that this was becoming a scene. [color=6B91BA] “Go inside before someone calls the police on you,”[/color] not like he really cared what happened to the American. Mitsuaki stepped around Tony then, hand grabbing for the door into the bike shop, pulling it open and stepping inside. He had given his opinion, told Tony what he [i]should[/i] do, but that was all he would offer. Ouga was probably already aware of what was going on outside; it wasn’t like they could just [i]hide[/i] themselves from the stronger Shinigami, or that the man was deaf. The man would take control, if needed, and Mitsuaki wasn’t about to stand in his way of doing that.