[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/0CZnHYX/Orion-removebg-preview.webp[/img][/center][sub]Interactions/Mentions:[@The Muse] Kira, [@PrinceAlexus] Sya [/sub][hr] [indent][color=#ffffff]As Sya turned her attention to him, Orion noted the subtle shift in her compared to times before when he’d seen her. Despite her obvious tipsiness, or perhaps because of it, the genuine honesty in her actions made her seem more human in her blightborn form than most humans he had ever known. When she stuttered, struggling to articulate her thoughts, the conflict in her voice was unmistakable.[/color] [color=#c4df9b]“I…” [/color][color=#ffffff]she began, her uncertainty palpable. [/color][color=#c4df9b]“I probably should go back. I have to face it, I cannot run away.” [/color] [color=#ffffff]Orion inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment of her words. He understood all too well the burden of responsibilities that couldn’t be shirked, no matter how heavy they became. For a moment, he debated offering some reassurance. But he stopped himself—Sya wasn’t asking for platitudes; she was working through it in her own way, as they all did.[/color] [color=#ffffff]The blightborn man couldn’t help but crack a faint smirk at her quirky phrase. It was so unpretentious and straightforward. [/color][color=#0054a6]“I’ll try not to be,” [/color][color=#ffffff]he replied, his tone even but not without warmth. [/color] [color=#ffffff]As Sya started to rise from her spot, it was like watching a dance that had hit a slight snag. Each movement was a mix of fluid grace and a bit of wobble, a clear sign that the drinks had done their job, and a good one at that. Orion, with his keen eyes, tracked her every subtle shift, taking in the way she moved with an effortless charm that somehow made her clumsiness almost cute. It was fascinating to see how, even while teetering a bit here and there, there was an undeniable elegance about the woman—like she was a creature that had found a way to blend all her attained oddities into something beautiful.[/color] [color=#ffffff]When Sya finally reached the bank, the scene turned almost comical as she tried to put on her clothes. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons, looking like she was battling against the fabric rather than simply dressing herself, and something was endearing about her struggle. Orion couldn’t help but let out a soft exhale at the sight—not quite a sigh, nor was it a chuckle; it was that middle ground where amusement and light affection lurked. As she wrestled with the knife strap, nearly dropping it a couple of times, he felt a warmth in his chest because, despite her awkwardness, she was owning every moment of it. [/color] [color=#ffffff]Orion himself stretched out his legs, feeling the last bits of warmth from the steaming spring slip away like an old friend saying goodbye. The steam had wrapped around him like a soft, fluffy blanket, coaxing him into a state of utter relaxation that he was now reluctantly shaking off. He glanced at his boots, a bit scuffed and worn from all the wild adventures he'd thrown them into, but still as sturdy as ever. As he eased his feet back into them, he couldn’t help but pause for a moment, soaking in the last remnants of that cozy atmosphere, almost convinced that the springs had put some kind of magic spell on him that made breaking away feel like a crime.[/color] [color=#ffffff]With a decisive tug, Orion finished lacing up his boots and stood tall, brushing off the lingering steam like he was shaking off a dream he didn’t want to end. His crimson gaze instinctively darted toward the stairs Kira had vanished down just moments ago, the unease in his gut growing tighter as he stared. That little crease forming between his brows was a telltale sign that something wasn’t sitting right with him. He held onto that fleeting moment a bit longer than he probably should have, scanning the empty steps as if waiting for her to reappear. Finally, he drew his attention back to Sya, reminding himself that the larger issue at hand was the unsteady woman in front of him.[/color] [color=#ffffff]With a hesitant smile, he cleared his throat trying to lighten the mood. [/color][color=#0054a6]“Do you…require assistance?” [/color][color=#ffffff]he inquired. [/color][color=#0054a6]“The prince may already be at the inn for the festivities, and if my further company isn't a bother…” [/color][color=#ffffff]He allowed his voice to trail off, the message clear. [/color][/indent]