[img]https://files.catbox.moe/ysse2u.png[/img] Anora had managed to get her way around the gathering of people, doing her best to not bump into anyone. Even though people seemed quite keenly aware of her, sticking out like a sore thumb with her yellow wintery coat and attire. She had perhaps overdressed abit, but her foster mother had taught her that looks were important and to always present oneself as best as possible. There was of course truth to that, but Anora wasn't always abiding by every rule put into place, she would evade them whenever able. It usually helped to not go to all those noble parties in the capitol, that had been more her mother and Ayel's thing. The young woman would much more prefer to read some storybooks, mixing various concoctions, baking and making new kinds of tea-flavour. The young noblewoman stopped upon reaching the stables, hearing someone singing, she took a few moments to just listen to the melody before entering the stables herself, her steps carefully placed to avoid slipping or stepping into something which would have made her older brother yell to the high heavens. She allowed herself a soft smile as she closed her eyes, before opening them again. The singing had made her want to sing abit herself. And thus she did [color=f6989d][i][b]"Words carried on the wind, blowing in this darkened world~'Tis song of dawn to welcome the daybreak, a fair melody laid unto memory, there's no time to waste, can we succeed?~ To return to the place where we all belong?~"[/b][/i][/color] Anora sung brightly, her voice echoing slightly down the barn. Her voice was light and smooth. She held her free hand at her chest as the other held unto her umbrella that rested on her shoulder. [color=f6989d][i][b]"There are those reborn by the blighted storm, so that they may find the truth of their heart.~ There's so much we seek to have answered, but in one life there's not enough time.~ Underneath a smile, there's a hidden truth, tell me now of a story of a faraway land.~ I sing along, so that I will remember… that the tale still must go on.~"[/b][/i][/color] She smiled softly and held out her free hand towards Aurora in a greeting. [color=f6989d][b]"Forgive me, I couldn't help but sing aloud on hearing your song~ Pleased to make your acquaintance~ I am Anora Opal Raunefeldt. Whom might you be and who is this gentleman?~"[/b][/color] She looked at the horse. She now regretted having left her carrot bucket behind. This horse could have used it. [@BlackRoseSiren]