"I'm sorry." Aneira whispered softly into the silence, heart still pounding like a drum against her temples. She's not really sure what exactly just happened, but with the two wolves gone all she can feel is relief. Her stomach which had been in knots without her knowledge, relaxes and with it her entire body. She feels like a puppet with its strings cut as she falls back onto the floor, head lightly thumping on the wooden floor as her eyes focus on the ceiling above. Within her mind the wolf that's she's slowly realizing is her other half, fidgets and whines softly. The ghost of Lucian's hand on her knee lingers even as he moves away from the door towards the kitchen, tension leaks out of her with a long silent sigh until she feels like she's more settled. She's not sure what a Pack is, but the way the older man had spoken about it gave her the impression that it was something important. It had her mind racing even as she remained sprawled out on the floor, ears tracking Lucian despite him still be close enough to follow with her eyes. The pups grow bored of her and move away to follow the man in hopes of getting food possibly, Aneira slowly sits up and then rolls her shoulders. Footsteps and a unique breeze of a mix of scents drew her gaze up, eyes blinking as Lucian hovered over her. The phone feels odd in her hands as it's handed to her, brows knitting together at Lucian's words and his lack of eye contact. She reaches out without conscious thought, arms winding around his shoulders even as her heels lift up from the floor. A low rumbling sound comes from deep within her chest as she gently, carefully squeezes him in a hug, uncaring that she has to reach so high to do so. His scent has soured into something that makes her uneasy, plus she thinks they may both need this small act of comfort right now. Pulling away after a few moments, Aneira silently dials the number that Lucian gives on keys that feel far too small until she's done. She presses 'Call' without hesitation seconds after, eyes flicking up to her companion as the dial tone echoes in the silence. Impulsively she hip checks him and then darts away on silent feet, phone in hand and a small smile curling her lips as two furry bodies scamper around her heels.