[color=f49ac2][centre][H2]Daphne[/H2][/centre][/color] [color=f49ac2][centre][H3]Eye of the Beholder[/H3][/centre][/color] [color=f49ac2][centre][H3]Amazon Action time.[/H3][/centre][/color] Daphne shook her head to test her quick hair fix before she headed out door at speed following the man. [color=f49ac2]“Adventure Awaits”[/color] She said as she left, giving the frame a tap as she passed jogging to keep up with the taller man's stride. He was really tall, Daphne was no short stack, but he made her have to look up and crane her neck a little. [color=f49ac2]“Attack, blood, unknown enemy, 2 civs, what does the enemy look like Valthyr? And who am I looking for?"[/color] Daphne asked quickly as quietly as jogging to keep up with him, his feline comment just made her…get all confused. [color=f49ac2] “I'm living in a town where the Innkeeper slithers, walking mushrooms and more so i believe most things now.”[/color] Daphne had to change her ideas of normal alot on Dawn Haven and what was something they had to tolerate and protect. She looked about the square and the people about, Lord Coswain, Persephone? There were also others unknown and about the town that were in danger or unaccounted for. [color=f49ac2]"Are we getting anyone else, We should tell the Prince, get help?”[/color] Daphne said and looked about the area outside the Inn. The Prince…and oh…Selene…no…it was the peacock… the peacock was back to cause issues again. [color=f49ac2]“That Man….”[/color] She growled, seriously why was it always that man? [b]Mentions[/b] [@Dezuel][@The Muse][@Fetzen]