[@Remram] Stella didn’t look too much like she considered the lyrics of the song, but she was so earnestly skipping in front of him, her eyes positively glimmering as she listened to him play, the emotions of the song and his playing still getting through to her as the little creature so happily listened along. Eventually, though, they went off somewhere else, and Stella was looking super happy as she skipped by his side. There were blissful locals clearly used to living among the thick spores of this village, and it was also a village where Pokémon walked around freely, numerous Oddishes and Hoppips and Budews skipping about without a care in the world, enjoying life. Stella looked after them a bit curiously as they passed by. Basil eventually found his way towards the herb shop. Where… something felt a bit off, for some reason. It looked like a regular shop, but… where were all the Pokémon that had been around? [color=D3B4D2]‘Gothi…’[/color] Not to mention, for some reason Stella seemed really apprehensive about approaching this place. Like there was just an aura around this place that she for some reason didn’t want to go closer to… Assuming Basil still entered, he saw counters selling herbal medicine, signs claiming how very nutritious and how good they were for your Pokémon, that their injuries would be healed in no time! Much more effective than potions! [color=aa57c7]‘They are far more effective than potions!’[/color] the clerk was even in the act of selling the product to a customer. [color=aa57c7]‘You’ll find that their effects compared to the prices of normal potions are incomparable!’[/color] she said, looking very proud of herself. The boy she was talking to, however… [color=5a6961]‘… At the cost of that your Pokémon may despise you,’[/color] he said, holding up one very strange-looking root (the Energy Root) and inspected it. The boy wore glasses, a hat, and was wearing a lot of jackets and a very long scarf, and had a large bag strapped around his shoulder. He looked like a traveller. A small pink Pokémon and a Budew was sitting on his bag, both looking highly uncomfortable and the pink thing covering its face with its tiny little arms. [hider=The Boy][url=https://i.imgur.com/LTz2Ks3.jpg][img]https://i.imgur.com/LTz2Ks3l.jpg[/img][/url] [center][url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Cleffa_(Pok%C3%A9mon)][img]https://i.imgur.com/t4Zfg3v.png[/img][/url] [color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #173 – Cleffa, the Star Shape Pokémon. A rare Pokémon that only appears in mountainous regions on nights with shooting stars or meteor showers, dancing through the night only to disappear at sunrise. When meteors strike the earth, Cleffa is also almost guaranteed to be find around the impact crater. Due to these tendencies, people say Cleffa came to this planet riding meteors.[/i][/color][/center] [center][url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Budew_(Pok%C3%A9mon)][img]http://i.imgur.com/Kb6s3Wy.png[/img][/url] [color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #406 – Budew, the Bud Pokémon. It is sensitive to changing temperature. In winter it closes its bud and endures, while in summer it blooms and releases its pollen. This pollen is mildly poisonous and can cause harsh sneezing. It lives near clear ponds.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] [color=aa57c7]‘It isn’t real medicine if it tastes good!’[/color] the clerk confidently declared. [color=aa57c7]‘Besides, your Pokémon will surely understand that you’re only doing this because you care about their health!’[/color] Both the Cleffa and the Budew intently shook their heads at this claim. [color=5a6961]‘I see…’[/color] the boy said, inspecting the root closer. [color=5a6961]‘While actually feeding these to my Pokémon feels unnecessarily cruel, there must be some secrets within the healing potential of these herbs that I can make use of for my own potions. I’d like 10 of each,’[/color] he said, much to his Pokémons’ horror. [color=aa57c7]‘A-absolutely! Coming right up!’[/color] the clerk called, looking like she just made the biggest sell in the history of this store as she excitedly started packing herbs for her customer… There’s a list of prices. [hider=Herb Store][list] [*] Heal Powder - 150P [*] Energy Powder - 250P [*] Energy Root - 600P [*] Revival Herb - 1,400P[/list][/hider] Will Basil be doing something here? [hider=Stillwood Village][center][h2]Stillwood Village[/h2] [url=https://i.imgur.com/NDG5NfG.jpg][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y9bCCki.jpg[/img][/url][/center] Inside these calm forests lies a village completely in-tune with nature. The buildings are built around or in the trees of wood and stone, the light shining onto the village stifled by the great trees above. In the air, meeting your nose as soon as you tread into the village, is filled to the brim with the smell of forest and spores. It’s a wild smell, but somehow it is extremely relaxing and any worries seem to be stifled before the calming village ahead where everyone is always so calm and happy, wild Pokémon walking freely on the roads of the place. This is Stillwood Village, the most relaxing place imaginable, it’s people in touch with nature and wishing the best to all those who come to their cozy and ancient little home. Wild Grass Pokémon freely wander the streets, spreading their spores into the air which the townspeople actively walk through every single day. They are all smiles, very helpful, the entire village and all visitors afflicted by the relaxing sensations brought by the spores during their stay in Stillwood Village. However, these spores are the reason quite a few avoid Stillwood Village, arguing that it messes with one’s mind. It is extremely rare that a member of Stillwood Village moves out of the village, after all. It will also quickly become evident just how little the members of the village care about the world at large, all their worries gone by the relaxing spores and just continue living, no troubles in the slightest. That’s Stillwood Village for you.[/hider] [hider=Suggestions to actions, Stillwood Village]1. Find Pokémon. [i]Can still search for Pokémon in cities~[/i] 2. Talk. [i]In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Talking can give you info on local rumors and such.[/i] 3. Exit. [i]Exit the town to any of the connected areas.[/i] 4. Specify. [i]If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result.[/i] 5. Trigger random event. [i]Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you.[/i] 6. Notable Places. [i]Visit any of the places in the city![/i] 6.1. Pokémon Center. [i]Heal all your Pokémon.[/i] 6.2. PokéMart. [i]Go to a store and buy things.[/i] 6.3. Pokémon Gym. [i]???[/i] 6.4. Herb Store. [i]Selling bitter medicine that is very good for your Pokémon![/i] 6.5. Flower Shop. [i]For decoration and for pleasant smells, the flower shop has the best selection in Isson![/i] 6.6. Berry Garden. [i]Allows trainers to rent earth to plant their own berries. New trainers gets a kit to start them off![/i] 6.7. Treehouse Arena. [i]Even forest-people want to battle it out sometimes. Lots of berries as prices~[/i] 6.8. Ancient Woods. [i]An older part of the forest. Dangerous, but said to hold a link to the past. There are large old rocks here. What more could they hold?[/i] 7. Stillwood Village Trades: Grass-type 7.1. [color=DE6E87]‘I got this little Bounsweet, but I keep being attacked by birds! Please, trade me a Geodude for it? Rocks should be strong against birds!’[/color] 7.2. [color=F8DC29]‘I actually only got this Gossifleur to lure trainers into trading me what I really want… I want a Spoink. Please, get me a Spoink.’[/color] 7.3. [color=BED060]‘This is a Capsakid. I got it because I heard it was gonna have two heads. It doesn’t. I’d trade it for a Doduo? I like two heads.’[/color][/hider] [i]Connected areas: [/i] Route 4. [i]Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.[/i] Route 5. [i]A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.[/i] Route 14. [i]The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.[/i] Mountain Valley. [i]A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.[/i] [hider=Stillwood Village, known Pokémon]Common: #44 Oddish #187 Hoppip #188 Skiploom #285 Shroomish #315 Roselia #406 Budew Uncommon: #45 Gloom Rare: #190 Aipom [/hider]