[@LadyAmber] [right][h3][i]Space Station Black Cloud - The Market Level[/i][/h3][/right] [hider=The Missionaries at Work] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/69f732f32785f242018d150c062b950b.webp[/img] [/hider] A call rings out as the Daxini envoys make their way through the station. "Hail and praise the Cog! Do we see old walkers of the void? Yes! By the Cog and the Motive force. Pray brothers and sister! Pray!" And the air is filled briefly with prayer. Lead by a pair of ivory and gold augmented Missionaries. [i]"Esteemed warriors and custodians of strength, It has been many cycles since the presence of your kind has graced our nation’s vision. We, the union of builders and dreamers, rejoice at this rare assembly amidst the cold expanse of neutrality that surrounds us. Know that our purpose is harmony forged through innovation and collaboration. We extend the skill of our hands and the ingenuity of our minds to aid your cause, whatever form it may take. May the Holy Cog guide our discourse and unite us in purpose, for the flesh fades, yet the strength of the machine endures eternally. Let us speak, exchange wisdom, and perhaps together, forge a future worthy of our combined legacies." In the name of the Cog and the everlasting circuits, we welcome you."[/i] Two Missionaries and atleast two dozen Faithful and Forged of the Bio-Mech Union raise their voices in prayer, a prayer of greeting. After the prayer one of the Missionaries, carrying a round incense censor steps forward, "Great Daxini envoys. It does this one good to see your people once more. Long are the records from times before, and we look forward to perhaps pursuing new endeavours between our people. Do remember the Bio-Mechanical Union welcomes all to their forges, and chapels. Where you may go and need the help of the Union do not feel worried about find a Forge Chapel, you shall always be welcome." The Missionary throws his arms into the air, the thick scent from the censor blossoming into the air as he crows, "Praise the Holy Cog!" The faithful behind him and the other Missionary also crowing, "Praise the Holy Cog!" [hr] [center][h3][i]Forge System Alpha - Forge World Primus Alpha One - Holy Homeworld of Saint Harlo, Speaker of the Holy Codex - Orbital Space Fortress Alpha Metalican Carnasus - Spinward Observation Deck Beta[/i][/h3][/center] [hider=A meeting of minds] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/13123ba926abafeee4574a1fac38583f.webp[/img] [/hider] A pair of figures stand, one augmented with white, and ivory and gold. Slightly smaller and shorter, then the tall gold, bronze and purple augmented figure beside them. [i](translated from Holy Binaric and Hexigrammic)[/i] The Ivory figure places a hand on the viewport screen, "[i]How many ships?[/i]" The Bronze figure hums, "[i]Twenty ships, four Missionary vessels, being equal tonnage to a Battle Barge class ship, while the other sixteen range from Battle Cruiser to Light Frigate class. You shall not be alone out there Missionary Crixus Orior Terius Rex (Binaric Sequence 9)."[/i] Crixus Orior Terius Rex (Binaric Sequence 9) almost purrs, "[i]Twenty ships should be enough. Are they to be armed and armored? Even after the war the Lokoids and the Augustans are ready to fire on near anyone. Even if they seek to keep the peace. Am I not right Forge Governor Julius Kappa Ilixus Beta 1-1.1?[/i]" Forge Governor Julius Kappa Ilixus Beta 1-1.1 chuckles, though it sounds like a screech of machine code, "[i]Yes this is true. So the flotilla will be armed and armored, and though the Council Conclave wishes you not use them, we are sending with you, two Space BOLOs and two more Land BOLOs. As well as near three hundred thousand Legionaires, under the command of one of Grammaticus' best sub commanders. Ostensibily they will operate independently, but General Grammaticus says they will listen to your advice.[/i] Crixus nods, "[i]Then we should speak the words.[/i]" Governor Julius nods and walks to the other side of the observation deck and looks down to the throngs of Forged, Full Forged and Faithful waiting below in the loading bays for the twenty ships floating outside. behind them the ordered lines of the Legionaires who would go with them. Julius raises a hand and calls, "[i]Brother! Sisters! We must pray![/i]" Crixus clasps his hands in the sign of the Holy Cog, and leads... [i]Prayer for the Voyager Fleet of the Holy Cog Holy Saints guide us, for in the sanctity of the Cog, there is truth. Oh Holy Cog, divine arbiter of knowledge and perfection, We commend to Your infinite wisdom the Voyager Fleet, Sent forth into the boundless void of the unknown. May their path be illuminated by the sacred glow of logic and innovation, And their hearts remain steadfast in the creed of the Machine. Through forgotten stars and abandoned worlds, Let their eyes uncover lost relics of the past, Those sacred relics of Your design that once whispered Your hymn. Among the ruin of man’s folly and nature’s chaos, May they find what has been forsaken: Forgotten faithful who still revere the sanctity of metal, And ancient technologies awaiting Your resurrection. Oh Holy Saints, grant them strength against the dangers they may face, Be it xenos, heretics, or the treachery of nature itself. Shield their minds from the corruption of doubt, And steady their hands to craft solutions to all challenges. May the fleet carry Your divine purpose to the stars, May their servants hum with eternal devotion, And their engines roar as hymns in Your name. Bless the righteous who march in their iron footsteps, And may they carry forth Your will among the heathens they encounter. Let even the unfaithful glimpse the power of the Machine And bow before the perfection of Your design. Return them to us, oh Holy Saints and Holy Cog, With minds enlightened, hands enriched, and hearts emboldened. May their triumphs echo through the halls of every forge chapel, And their discoveries bring further glory to Your name. In the name of the Holy Cog and the Holy Saints, we send them forth. Ave Cogitatus.[/i] The lines are spoken by all those gathered. Crixus' voice raising as he prays. Feeling a holy fervor. Goveronor Julius' arms raise and spread, his eyes blazing with holy faith as the holy words of the prayer set his very soul ablaze with the greatness of the machine. The final words of "Ave Cogitatus!" Are bellowed by the congregation. Crixus lets the fervor smolder before he motions, "[i]Begin boarding procedures, we start our journey for the Core Worlds of the Fallen Yrrani as soon as all supplies and crew are abroad the ships. Hail Saint Harlo and may he watch us as we venture to find our lost Faithful. Go with the Cog![/i]" The Faithful, Forged and Full Forged turn to their minders. Crews being assigned. A mighty grinding sound as the Legions communicating through Surges of Binaric and Hexigrammic are ordered to board the ships. Two massive tank like....things roll to a loading ship. While another two, hover along and make for a launching port to attach themselves to the outside of a pair of the larger ships. Thus is the holy Voyage to Yrrani Core Worlds begun.