[right][h3][i]The Master Speaks, and understands[/i][/h3][/right] Ban stirred somemore noodles in one of the pots, the meat popping and cooking. He tended it all like a master. As he cooked he looked to Sam and nodded. He turns the heat down so nothing burns. And gives Sam his entire attention. He nods slowly, "The Kami know when our time is to come. Not before, or after. The exact moment. Your ancestors and your loved ones knew it was not your time. And the Kami did too." He nods and bows taking her hands softly, "You have much work to do still." He smiles, "There is no shame in having seen the Kami and your ancestors and then sent back to the land of the living. It shows the strength of your soul." He nods, "Use this chance well. Turn this into a chance to make your count better in the next chance!" He reaches to his hip and draws the Kingo Blade free with a clean smooth move, "Your soul has been honed from this like the edge of a sword! Yosh I can only hope to be here to see what else you can do! I wish to know the strength of your soul, like the edge of a sword you have been given a chance to part the darkness that has been put before us. Just a my blade is here to cut the cancer free of any who stand before us. Your mind and your hand will be the wise edge that leads us through." He slowly slides his sword away dramatically, the scabbard and the guard of his sword meeting each other with a click. Ban nods, "Use this, take that fear, take this new view and forge it into your own blade. You are great now. You will be incredible." He bows, "Take it from someone who has also seen the Kami. This will only give you more ability to carry on." He nods, "Ah but enough hard stuff. More food?" He holds up some of the food, and offers to refill her plate.