[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/45717baa-ac62-4f09-852e-e588b3960c26.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Dorm -> Headmaster's Office [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][hr][/center] [hider=The Roof, the Roof, the Roof (and everything else) is on Fire!] [Center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ce90119b-57cd-4fb1-b251-c3b7fcd941fc.png[/img][hr] Location: Kingston-Grey House, New Orleans Skills: [color=E948FC] Pyrokinesis[/color], [color=CC99FF]Electromagnetism, Astral Projection [/color][/center] [hr][hr] [hider=The Nightmare] [i]It was dark, cramped, cold. The kind of cold that seeped heavy into the skin and stayed there. Awareness came slow to Danni, though he couldn't tell if he woke or not. He blinked, or at least he thought he did. There was no light to tell him. He thought for a second he'd gone blind, but he still saw the fuzzies behind his eyes when he squeezed them shut so he figured that wasn't right. He stretched and frowned as his fingers tapped against something firm, cold, and smooth. Danni pressed around him and he realized quickly he was in a cylinder of some sort. He tried every surface, his pulse rising as he realized he had barely any room to turn as his shoulders brushed against the sides of wherever he was. He couldn't find an escape, any sort of opening, and panic set in. He kicked and screamed and cried, throwing himself against the walls before awkwardly sliding down and sobbing in his hands as he curled into himself. “Aw, all tuckered out already?” A voice in the dark laughed. A creaking accompanied the voice and a single, swaying light flickered to life. Illuminated by the broken, flickering yellow glow was Arcade. He was slouched lazy in a comfy chair, his laptop propped up on an arm, and the shifting light gave his glasses the cartoon evil glare. [color=E948FC] “‘Cadie! T'ank God you're ‘ere! I don't know what's goin’ on.”[/color] Danni shot up as relief flooded him, pressing up against the tank glass. [color=E948FC] “You're lookin’ a little like villian you but you're ‘ere ta get me out right? I don't know when I got back in the Framework t'in’ but I don't wanna be ‘ere, please and t'ank You!”[/color] “You got out? Please, as if you or your amateur friends could have outsmarted me.” Arcade dismissed the notion with a hand wave and a laugh. “Come on Danni. I know you'll have to dust them off but at least try to use some of those brain cells. I can force you to experience anything and you thought I would stop at video games? Come on, this is my debut! Why not have a little fun with it?” [color=E948FC] “‘Cadie, t’is is not ‘ow you make friends. You wanted ta do better! You were sad and upset! T'at was real, right?”[/color] Danni asked, his back hitting the glass as he started shaking again. The realization that this wasn't quite a rescue was starting to bring the panic back. “That was real, right?” Arcade mocked in a poor impersonation. “Please, I just made you see what you wanted to see. And it was fun, really fun, knowing that I let you have that little bit of relief before I tore it away. And now, I think it's time for you to die! Which way should we do it? Arcade tapped at his keyboard, dismissing options as he did. Danni couldn't catch his breath. His lungs burned as they struggled and he couldn’t, couldn’t get enough air. The room started spinning, things started going hazy, and his heart was hammering in his ears. He reached for his fire but found nothing. “Yeah, I took that away too. Couldn’t have you ruining the fun!” Arcade cackled as he finally found what he was looking for. “Well, Daniel. Its been fun but I have a few more to kill so I think it's time to wrap this up. Snakes away!” The top of the chamber slid open and Danni screamed at the mass of snakes writhing in a ball above him. One by one they drop and it was all Danni could do not to pass out. [color=E948FC] “Please, please, please, please Ed! Please help me! I won't tell anyone! I'll do anything, I'll help you escape,I'll work for you, just please let me go!”[/color] Danni begged, screamed, through tears. His vision was going as he felt the snakes squirm around him, he felt bile burning the back of his throat, he felt pressure on every side as they glass closed in around him… Then everything was on fire as he felt the flames tear themselves out of him. Danni couldn’t even scream as it consumed him too.[/i][/hider] Dorian was laying in his bed, his bedroom door open so that his new pet raptor could come and go as he pleased from his room. He was having a wonderful dream about Percy and him going to visit some ruins in Italy, something he'd have wanted to do during this break if it wasn't for the fact that they were grounded because of the Arcade incident. Sweat began to bead on his forehead as a wave of heat blasted into his room. It quickly spread to make him uncomfortably warm, prompting Dorian to get up and see if his fan had somehow turned off. At first he hadn't noticed it, too groggy from sleep as he shuffled over to see if the fan had any higher speeds. It wasn't until he noticed a reflection of red dancing across the glass of his PC. He turned to look towards the windows where the reflection would be emanating from and saw the blaze of flames that seemed to press against the panes of Danni's room. Every ounce of tiredness had shaken free from his body as Dorian began to run towards the hallway that conjoined the two houses and coincidentally also their rooms. The closet there always had a fire extinguisher in the event of a Max or Danni mishap. He grabbed the extinguisher and pulled it's pin as he began to make his way towards Danni's room. The heat from this blaze was unbearable. Dorian tried to squeeze the foam out but it didn't seem to help, and the metal reached began to burn from the intensity around them. The extinguisher dropped to the floor with a clatter as Dorian quickly and reflexively went ghost. He couldn't feel the heat anymore, allowing him to move closer, but he couldn't barely see Danni within the inferno he'd caused. [Color=CC99FF]”Danni! Danni! Wake up!”[/color] Panic laced his every word, and as much as he wanted to possess him and walk him out of there, he couldn't tell if he was still generating flames or not and moving him could bring more issues. Dorian was desperate to grab Danni's attention, trying to think of a way that would wake him up. He needed something loud and fast. Searching around the room, he decided the best option was to toss Danni's TV. After all, they could always get another one. He'd meant to reach out with his telekinesis, to toss it onto the floor and cause a loud commotion, but as he reached out towards the TV, it quickly flickered on and static began to screech over the sound of flames. The volume jumped up to the highest it could go and suddenly, for a brief moment, an image of Dorian appeared on the screen, screaming. [Color=CC99FF]”Danni Wake Up! C'mon!”[/color] Danni's eyed snapped open and he was screaming, clawing his way out of the burning remains of his blanket and stumbling to the ground. He struggled to catch his breath in the heat. His heart pounded in his ears. He was sticky with sweat and he squinted against the harsh glow. He coughed and swallowed back the bile that threatened at the rancid stretch of burning plastic. He couldn't quite wrap his head around what was happening. Danni shook his head, trying to get the feeling of helplessness out of his head, the feeling of being crushed, trapped, suffocated. [color=E948FC] “Fuck.”[/color] Danni whimpered and pushed himself unsteady to his feet. He took in the fire around him, raging in the wake of his nightmare, and he swallowed heavily, the discontent sitting like lead in his stomach. It would be fine. Danni could get the fire under control, the wierd Dee face in his TV would disappear, Maxie would just snap his wizardy fingers and poof, no problems! Danni reached out and called the fire, urging, begging them to listen and come to him rather than spread and for a moment, the fire stilled and shrunk, slinking back through the halls like a scolded child. But it took everything in Danni to keep it that way. Fire wanted to grow and consume and spread at all costs and it [i]fought[/i] So much kindling, so much fuel, and he was the only thing holding it back. Danni shook with the effort, clawing the flames back to him, but he was suddenly back in the tank, Arcade laughing at him and that feeling of helplessness... Danni screamed as the fire expoled from his control and he barely was able to stay standing. [color=E948FC] “Dee? Dee?! W'ere are you? Please tell me you're okay.”[/color] Danni half sobbed, half coughed, smoke burning his eyes and lungs. Danni bolted out of his room, grabbing the closest thing to him, and nearly tripping over his own feet. [Color=CC99FF]”I'm fine! I'm in the Astral but I can't ‘elp you from ‘ere. I don't know what to do! I'm not fireproof!”[/color] The image said, calling from the TV over the dull background of static and the sound of flames. Dorian just wanted to get them both out of there, but he also didn't want their parents coming back home to a house fire. Danni barely registered what Dorian said, continuing to stumble his way down the stairs. They felt longer than he’d remembered and in the glow of the fire they seemed to grow two steps for every one he took. His breath came short and the world spun and he all but threw himself down the last few. His knees buckled and he hit the front door hard. [color=E948FC]“Fuck!”[/color] Danni shouted, his wrist throbbing, but he threw the door open anyways and bolted out the front door unsteady. [color=E948FC]“Dee, just get outta t'ere! I- I can't anyt'in’ ‘bout t'e fire!”[/color] Danni shouted hoarsely. Dorian watched as Danni began to leave the house, following behind him in his ghostly form before swooping down and taking over his raptors body to help lead him out to safety. As soon as they'd made it out of the house, he left his pet and a static-y image began to appear before the both of them until Dorian fully materialized, swooping up his little dino into his arms. [Color=CC99FF]”It was gettin’ a little chilly in t’ere anyways. At least we ‘ave some warmth now.”[/color] Danni finally registered what he'd grabbed, his dragon egg, and wrapped his other arm around Dee. Danni let his head fall on Dee's shoulder as they watched the house fire from the street. Danni knew it'd be alright in the end. Maxie would snap his fingers and everything would be fine again, but it still felt… [color=E948FC]“Can we… not tell anyone ‘bout t’is? Please?”[/color] [/hider] [color=E948FC]“Ya know, I can't wait ‘til Couls congratulates us for puttin’ down a villian! It's time we finally get some recognition for bein’ awesome!”[/color] Danni said as he ruffled his hair, turning his head left and right in the mirror to make sure that everything settled [i]just[/i] right. [color=E948FC]“Does this look natural enough, Dee? When Couls inevitably walks us ta t'e auditorium, I wanna make sure I ‘ave t’e surprise down pat, but stylin’ my ‘air too much will make him know ‘e ain't slick. I want t'is ta say ‘I woke up prettier than you’, you know?”[/color] Danni rambled, picking up his phone at the buzz. [hider=Dee & Princess] [color=E948FC]Oh bb, please. He ain't kickin us out. We're on the same level as The Young Avengers now! He'd be crazy to kick us out. He's gunna tell us how “irresponsible” we are and then tell us that we did a great job apprehending the baddie and then give us an award right in front of everyone! Nothing to stress about![/color][/hider] [color=E948FC]“Couls got Princess all stressed out. Gotta ‘ave a spa day soon wit’ t'e besties next chance we get!”[/color] Danni announced, twirling and snatching up a little baggy that clicked and clicked as it shifted. He held up his phone, snapping a selfie with Dee in the background and uploaded it to the junior year folder he made over break before sending it out. [hider=Beanie,Princess, & Mads] [color=E948FC]Your two favorite boys just finished getting ready! On the way![/color][/hider] [Color=E948FC] “Oop, I got t'e door! Princess probs swung by ta grab us!”[/color] Danni all but jumped to the door and snatched it open, halfway to sweeping April into a hug before he stumbled and caught himself on the door frame when he was greeted by Percy instead. [color=E948FC] “Whoops, shit, my b! Deeeeeeee, t’e boyf is ‘ere!”[/color] Danni yelled unnecessarily into their dorm. [color=E948FC] “Percy, we gotta work on t'at uniform. It needs… more. Like, a little less box, ya know? Hm… Whelp, I'll keep t'inkin’ about it and we can get our noggin’s toget’er at some point and make somet'in’ great!”[/color] Danni side stepped past Percy. [color=E948FC] “But I'll give some time ta t'e lovebirds. God knows ‘ow ‘e complained ‘cause ‘e missed ‘is boyf.”[/color] Danni teased, throwing a shit eating smirk at Dee. Danni offered a lazy wave and spun to head out, but instantly turned again with a dramatic gasp. [color=E948FC]“Omg, I almost forgot! I made you a gift!”[/color] Danni dug into the bag and pulled out a handmade black bracelet with red block letters that spelled Percy and slapped it I'm his hand. [color=E948FC]“Since we're friends, I gotta start gettin’ ya gifts so t'is is our first one! But now, really I'll get out of you ‘air. Don't do anyt'in’ I wouldn't do!”[/color] Danni skipped down the hallway, humming a cheery song despite the little bubble of disappointment it wasn't April or Mads or Beanie.