hi! I'm Carsonist, I also go by Nathan, Dawnfire, Dusky, and Jay. I never used a roleplay forum before but have been roleplay for a long time! I've been roleplaying for about 8 or 7 years, first started on Dragon City then moved to Minecraft and currently do it on Discord! I'm pretty open to anything but I really like ones that you can do whatever as long as it's fun and not overpowered; an example would probably be a group I'm in where there are characters from many different worlds and different time periods and some can just travel to other worlds if they want and sometimes there are events happen but there is like a main goal. some hobbies: playing games (Genshin, Minecraft, etc), drawing, reading, writing, and learning about animals. I'm a pretty nervous person and get scared easily but I'll try :D I'm gonna try not to join roleplays that mention alcohol as that is a sensitive subject for me but if that isn't possible I might just ask for it to be toned down. I'm sorry if that is an issue.