[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/sfL4M8x.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240501/f05a736427987502b04e7512136c14ae.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: Town Square[/sub][/cell][/row][/table]As Ayel tossed the torch onto the ground with casual disregard, Flynn’s eyes flicked up toward the night sky. Silently, he asked the Goddess, [color=337d71][i]‘Why?’[/i][/color] Of course Ayel would do such a thing. Flynn should have known to phrase his words better, this was his fault. Ayel had always taken things quite literally. Thoroughly annoyed, Flynn bent to pick up the torch himself, ensuring it didn’t accidentally light anything on fire. He held it for a moment, suppressing the overwhelming urge to glare at Ayel and let out a frustrated sigh, then handed it off to a nearby guard who hurried to return it to its proper place. Dusting off his hands, Flynn forced himself to remain composed as Ayel launched into a frantic explanation. As Ayel spoke, detailing a supposed attack, a murder, and—most horrifyingly—Amaya’s disappearance, Flynn’s chest tightened. His heartbeat quickened and his stomach churned. [i]Taken?[/i] HOW? She had guards. Elara had been with her. She was in a crowd, surrounded by at least half the town! Gadez had actually been telling the truth? Guilt twisted in his chest, alongside growing fear. The blood drained from his face as Ayel’s words sank in, the weight of them suffocating. As Ayel requested control to organize a search, Flynn couldn’t help but let out a sharp exhale through his nose, his patience thinning. Why did it have to be Ayel delivering this news? He had never liked Ayel and he had been plagued by the entire Raunefeldt family for most of his life. Flynn loathed the man’s pompous attitude, knowing full well his disdain for commoners, Lunarians and blight-born alike. And yet, Ayel was currently the only one he knew of who had answers, leaving Flynn little choice. The Goddesses had to be playing some sort of sick joke. When Ayel finished, Flynn inhaled deeply, forcing calm into his voice. [color=337d71]"Thank you, Ayel,"[/color] he said, curt but polite despite the storm brewing inside him. He could still hear his father’s voice, steady and commanding, echoing in his mind: [color=d4af37][i]“Never panic, Flynn. It does no good for the people to see their ruler falter. They look to you for strength.”[/i][/color] His father’s lessons had been harsh at times, but necessary. A ruler who panicked was a ruler who lost control. Turning to the guard who had taken the torch, Flynn issued a firm command. [color=337d71]"Inform the Commanders. I want a search party assembled immediately. Go."[/color] The guard saluted and sprinted off toward the eastern gate without hesitation. As Flynn’s gaze swept the square, he caught sight of Daphne exiting the inn with a man he recognized from the group surrounding Amaya earlier. Flynn’s voice cut through the air. [color=337d71]"Daphne! With me. Something's happened."[/color] His eyes narrowed in on the stranger next to Daphne then, noting the way he wore little clothing for how cold it was out. [color=337d71]“You too.”[/color] he commanded, gesturing for the man to join him with Daphne and Ayel. [color=337d71]“You were with the Princess earlier, weren’t you?”[/color] Before letting the man answer, Flynn shifted his gaze back to Ayel. His instincts told him to send Ayel away, but he needed answers. Unfortunately, this irksome nobleman was his only lead. And if Ayel had been exaggerating or lying, Flynn wanted him there to face the immediate consequences. [color=337d71]“Ayel,”[/color] Flynn said, his voice steely, [color=337d71]“you said you know where the body is? Lead us there. Now.”[/color] [hr] [Sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Ayel [@Dezuel], Daphne [@PrinceAlexus], Valthyr [@Fetzen][/sub]