[color=f6989d][b][h3] Anora Opal Raunefeldt [/h3][/b][/color] [color=f6989d][b]"Aurora? We both start and end on the letter 'A''"~[/b][/color]Anora smiled and then lifted her skirt abit to courtesy and offer an appologetic look to Storm. [color=f6989d][b]"Also my sincerest appologies for my mistake milady Storm~ Is it really okay for me to pet her?~ And thank you, I took some singing lessons a long time ago~"[/b] [/color]Anora approached and attempted to pet Storm's mane. [color=f6989d][b]"Gushi, gushi. Moshi, moshi. Gumo, gumo~ Whose a good lil horsey~" [/b][/color]She said in a playful manner, throwing a glance afterwards to Aurora. [color=f6989d][b]"'Tis a fine horse, I am certain my brother would even agree and he doesn't like just about anything. Have you perhaps seen him about? His name is Ayel, wears big wide brimmed hats with feathers and dresses likes he's attending a ball.~"[/b][/color] The yellow clad woman chuckled as she placed her hand in front of her mouth. [color=f6989d][b]"I have come here to Dawnhaven to help my brother and Flynnie- I mean, Prince Flynn. I also have a more personal reason for coming here, I received a letter weeks ago that what I have been looking for my whole life could be found here. So here I am~" [/b] [/color]She smiled brightly and then posed a question back to Aurora. [color=f6989d][b]"What about you, Lady Aurora. What brings you to Dawnhaven? Forgive me for asking, but are you of the Halliwell family that sell curatives in Aurelia? Are you Alistair's daughter perhaps?~ "[/b] [/color] The noblewoman asked as she tapped her own cheek with a finger. Her golden ring attached to it. [@BlackRoseSiren]