[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/G8HjGhS.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XUvv02U.png[/img][hr][/center] Lisa looked up at the giant robot… Autoknight? First, a giant monster. Now a giant [i]robot.[/i] This place was weird. The ground shook with every step the iron giant took, and Lisa wondered if magic negated the square-cube law! However, she noticed something. [color=764820]”... Hey, it’s big and slow; all we have to do is-”[/color] Lisa said before a few plates in the Colossal Autoknight’s face opened up and it unleashed a jet of fire at the group. [color=764820]”[b][i]OH SHIT![/i][/b]”[/color] Spider legs erupted from Lisa’s back as she lept to the side… Where she was previously was charred black. She hoped her friends dodged in time! Saskia had launched themselves in the opposite direction with their wings, while Ella inelegantly jumped and rolled. She came to a crashing stop next to Lisa, jumping right up. [color=e77fbf]"It's like an Autoknight mech!"[/color] she shouted, eyes shining. [color=e77fbf]"That means we should use-"[/color] [color=DC143C]"No way."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"[b][I]The Magical Mecha Spider![/I][/b]"[/color] [color=764820]”Or we could just, [i]you know,[/i]”[/color] Lisa shrugged. [color=764820]”... Use Deathcrater and let it plummet to its death.”[/color] In the blink of an eye, Yoko had appeared next to them, grasping the Yokai Killer. [color=fce420]”Make up a plan now!”[/color] The Colossal Autoknight’s face turned towards them before unleashing another barrage of fire directly at them. Yoko disappeared again while Lisa hopped out of the way again. [color=fce420]”I don’t advise getting close!”[/color] Yoko said, [color=fce420]”If we can feel the heat from here, imagine how it’d be if we got closer!”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Deathcrater. Two to one."[/color] Saskia intoned, swiftly flying over to Lisa and Ella. [color=DC143C]"Yoko, you'll need to draw it's attention."[/color] Then they crouched down, hand on the ground. Ella pouted, but nodded, standing behind Lisa and Saskia. Yoko began breathing, a rhythmic cycle of deep exhales, then inhales, closing her eyes for a few moments as the Yokai Killer extended. Her eyes shot open, and she said, [color=fce420]”... Don’t expect a miracle here, Otten,”[/color] Yoko said before she disappeared in a burst of speed, leaving behind wind and disturbed dust and debris. Lisa crouched low; fingers splayed against the trembling ground; spider legs erupted from her back and anchored her to the ground as Lisa began weaving a spell. A network of human flesh splayed underground, underneath the Autoknight colossus that writhed and coiled. [color=764820]”Saskia! Start feeding it!”[/color] Lisa shouted. Saskia nodded, fingers pressing into the ground as they started pumping it full of blood. Their wings spread out, sharp tips digging into the ground like Lisa had done with her legs. Yoko appeared on the other side of the Autoknight Colossus, pausing momentarily as the metal that comprised its legs began to rust and erode. Despite the Yokai Killer's power, the sheer size of the construct rendered her strikes little more than irritants. It was barely, striking deep enough to rust anything meaningful. The Colossos pivoted towards her, raised its hand into the air, and brought it down on her, kneeling. However, Yoko disappeared again in another burst of speed. The Colossus’ hand left a massive crater in the ground. The Colossus’ head swiveled to the left and the right. Before Yoko appeared again, slashing at its knees with the Yokai Killer, rusting away at it, and disappearing before it got a chance to respond. Before Yoko could attack again, vents opened on the Autoknight Colossus, releasing a cloud of superheated steam in all directions. Yoko quickly retreated towards the three. At this point, the web was nearly complete, violently throbbing as it pulsed with Saskia’s corrosive blood. The earth bucked and shuddered as if rejecting the abomination being forced upon it. The web expanded faster now, surging beneath the battlefield toward the Colossal Autoknight's feet. The web's growth halted abruptly as it reached its limit, and Lisa barked to Ella, [color=764820]”... [i][b]NOW![/b][/i]”[/color] Ella raised her hand, bright pink lightning shooting down from the sky. It hit the ground in the centre of the web. [color=e77fbf]"[b][i]THE LIGHT OF FRIENDSHIP WILL BURN YOU![/i][/b]"[/color] The impact detonated with a deafening roar. The web erupted violently, sending a geyser of Saskia’s corrosive blood skyrocketing into the air. The Autoknight Colossus was immediately caught in the blast zone, its massive form illuminated by the blinding light and the searing torrents of blood that rained down like molten acid. Lisa’s spider legs instinctively dug deeper as the impact roared outwards. The Autoknight Colossus staggered as the ground beneath it began to collapse, a massive sinkhole forming with a rumbling crack. The Autoknight Colossus’s weight worked against it—one of its legs twisted under its mass, eroded by the acidic blood. It eventually gave way, as it sheared off at the knee, and the Colossus collapsed entirely. It slammed into the sinkhole's edge, half of its body dangling precariously over the crater. [color=764820]”... [i][b]GET FUCKED, YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER![/b][/i]”[/color] Lisa shouted, flipping off the Autoknight. [color=fce420]”Don’t get cocky,”[/color] Yoko said, slowly drawing the Yokai Killer, [color=fce420]”It still has some fight left in it.”[/color] The Autoknight Colossus pushed itself upright, dragging itself alongside the ground by its hands and pushing its sole leg. It then fired off another jet of fire at the four, and Yoko immediately disappeared in a blur of speed while Lisa hopped into the air onto an adjacent building. Saskia flew right after Lisa, and Ella leapt out of the way, staying at the ground level. [color=e77fbf]"Let’s do the Magical Mecha Spider!"[/color] Ella shouted. Saskia rolled their eyes, looking at Lisa. [color=DC143C]"Your choice."[/color] [color=764820]”Let’s do it!”[/color] Lisa shouted, as the ground pounded every time the Autoknight Colossus moved. She could feel the heat radiating off the bastard. With a wave of her hands, she summoned a wave of metal spiders that constructed the body of the Magical Mecha Spider! It was like a living thing - metal shifting, clicking into place, each spider moving with purpose, working toward the same end. Yoko was still moving. Lisa could see the blur of her movements as she darted around the Autoknight, narrowly avoiding the destructive blasts aimed at her. Lisa grinned despite the danger - just a little longer, and they’d be ready. Her control over the Mecha-Spider’s movements was all that mattered now. The ground around her trembled as the final pieces came together. She could see the outline of the Mecha-Spider’s head beginning to emerge, the frame now fully formed. Finally, the Mecha-Spider stood tall. It was a towering, strange creation, a monstrous combination of steel and blood, standing thirty feet tall. [color=764820]”... GIANT ROBOT FIGHT!”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"MAGICAL GIRL MAGICAL MECH, ASSEMBLE!"[/color] Ella shouted unnecessarily as she made for her seat in the Mecha-Spider. Saskia grimaced slightly at the end of its creation, looking a little pale when the blood armour around it was finished around it. They climbed in, focusing more of the armour towards the front. [color=e77fbf]"Let’s go!"[/color] Ella pointed forward with one hand, before starting to shoot a powerful beam of burning light out of the Mecha-Spider: dragging it across to hit the massive Autoknight. Only for the Autoknight to raise its hand to block the beam. [color=764820]”... Maybe we should have also gave this an acid attack,”[/color] Lisa shrugged as she commanded the spider to go to the left. [color=764820]”Saskia! Hit its hand!”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"We can develop an acid attack for it! Infinite possibilities!"[/color] Ella said, ceasing the light beam. [color=764820]”You’ll see a possibility when I take my pants off!”[/color] Lisa shouted. Saskia silently shot a barrage of blood missiles at the blocking hand. It hit the hand and knocked it aside, allowing the beam to hit the Autoknight head-on. It knocked it aside before it grabbed a spire - a mess of suburban houses stacked on top of each other - and threw it at the Spider. [color=764820]”Saskia! Ella!”[/color] Lisa shouted. Meanwhile, Yoko was gathering rocks and carving Kanji on them. [color=DC143C]"Ella, cut it,"[/color] Saskia said, shifting all the blood armour to where the spire was coming towards. At the same time Ella moved across the beam of light, trying to cut the spire into a smaller piece. It was cut in half, but one piece still collided against the spider, knocking it back and its searing beam of pink light off course. Lisa groaned as she fell out of her chair, but quickly climbed back up, and commanded the metal spiders to repair. Only to see a jet of fire flying directly at them. [color=764820]”... [i][b]ELLA![/b][/i]”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"[i][b]I will. Protect. MY. FRIENDS![/b][/i]"[/color] Ella screamed like she was an anime protagonist, the pink beam becoming blinding as she poured even more energy into it. Then it collided with the jet of fire. The two clashed, with the jet of fire clearly winning. [color=764820]”We need more power!”[/color] Lisa shouted as the jet of fire drew closer and closer. [color=fce420]”... [i][b]I CAN OBLIGE![/b][/i]”[/color] Yoko shouted as, one by one, she placed the Kanji-inscribed stones around the spider. Before raising her hands and chanting in Japanese. Her voice rose in cadence as she chanted, with the energy rippling around her. The Kanji on the stones began to glow a bright yellow, the searing heat from the Colossus drew closer, the spider’s frame buckling…. Yoko clapped her hands together and shouted, [color=fce420]”[i][b]HEAR ME ANCESTORS, GRANT THEM STRENGTH![/b][/i]”[/color] Golden streaks of light erupted from the stones and snaked around the Mecha Spider. Before the glowing tendrils merged with their frame, they filled it with power like no other, which Lisa immediately noticed. The beam flared, intensified, and pushed against the jet of fire. Lisa grinned. [color=764820]”... Ella [i]now![/i]”[/color] she shouted [color=e77fbf]"AHHHHH- DIE!"[/color] Ella screamed. The beam intensified further, going from bright pink to a cascading rainbow. It overpowered the jet of fire, before slamming into the large Autoknight. The intensely hot light melted a massive hole through it before Ella directed it across, slicing it in half… then completely destroying it. Lisa threw her hands in the air, [color=764820]”We did it!”[/color] There was an awkward silence. [color=764820]”... Now what?”[/color] Yoko cupped her hands at her mouth and shouted, [color=fce420]”Now Disciple! VERY carefully blow down the gates to the castle! And be VEEEERY careful so we don't destroy the Wayfinders!”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"I'm not sure if I can make it weaker!"[/color] Ella shouted back. She furrowed her brows, carefully moving the beam of light towards the gates. She did her best to tone it down, beam going from rainbow and back to pink as it hit the gates, blowing it down in a cloud of smoke. [i]...?...?...Wayfinders…?...?...still…?... one piece.[/i] Yoko unsheathed the Yokai Killer - glowing a brilliant blue - and raised it. [color=fce420]”Let’s go, friends! Your power boost should last you several [i]hours,[/i]”[/color] Yoko said, [color=fce420]”Use it wisely!”[/color] Lisa grinned, raising her hands and effortlessly summoning a chitin carpet. [color=764820]”... Oh we will,”[/color]