[color=f49ac2][centre][H2]Daphne[/H2][/centre][/color] [color=f49ac2][centre][H3]Eye of the Beholder[/H3][/centre][/color] [color=f49ac2][centre][H3]Amazon Action time.[/H3][/centre][/color] Daphne headed over at a fast walking pace and moved with speed towards the Prince's side with an easy gait, through her eyes narrowed as she looked upon Ayel and Prince talking together. Daphne just had a potential migraine at the idea of them having to try and work with this man, man being a generous term in Daphne's mental book that included a lot of very impolite words.[color=f49ac2] “Aye, Your highness. I know the basics, we need to move while we still have something to follow. Lord Coswain, Lady Persephone and priestess might be at the Temple. We have to be careful not to attack our own if they investigated.”[/color] Daphne said as she realised that slow would just mean more lives lost or a threat lost about the outskirts of the town if it was a beast, blight or both. Ayel however sent Daphne's mind into a very different place as violet eyes glared at him and gave a clear and distinct air of danger as she unlike airlines had no restrictions on being exhausted too quickly with magic, she had limits but they were very likely a lot more than his. Her voice dropped to a very quiet tone and barely raised her voice above a whisper as she stood. She wanted to do a lot of things but her mind was stronger than her heart on the matter and she channeled her anger, frustrations and her brushed off attempt to chat someone up inwards to push her harder instead. Healthy…no… was it the right time to punch him in the gut and break his perfect nose. Alas no especially next to Prince. Her eyes however told exactly how she felt as she almost thought they would have glowed with how intense her feelings had got. Her response was distracted away by the arrival of the tall sage, who was with Eris and danced with. She was visibly annoyed and glaring daggers at the nobleman with a spirit of angry 1000 Angry honey badgers, as she quietly seethed.[color=f49ac2] “You”[/color] barely stuffed out of date sofa cushion. Then Daphne had a great idea.. as she cut off her rant as she was about to start, an evil plan…. Persephone would be proud of her. [color=f49ac2]“Oh I tried to be gentle and spare you, I'm just not into that…you wanted me to… wear a wig and dress like a peasant girl. you keep taking your anger out on me when you need to learn how to manage rejection dear. Im not even gonna try to understand the other . ... thing... step on you?”[/color] Daphne said softly and changed her tone to be subtle, quiet but audible. She gave Nathanial a wink and a grin as she turned filled with an expression to make most men want to flee to the nearest castle. (Aimed at Ayel) [color=f49ac2]“Agh, I'm afraid we are doing a different dance of blades this time, but I could always use a partner to watch my back.”[/color] Daphne said with a confident tone and much warmer than a positively soul shuddering sweetness she chose to employ before that. (Nate) She was ready, Daphne kept one hand at ready on one weapon at all times, and she had her hair all done to avoid being grabbed, her fighting knife at back, twin blades and boot knife to name 4. She gave the Prince a look that she was entirely not sorry and kept a very close eye on lord Ayel of the house of migraines. [color=f49ac2]"This man, Valthyr, He might be able to help us as a scout. Its weird...but... Dawn Haven."[/color] Daphne just shrugged, what he said made no sense but if it worked... she would save those she was close to, weird be glad for. ... [@Echotech71][@Dezuel][@Dezuel][@The Muse][@Fetzen]