[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240926/63c09cf249a18af3ad19f68f671ced56.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uoOgCyO.jpeg[/img] [color=5946b2][h3]Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios[/h3][/color] [color=5946b2]Interacting with:[/color][/center] [color=60cf11]CĂ©line[/color] & [color=9a45dc]Ivor[/color] ([@SkeankySnack]) [hr][sup][b][u]Fade-To-Black Counter - 0[/u][/b][/sup][hr] [right][sup][b][u]Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning[/u][/b][/sup][/right] Ranni's religious fervor broke abruptly, shattered by a myriad of factors serving to tear her from that moment of raw focus. The first, and perhaps the most jarring, was a sudden yank from the back of her collar. A yelp of surprise left her lips as the world seemed to suddenly come back into focus. Her mental outreach seeming to cut off from all as suddenly, timed about the same as Ranni landed on her rear with a shot of pain racing up her body. The Prince's words cut through the noise of her buzzing mind, revealing that he'd somehow heard her prayer. At the same time, Ranni could... [i]feel[/i] Tia's own sudden shock and concern projected towards her. That, and somehow able to hear the myriad of curses and concern racing through Dyna's mind. Some chastising Ranni for doing something so dangerous, and others aimed at Dyna herself for not realizing how much pain Ranni was truly suffering from. The Priestess' eyes seemed to glisten as tears grew within them, tracing warm paths down her cheeks. Her prayers, albeit not overtly, had been answered. Instead of being consumed in a fury of flame, Dyna had been allowed to yank her back from the brazier. The thoughts consuming her suppressed by the relief spreading through her. Kept down by the feeling of the comforting thoughts of those closest to her. Ranni took a long few moments to collect her breath, looking towards her sister and offering a small smile of reassurance. [color=5946b2][b]"I'm okay, sister."[/b][/color] She said softly, and finding that her words did absolutely nothing to shake the concern written all over Dyna's face even as Ranni slowly pushed herself to her feet. A moment was taken to straighten out her robes, it wouldn't do for a Priestess to be going about with dirtied robes. Another deep breath was slowly taken then, then exhaled as Ranni used the moment to regain control of the final remnants of said runaway emotions from before. She'd gotten her answer. Now was not the time to deal with those dark memories, such luxuries could come later. As she calmed herself, Ranni's attention immediately shifted towards the back of the temple, as if she could see through the wall and the person walking towards Tia's door. [color=5946b2][b]"We've guests."[/b][/color] She said to Dyna, attention now shifting towards the entrance of the temple as two more opened and entered the building. The thought not even occurring to Ranni about [i]how[/i] she'd been able to... feel their presence. That only came after she looked over to see nothing but an expression of pure surprise on her sister's features. Only then did she realized she'd noticed several people without ever seeing them. That she could hear Dyna's thoughts. That... that somehow the Prince had heard [i]her[/i] silent prayer. [color=5946b2][i][b]What did the blight do to me?[/b][/i][/color] She wondered to herself, before shaking her head suddenly. [color=5946b2][i][b]Later. Work to do.[/b][/i][/color] She thought before turning her attention towards Dyna. [color=5946b2][b]"Can you head back to check on Priestess Tia? See what our guest back there needs, and I'll handle the two newcomers."[/b][/color] Ranni said, and upon receiving a nod of confirmation, stepped past her sister towards the two at their front door. Albeit, one of them looked rather surprised by something within the temple. A polite bow was offered towards the two, and a friendly smile given towards them both. [color=5946b2][b]"Welcome, I am Ranni, one of the Priestess' of Aelios. You said your friend has an offering to the Goddess? Perhaps I could assist in offering that to her while my sister fetches Priestess Tia to collect your things?"[/b][/color] She said softly, before pausing and adding a question. [color=5946b2][b]"And, might I ask, what it was you meant when you said you've seen my sister before?"[/b][/color] She asked, having a sinking feeling as to precisely what the other meant. The dark thoughts sitting at the back of her mind once more called out, reminding her of what she'd become... that [i]she[/i] was likely the cause. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240926/78cd25df8021e5f50524fcb4184a79be.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RAIBMij.jpeg[/img] [color=daa520][h3]Dyna Soleil[/h3][/color] [color=daa520]Interacting with:[/color][/center] [color=lemonchiffon]Tingara Tomae[/color] ([@c3p-0h]) || [color=6ecff6]Gadez Paladice[/color] ([@Dezuel]) [right][sup][b][u]Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning[/u][/b][/sup][/right] As Ranni seemed to come back to her, Dyna felt the hints of a smile grow upon her lips. As Ranni seemed to collect herself, Dyna now clearly hearing all of her thoughts, the girl just sat there silently and held her sister. She stood with her sister, and watched with utter confusion as Ranni seemed to just... know that there were others coming into the temple without having ever seen them. Yet, she knew better than to comment on these strange developments. Certainly when she could feel those dark thoughts still boiling within Ranni's mind, just underneath the surface. There was so much she wanted to do, to say, to make her sister feel better. To shield her from all the pain and hurt in the world... yet she could do none of it. Not when the trouble was locked firmly within her sister's own mind. So, Dyna bit her tongue, she knew that Ranni would talk to her. To ask for help when it was needed. All she could do for now was be there for her sister and let her fight those mental terrors on her own. Dyna's attention was stolen by the... clearly blighted, woman staring her direction and muttering about having seen her before. She looked towards Ranni, wondering if perhaps Ranni's mental... projection had been powerful enough to reach this woman as well. She'd been about to ask the woman, but was interrupted by her sister suggesting specific roles for the two of them to handle the newcomers in the temple. Dyna was stunned, for a moment, caught off-guard by her sister's focus their jobs at hand despite both the turmoil in her mind and the tears on her cheek. Yet, it occurred to her, that the focus on the task at hand might be a helpful distraction for Ranni. To avoid the darkness holding onto her. So, with a little nod and a move to wipe away the tear on Ranni's cheek, the Champion turned away from her sister. Walking instead back towards Tia's room where she noticed the blonde man she'd seen briefly at the tavern standing in the hall. [color=daa520]" 'Scuse me."[/color] She called to him, deciding to try and intercept the man before he bothered Tia too much. [color=daa520]"Mayhaps whatever you needed from the Priestess, I could assist you with? I'd wager by her being in her quarters that she'd prefer not to be bother-"[/color] She said, being cut off as the door opened and Tia appeared. [color=daa520]"Or... or not."[/color] Dyna said softly as she shifted her attention towards Tia. [color=daa520]"Ah, my bad Priestess. Priestess Ranni wanted me to come back to check on you while she welcomed the two who just arrived."[/color] She said by way of explanation, offering a polite bow of her head and using a more formal manner of speech around the man she didn't know. Her gaze then shifted back up to Tia, seeking out how the Priestess wanted to proceed with the situation.