[hider=Pilot Dossier: Virtanen, Emma][center][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3f/5f/51/3f5f51499a0d3eb7a9f2617d6401fc58.jpg[/img] [H3]EMMA 'MISFIT' Virtanen[/H3][/center][/center] [h3][indent][b][code]D O S S I E R : I D #478240199[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Name:[/code][/b] [code]Virtanen, Emma[/code] [b][code]Callsign:[/code][/b] [code]Misfit[/code] [b][code]Rank:[/code][/b] [code]O-3 Lieutenant[/code] [b][code]Kills:[/code][/b] [code]27[/code] [b][code]Gender:[/code][/b] [code]Female[/code] [b][code]Age:[/code][/b] [code]25[/code] [b][code]Height:[/code][/b] [code]5'7''[/code] [b][code]Weight:[/code][/b] [code]137 lbs[/code] [h3][indent][b][code]S E R V I C E R E C O R D[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Psychological Analysis:[/code][/b] [code] An honor bound deep spacer, Virtanen is a gifted MAS pilot, and military officer steeped in an esoteric culture that most in the 101st Special Operations Group still don't halfway understand. Accustomed to violence and bloodshed, small and great, Virtanen dutifully fights for the UEE. The line between life and death is razor thin in space, leaving Virtanen dismayed only when resources or lives are needlessly wasted. There’s no place for emotion on the battlefield, as far as Virtanen is concerned, and she aims to keep her blood full of ice. Virtanen values aggression in combat above all else, having learned early on that if you hit hard and fast, things tend to go your way. Schooled by the heterodox instructors at the UEE military academy orbiting Jupiter, Virtanen embodies the determined, flexible style of soldierly expected from the notoriously harsh MAS pilot program established at the ends of the solar system. Trained to operate autonomously with other MAS pilots, Virtanen is comfortable operating under enemy fire and deep behind enemy lines. Burned into every fiber of her being as a MAS pilot is the singular idea that the only truly mortal sin is to hesitate. Steadfastly devoted to her adopted clan, the 7th MAS Squadron, Virtanen believes that orders can be disobeyed, rules can be broken…as long as the mission is successful and the squadron lives to fight another day. Fond of socializing, Virtanen can drink vodka with the best of the 101st SOG and is infamous within the unit for the amount of strong spirits that she can consume in one sitting. In more quiet moments, Virtanen is fond of sharing exceedingly dry jokes and clever music. Offered enough to drink, she has on occasion been known to grace her comrades with a song and delicate strum of her guitar. For all her many admirable qualities and talents, Virtanen has a small number of disciplinary incidents on her military record. When queried about these demerits, Virtanen explains with a shrug and bored look that they were simply the result of unfortunate cultural misunderstandings. [/code] [b][code]Personal Record:[/code][/b] [code] Emma Sofia Virtanen was born the youngest child and third daughter in a middling merchant family known to traverse the stars in a motley collection of rust bucket ships. A spacer from the moment of her birth, she grew up with little concept of a permanent home beyond the gently humming crew quarters of her parent's ancient ship. Entire planetary systems were stopping points for fleeting bursts of time. Two weeks was a lengthy stay and half-year an eternity. Known as the VAKAYA, her kindred lived in an ever-changing and ever-shifting mercantile fleet that sought to acquire new profits amidst the stars. Loosely governed by a confederation-style council, true power resided with one of the thirteen familial clans that made up the fleet population. The Virtanen family, as a lesser family, sellswords turned merchants, were widely seen as a newer, more brutish caste of traders. Related, one and all, by blood or adoption, every member of the fleet was bound to one of these thirteen great houses, the clans that had journeyed into the uncharted reaches of space. These ties meant honor and more to the denizens of the mercantile fleet. Subterfuge was a matter of each precious breath of recycled air, as each rival family vied for more power and greater standing amongst their peers. Assassins and assassinations were expected, provided the proper forms were adhered to. Inter-familial and intra-familial violence was seen as no less just. Attacks, once discovered, were settled though coin, duels or lengthy blood feuds. However, these duels and vendettas followed strict rituals, long recorded and remembered. Any breach of these time honored decrees was punished with harsh brutality. Steeped in such a culture. Raised to value the honor of her clan. Taught to stay true to such paradoxical principles, Virtanen bloodied her knife before she could read. Still, her people were traders. Her parents dealt in the resources required to create and sustain life. Water and Oxygen were their chief wares. Sensitive to the needs of the warring factions, the UEE and Coalition, Virtanen’s parents sought out rare metals when it was feasible. Faced with plenty, they would seek out consumer goods, chasing projected demand in nearby systems. Adhering to their own particular brand of honor, her family did not shy from the transportation of contraband…be it drugs, harvested organs, or battlefield souvenirs. Holding that breaking the law was no moral failure so long as profits were secured and the security of the familial fleet was maintained, the VAKAYA maintained a soft view of crime across. Consequently, all thirteen families and their ancillary vassal clans cultivated generational ties to various criminal syndicates found throughout human inhabited space. Smuggling, particularly of weapons and munitions, became highly profitable in times of heightened conflict between the UEE and Coalition. Such…profitable years seemed increasingly certain as Virtanen grew into her adolescent years. The Virtanen family grew richer as the war raged endlessly onwards. Her parents taught her to be a survivor and Virtanen accepted their stern lessons unquestioningly. Night was dark, and space was so cold. Living to measure the passing of another day was victory enough. Spending her formative years in the hulking cargo holds of trade liners, Virtanen began to pilot mobile suits before she had fully launched out of her childhood. Twelve solar years was old enough to pilot according to her esteemed father. She was old enough to defend her honor. She was old enough to stand for her family. She was old enough to die…and therefore she was certainly old enough to learn. The first MAS she piloted was a refurbished CMS-110 Gowser M. A civilian grade MAS designed and produced in Coalition space, Virtanen had watched her uncles assemble it piece by salvaged piece. Barely functional, the battered mobile suit had been seal-checked and reinforced with hastily welded armor to protect against space debris. Virtanen remembers the moment fondly. The darkness of space. The silence of nothingness. It remains her most cherished memory. The feeling of oneness she felt with the MAS. How the controls felt like her own hands. How each movement, each firing thruster felt as if she was moving her own limbs. It was the pivotal point in her existence, the event that changed her life. The experience that guided her forever forwards. She was a pilot then, she knew, and nothing else. With growing frequency, as the war between the UEE and Coalition intensified, Virtanen found herself working with commercial agents of the UEE. Desperate as it was to support the forces it had scattered across the stars, the UEE turned to civilian merchants to transport military materials. If some were lost along the way…well, that was simply the price of doing business. Driven by fear and necessity, the Neutral States and fiefdoms of the FEZ began to pay a premium price for any weapons, munitions, or MAS that could be provided. In such a time of profit, uncharacteristically for one of the VAKAYA, Virtanen found herself despairing at the mundanity of her life. She grew tired of the venerable rust bucket she called home. Piloting civilian mobile suits did not fill her with as much joy as it once did. Listening to the council of a distant aunt, a fearsome woman who had once fought the Coalition as a member of a mercenary company, Virtanen sought out an old friend. Through discrete methods, she reached out to a shadowy agent of the UEE. Commander Nyman, they called him. A half-chrome graybeard, he had been a soldier, a MAS pilot before he lost half his limbs and as much of his body to the Coalition. She trusted him little, but he knew her, he was a man who knew that she could pilot. He was a man who had seen her pilot Gowser through space more deftly than pilots with training and years far beyond hers. Enlisting in the UEE Navy shortly after she turned eighteen, she was sent to the UEE Jupiter Military Academy. Fast tracked for pilot training, Virtanen took to military life easily, finding the structure and stern, some would say unforgiving, discipline of the Jupiter Academy a familiar reminder of her previous life. Graduating at the top of her class, despite two disciplinary incidents, Virtanen was assigned to the 10th Light MAS Division. Learning from the veterans in the unit, Virtanen participated in a series of security operations intended to secure UEE space bordering the Free Economic Zone. The culmination of Virtanen’s time with the 10th Light MAS Division was her participation in Operation Ruffian. A large-scale military operation involving no less than three full MAS divisions, Operation Ruffian targeted an increasingly powerful pirate kingdom, the Republic of Placidia. Ruled by an infamous pirate, Thrice-Hanged Thomas, the ironically named corsair republic had begun to threaten trade critical to the continued supply of vital raw materials from the FEZ to the UEE. Utilizing three entire MAS divisions, the UEE military forces simultaneously invaded five pirate infested systems in a lightning attack that caught the Republic of Placidia by surprise. Unprepared, the pirates nonetheless fought desperately and UEE casualties were higher than the operation planners had predicted. Along with the other MAS squadrons of the 10th Light MAS Division, Virtanen fought to capture the pirate havens that permitted the unwelcome raiders to survive. Although the capture of these settlements was prioritized, their destruction was deemed acceptable. Targeting space sports and orbital stations, the 10th Light MAS Division helped to cripple the offensive capability of the Placidians. Fighting across the planets claimed by the pirates, Virtanen received a crash course in urban warfare. She learned to fight between buildings. She learned to hide in rubble. She learned to fight under horrendous conditions. She saw what she decided was the true face of war. In the ruins, she experienced the horrific nature of battles conducted in the midst of civilians. Fighting street to street, building to building, and tunnel to tunnel. The grinder never stopped churning out meat and metal. Confronted by an enemy force willing to do anything to survive, the 10th MAS was forced to improvise in order to minimize casualties, both their own and civilian. To cap off Operation Ruffian, Virtanen and her comrades launched an attack on a mining asteroid turned pirate stronghold. Pushing beneath the pocked surface, the 10th MAS fought in giant corridors carved out of rock to allow the movement of industrial machinery and mined material. Scrambling in the dark, Virtanen’s squad was ambushed. Critically damaged, her squad leader was forced to eject. Temporarily outnumbered due to shifting tides in the battle, Virtanen held her own. Conducting an aggressive counterattack, Virtanen charged, destroying two repurposed civilian Ultra-Light MAS and several combat vehicles before the pirates could react. Taking modest damage, Virtanen managed to protect her squad leader until reinforcements could arrive. Afterwards, Virtanen received a brief mention in daily dispatches for her bravery. Following another promotion, to Lieutenant Junior Grade, was then transferred to the 25th MAS Commando. No longer relegated to the position of a pirate hunter, she was posted with her new unit to the front line. Taking part in regular fighting against the Coalition military forces. Fighting from battlefield to battlefield, she participated in rapid raids deep into coalition space. Raiders, the 25th MAS Commando were tasked with risky operations that targeted manufacturing facilities located deep within Coalition controlled space. Her new enemies were far from pirates. The Coalition military forces were well-trained, well-equipped, and well-motivated. Virtanen learned quickly to respect their pilots and the high powered MAS they piloted. A notable moment in her military career was her participation in a strike aimed at crippling Coalition munitions manufacturing in the Brahe system. Having inflicted significant damage on the facility, the 10th MAS was faced with a superior enemy force of Coalition MAS. Cut-off from their supporting ground assets, Virtanen and her unit were forced to fight a running retreat from the rapid response force that chased them. Engaging leading elements of the pursuing Coalition forces, Virtanen found herself facing a Coalition Ace, Herman "Madcap" Weber. In the desperate fight that followed, Virtanen took near fatal damage, recovering only by the smallest of margins. Channeling her remaining strength and utilizing every ounce of aggression, Virtanen succeeded in destroying Madcap and his souped up MAS with a flurry of beam sabre cuts. Promoted again, Virtanen was permitted a short R&R, before being reassigned to the 101st Special Forces Group. Almost two years have passed since then and Virtanen has established herself as a critical asset to her squadron. She's a gifted MAS pilot. She's a good shot. She follows orders well. She fights hard. She doesn’t quit. She rarely complains. And she can sleep practically anywhere, no matter the noise or light. [/code] [hider=VAKAYA]Vapaa kauppiaiden yhteiskunta → Free Society of Traders[/hider] [b][code]Personal Skills:[/code][/b] [code] A Spacer’s Spacer - A child of the void, Virtanen is right at home operating in space. She is comfortable operating in all three dimensions, handling unexpected spatial orientations and high G’s remarkably well. Once a Merchant, Always a Merchant - Despite her current professional activities, Virtanen hasn’t forgotten her mercantile origins. She can barter. She can haggle. She can appraise. And she can probably tell you where to acquire whatever it is you are looking for, legal or not. Duelist - Virtanen is a skilled duelist, showing a marked aptitude for single combat inside or outside of a MAS. Unarmed, with rocks, with sticks, with edged and bladed weapons, with firearms…it matters not to Virtanen. [/code][/HIDER] [HIDER=GTM-39A LP "Griffin"] [indent][h3][b][code]M O B I L E A R M O R S U I T[/code][/b][/h3][hr][/indent] [center][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/dd/fb/b8/ddfbb8a4d859f31d5db398561be39f95.jpg[/img][/center][/center] [indent][h3][code]S P E C I F I C A T I O N S[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [b][code]Designation:[/code][/b] [code]GTM-39A LP (Limited Production)[/code] [b][code]Role:[/code][/b] [code]Assault & General Purpose[/code] [b][code]Weight Class:[/code][/b] [code]Medium[/code] [b][code]Description:[/code][/b] [code] The GTM-39A Griffin is a powerful hybrid Medium MAS designed to provide the UEE special forces with an assault MAS combining good striking power, range, endurance, and mobility in one "affordable" package. Produced in limited numbers, the GTM-39A Griffin was developed from the PTM-2110 Hippogriff, a failed prototype Medium MAS. Rarely recalled, the Hippogriff was an earlier model of UEE MAS intended to compete against the GTM-041 Centurion. Although the Hippogriff’s performance overwhelmingly surpassed that of the Centurion, particularly at medium to long range, a catastrophic failure during the final testing of the Hippogriff doomed the first iteration of the project. Rising above a bad reputation, the Griffin represents a more refined, easier to pilot design that leverages many of the hard lessons learned from fighting powerful and agile Coalition MAS. A versatile platform, the Griffin is a multirole MAS that can fulfill multiple roles throughout a mission. In its primary configuration, the Griffin has an impressive arsenal of medium to long range weapons centered around a Heavy Plasma Rifle and Modular Missile System.[/code] [indent][h3][code]A R M A M E N T[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [list] [*][b][code]DPW-17 Heavy Beam Rifle (Heavy)[/code][/b] [code]- The DPW-17 is a heavy beam rifle, designed to be used where the penetrative power, stopping power, and range of lighter beam rifles would otherwise be insufficient. The DPW-17 is capable of semi-automatic fire using 20 shot battery banks. Two spare battery banks are carried in armored hip compartments on the Griffin, allowing a further 20 shots per battery bank. These battery banks can be charged directly from the MAS engine core, greatly increasing the combat endurance of the Griffin. However, the greater accuracy, effective range, and penetration of the DPW-17 are offset by its greater expense, greater complexity, its lower rate of fire, and its smaller ammunition capacity both in magazine and carriage.[/code] [*][b][code]MMS-27 Modular Missile System (Primary):[/code][/b] [code]- Mounted on each shoulder of the Griffin is a MMS-27 Modular Missile System. The culmination of recent advances in weapons installation, the MMS-27 makes use of a modular system to allow rapid loadout changes, rearmament, and repairs. Virtanen currently has her Griffin armed with 6 Claymore missiles (anti-Light/anti-Medium MAS) and 6 Javelin missiles (anti-Heavy MAS/anti-Ship). [/code] [*][b][code]EB-21 Beam Sabre (Primary):[/code][/b] [code]- For close combat, the Griffin carries the ubiquitous EB-21 Beam Sabre. Adjustable blade length and a high energy output, ensure that the EB-21 remains capable of cutting through even the thickest Coalition armor. Pre-charged, the EB-21 can be recharged from the MAS core as necessary. The Griffin carries an EB-21 in its right forearm.[/code] [*][b][code]S25 Combat Shield (Secondary):[/code][/b] [code]- To increase the combat endurance of the Griffon, the Medium MAS wields a large combat shield that provides limited directional protection from enemy fire. Anti-beam coating allows the shield to remain light, while still allowing it to absorb a few hits from laser and plasma weapons. To further increase MAS survivability, The S25 adopts the same miniaturized C-1 Reflex Shield Generator used with great success on the Centurion as part of the S22i Independent Combat Shield. The S25 shield can be mounted on the forearm, shoulder, or back of the Griffon using a magnetic clamping system. An additional grip is provided to permit the shield to be held by hand. [/code] [*][b][code]Vulcan Gun 20 mm (Secondary):[/code][/b] [code]- A pair of compact rotary cannons mounted in the head of the Griffin. Each gun holds 225 rounds of 20 mm ammunition. Developed to provide UEE MAS with a weapons platform capable of destroying lightly armored vehicles and aircraft. Slaved to the Upgraded Smart-Targeting Suite of the Griffin, the Vulcans are capable of providing limited directional point defense against incoming missiles. Although decidedly overkill, the 20 mm guns can also be effectively used in an anti-personnel capacity.[/code] [*][b][code]Upgraded Smart-Targeting Suite (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- To ensure the delivery of accurate and deadly fire in all combat environments, the Griffin has been developed around a cutting-edge Smart AI, code named Musketeer, that permits rapid fire on the move.[/code] [*][b][code]C-2 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- To maximize the time that the Griffin can remain combat effective, the Medium MAS is protected by a Class 2 Reflex Shield Generator.[/code] [*][b][code]Countermeasure System (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- The Griffin is equipped with a countermeasure protection system that utilizes flares, chaff, and modulating laser pulses to decoy enemy missiles.[/code] [/list] [/hider]