[quote=@Mae] [@POOHEAD189] Here you go! Hirelings to choose from :) [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/t8ybc73.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/aFsrTrL.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/jDXW7Ua.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/ngwSh9o.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/rINNrCu.png[/img][/center] [Hider=Gorald Splitskinner the Dwarf Level 1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/t8ybc73.png[/img] [h3]Gorald Splitskinner the Dwarf[/h3] [h3][b][color=crimson]5 / 5 HP[/color] [color=161718]||[/color][color=#43B8CC] 17 AC[/color][/b][/h3] [color=#A625E7][b]0 / 2,200 XP[/b][/color][color=161718]||[/color][b]1st Lvl[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [b]N[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod][b]12 GP, 5 SP[/b][/color] [color=cccccc] STR: 13(+1) [color=161718]||[/color] DEX: 11(0) [color=161718]||[/color] INT: 10(0) [color=161718]||[/color] WIS: 10(0) [color=161718]||[/color] CON: 13(+1)[color=161718]||[/color] CHA: 11(0)[/color] [h3][b]90' (30")[/b][/h3] [hider=Saving Throws]Death and Poison: 8 [color=161718]||[/color] Magic Wands: 9 [color=161718]||[/color] Paralysis & Petrification: 10 Breath Attacks: 13 [color=161718][color=161718]||[/color][/color] Spells, Magic Rods, Magic Staves: 12 Wis Mod aka Save vs Magic: 0 [/hider][hider=Adventuring] [b]Detect Construction Tricks[/b]: 2 in 6 [b]Listen at Door:[/b] 2 in 6 [b]Open Stuck Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Find Secret Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Find Room Trap:[/b] 2 in 6 [b]Available Armour:[/b] Any, Including Shields [b]Available Weapons:[/b] Small or Normal Sized [/hider][/center][hider=Skills & Languages] [b]Languages:[/b][list][*]Common [*]Dwarvish [*]Neutral[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Detect Construction Tricks: As expert miners, dwarves have a 2-in-6 chance of being able to detect new construction, sliding walls, or sloping passages when searching. [*]Detect Room Trap (non-magical) [*] 60ft Infravision [/list][/hider] [hider=Equipment and Loot][hider=Equipped Items][list][*][120 // 40"] - 1. Platemail [*][120 // 40"] - 2. Platemail [*][120 // 40"] - 3. Warhammer [*][90 // 30"] - 4. Shortbow (back) [*][90 // 30"] - 5. Shield [*][60 // 20"] - 6. [*][60 // 20"] - 7. [*][30 // 10"] - 8. [*][30 // 10"] - 9.[/list][/hider][hider=Packed Items][list][*][120 // 40"] - 3. [STR 13+ Only] Waterskin [*][120 // 40"] - 4. [STR 9+ Only] 1/6 Torches [*][120 // 40"] - 5. [STR 6+ Only] 5/7 Rations [*][120 // 40"] - 6. [STR 4+ Only] Tinder Box [*][120 // 40"] - 1. Bedroll [*][120 // 40"] - 2. Quiver - 20/20 Arrows [*][120 // 40"] - 3. 12/12 Iron Spikes [*][120 // 40"] - 4. Large Sack [*][120 // 40"] - 5. Small Hammer [*][120 // 40"] - 6. 13GP [*][120 // 40"] - 7. [*][90 // 30"] - 8. [*][90 // 30"] - 9. [*][60 // 20"] - 10. [*][60 // 20"] - 11. [*][30 // 10"] - 12. [*][30 // 10"] - 13.[/list][/hider][hider=Unencumbered Items][list][*]1. Backpack[*]2.[*]3.[*]4.[*]5.[*]6.[*]Ect.[/list][/hider][/hider][/hider][hider=Kitsin the Fighter Level 1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aFsrTrL.png[/img] [h3]Kitsin the Fighter[/h3] [h3][b][color=crimson]6 / 6 HP[/color] [color=161718]||[/color][color=#43B8CC] 13 AC[/color][/b][/h3] [color=#A625E7][b]0 / 1000 XP[/b][/color][color=161718]||[/color][b]1 Lvl[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [b]N[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod][b]9 GP, 0 SP[/b][/color] [color=cccccc] STR: 15(+1) [color=161718]||[/color] DEX: 7(-1) [color=161718]||[/color] INT: 7(-1) [color=161718]||[/color] WIS: 10(0) [color=161718]||[/color] CON: 12(+1)[color=161718]||[/color] CHA: 9(0)[/color] [h3][b]90' (30")[/b][/h3] [hider=Saving Throws]Death and Poison: 12 [color=161718]||[/color] Magic Wands: 13 [color=161718]||[/color] Paralysis & Petrification: 14 Breath Attacks: 15 [color=161718][color=161718]||[/color][/color] Spells, Magic Rods, Magic Staves: 16 Wis Mod aka Save vs Magic: 0 [/hider][hider=Adventuring] [b]Listen at Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Open Stuck Door:[/b] 3 in 6 [b]Find Secret Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Find Room Trap:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Available Armour:[/b] All [b]Available Weapons:[/b] All [/hider][/center][hider=Skills & Languages] [b]Languages:[/b][list][*]Common [*]Neutral[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Cleave: If a Fighter downs a creature they can immediately attack an adjacent target for free. If they are Level 2 or higher, they can use any remaining movement to get in range of a combatant and attack.[/list][/hider][hr][hr] [B]Additional Info:[/b] Smokes like a Chimney [hider=Equipment and Loot] Equipped Items [list][*][120 // 40"] - 1. Chainmail [*][120 // 40"] - 2. Chainmail [*][120 // 40"] - 3. Hand Axe [*][90 // 30"] - 4. Battle Axe [*][90 // 30"] - 5. [*][60 // 20"] - 6. [*][60 // 20"] - 7. [*][30 // 10"] - 8. [*][30 // 10"] - 9.[/list] [hider=Packed Items][list][*][120 // 40"] - 3. [STR 13+ Only] Grappling Hook [*][120 // 40"] - 4. [STR 9+ Only] 7/7 Rations [*][120 // 40"] - 5. [STR 6+ Only] Rope, 50ft [*][120 // 40"] - 6. [STR 4+ Only] Stakes (3) and Mallet [*][120 // 40"] - 1. Waterskin [*][120 // 40"] - 2. Bedroll [*][120 // 40"] - 3. 1/6 Torches [*][120 // 40"] - 4. Tinder Box [*][120 // 40"] - 5. 9GP [*][120 // 40"] - 6. [*][120 // 40"] - 7. [*][90 // 30"] - 8. [*][90 // 30"] - 9. [*][60 // 20"] - 10. [*][60 // 20"] - 11. [*][30 // 10"] - 12. [*][30 // 10"] - 13.[/list][/hider] [hider=Unencumbered Items][list][*]1. Backpack[*]2. Smoking Pipe[*]3.[*]4.[*]5.[*]6.[*]Ect.[/list][/hider][/hider][/hider][hider=Glimshoe Pluckerbottom Halfling Level 1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jDXW7Ua.png[/img] [h3]Glimshoe Pluckerbottom the Halfling, level 1[/h3] [h3][b][color=crimson]5 / 5 HP[/color] [color=161718]||[/color][color=#43B8CC] 12 AC[/color][/b][/h3] [color=#A625E7][b]0 / 2000 XP[/b][/color][color=161718]||[/color][b]1st Lvl[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [b]L[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod][b]20 GP, 13 SP[/b][/color] [color=cccccc] STR: 6(-1) [color=161718]||[/color] DEX: 17(+2) [color=161718]||[/color] INT: 6(-1) [color=161718]||[/color] WIS: 10(0) [color=161718]||[/color] CON: 11(0)[color=161718]||[/color] CHA: 11(0)[/color] [h3][b]90' (30")[/b][/h3] [hider=Saving Throws]Death and Poison: 8 [color=161718]||[/color] Magic Wands: 9 [color=161718]||[/color] Paralysis & Petrification: 10 Breath Attacks: 13[color=161718][color=161718]||[/color][/color] Spells, Magic Rods, Magic Staves: 12 Wis Mod aka Save vs Magic: 0 [/hider][hider=Adventuring] [b]Listen at Door:[/b] 2 in 6 [b]Open Stuck Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Find Secret Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Find Room Trap:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Dungeon Hide Motionless:[/b] 2 in 6 [b]Available Armour:[/b] [b]Available Weapons:[/b] [/hider][/center][hider=Skills & Languages] [b]Languages:[/b][list][*]Common [*]Lawful[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Missile Attack Bonus: Halflings get +1 to all attacks with missile weapons [*]Hide in Plain Sight: - In Woods or Undergrowth, 90% chance to succeed. In Dungeons, a halfling can hide in shadows or other cover at a 2 in 6 chance. A halfling must remain motionless [*]+2 AC vs Large (greater then human sized) creatures.[/list][/hider][hr][hr] [B]Additional Info:[/b] Optional[hider=Halfling's Inventory] Equipped Items[list][*][120 // 40"] - 1. Hand Axe [*][120 // 40"] - 2. Silver Dagger [*][120 // 40"] - 3. Chainmail [*][90 // 30"] - 4. Chainmaill [*][90 // 30"] - 5. [*][60 // 20"] - 6. [*][60 // 20"] - 7. [*][30 // 10"] - 8. [*][30 // 10"] - 9.[/list][/hider] [hider=Packed Items][list][*][120 // 40"] - 5. [STR 6+ Only] Crowbar [*][120 // 40"] - 6. [STR 4+ Only]Rations 7/7 [*][120 // 40"] - 1. Torches 6/6 [*][120 // 40"] - 2. Waterskin [*][120 // 40"] - 3. Bedroll [*][120 // 40"] - 4. Tinderbox [*][120 // 40"] - 5. 34 GP [*][120 // 40"] - 6. [*][120 // 40"] - 7. [*][90 // 30"] - 8. [*][90 // 30"] - 9. [*][60 // 20"] - 10. [*][60 // 20"] - 11. [*][30 // 10"] - 12. [*][30 // 10"] - 13.[/list][/hider] [hider=Unencumbered Items][list][*]1. Backpack[*]2.[*]3.[*]4.[*]5.[*]6.[*]Ect.[/list][/hider] [/hider][hider=Tusmalis the Magic-User, Level 1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ngwSh9o.png[/img] [h3]Tusmalis the Magic-User[/h3] [h3][b][color=crimson]3 / 3 HP[/color] [color=161718]||[/color][color=#43B8CC] 10 AC[/color][/b][/h3] [color=#A625E7][b]0 / 2,500 XP[/b][/color][color=161718]||[/color][b]1st Lvl[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [b]C[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod][b]14 GP, 5 SP[/b][/color] [color=cccccc] STR: 12(0) [color=161718]||[/color] DEX: 10(0) [color=161718]||[/color] INT: 18(+3) [color=161718]||[/color] WIS: 13(0) [color=161718]||[/color] CON: 12(0)[color=161718]||[/color] CHA: 8(-1)[/color] [h3][b]120' (40")[/b][/h3] [hider=Saving Throws]Death and Poison: 13 [color=161718]||[/color] Magic Wands: 14 [color=161718]||[/color] Paralysis & Petrification: 13 Breath Attacks: 16 [color=161718][color=161718]||[/color][/color] Spells, Magic Rods, Magic Staves: 15 Wis Mod aka Save vs Magic: 0 [/hider][hider=Adventuring] [b]Listen at Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Open Stuck Door:[/b] 2 in 6 [b]Find Secret Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Find Room Trap:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Available Armour:[/b] Cloth [b]Available Weapons:[/b] Dagger, Sling, Staff [/hider][/center][hider=Skills & Languages] [b]Languages:[/b][list][*]Common [*]Chaotic [*]+3 Additional Important Languages[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Use Arcane magic Items [*]Spellcaster[/list][/hider][hider= Arcane Spellcasting] [b]Level 1:[/b] Sleep 1 Cast Left [list][*][/list] [/hider] [hr][hr] [B]Additional Info:[/b] Smells faintly of potpourri [hider=Equipment and Loot] [hider=Equipped Items][list][*][120 // 40"] - 1. Dagger [*][120 // 40"] - 2. Sling [*][120 // 40"] - 3. [*][90 // 30"] - 4. [*][90 // 30"] - 5. [*][60 // 20"] - 6. [*][60 // 20"] - 7. [*][30 // 10"] - 8. [*][30 // 10"] - 9.[/list][/hider] [hider=Packed Items][list][*][120 // 40"] - 4. [STR 9+ Only] Bedroll [*][120 // 40"] - 5. [STR 6+ Only] Rope 50ft [*][120 // 40"] - 6. [STR 4+ Only] Standard Rations 3/7 [*][120 // 40"] - 1. 3x Stakes and a Mallet [*][120 // 40"] - 2. Tinderbox [*][120 // 40"] - 3.1/6 Torches [*][120 // 40"] - 4. Waterskin [*][120 // 40"] - 5. Spellbook [*][120 // 40"] - 6. 19 coins [*][120 // 40"] - 7. [*][90 // 30"] - 8. [*][90 // 30"] - 9. [*][60 // 20"] - 10. [*][60 // 20"] - 11. [*][30 // 10"] - 12. [*][30 // 10"] - 13.[/list][/hider] [hider=Unencumbered Items][list][*]1. Backpack[*]2.[*]3.[*]4.[*]5.[*]6.[*]Ect.[/list][/hider][/hider][/hider][hider=Klaude Prelail the Cleric Level 1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rINNrCu.png[/img] [h3]Klaude Prelail the Cleric[/h3] [h3][b][color=crimson]6 / 6 HP[/color] [color=161718]||[/color][color=#43B8CC] 13 AC[/color][/b][/h3] [color=#A625E7][b]0 / 1500 XP[/b][/color][color=161718]||[/color][b]1st Lvl[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [b]L[/b] [color=161718]||[/color] [color=darkgoldenrod][b]13 GP, 0 SP[/b][/color] [color=cccccc] STR: 12(0 [color=161718]||[/color] DEX: 9(0) [color=161718]||[/color] INT: 11(0) [color=161718]||[/color] WIS: 16(+2) [color=161718]||[/color] CON: 9(0)[color=161718]||[/color] CHA: 12(0)[/color] [h3][b]90' (30")[/b][/h3] [hider=Saving Throws]Death and Poison: 11 [color=161718]||[/color] Magic Wands: 12 [color=161718]||[/color] Paralysis & Petrification: 14 Breath Attacks: 16 [color=161718][color=161718]||[/color][/color] Spells, Magic Rods, Magic Staves: 15 Wis Mod aka Save vs Magic: +2 [/hider][hider=Adventuring] [b]Listen at Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Open Stuck Door:[/b] 4 in 6 [b]Find Secret Door:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Find Room Trap:[/b] 1 in 6 [b]Available Armour:[/b] Any [b]Available Weapons:[/b] Blunt only [/hider][/center][hider=Skills & Languages] [b]Languages:[/b][list][*]Common [*]Lawful[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Turn Undead [*]Spellcasting at Level 2[/list][/hider][hider= Divine Spellcasting 0 Spells] [b]Level 1:[/b] 0 Casts Left [list][*][/list] [/hider] [hr][hr] [B]Additional Info:[/b] A fussy eater. [hider=Equipment and Loot] [hider=Equipped Items][list][*][120 // 40"] - 1. Chainmail [*][120 // 40"] - 2. Chainmail [*][120 // 40"] - 3. Sling [*][90 // 30"] - 4. Staff [*][90 // 30"] - 5. [*][60 // 20"] - 6. [*][60 // 20"] - 7. [*][30 // 10"] - 8. [*][30 // 10"] - 9.[/list][/hider] [hider=Packed Items][list][*][120 // 40"] - 2. [STR 16+ Only] Bedroll [*][120 // 40"] - 3. [STR 13+ Only] Waterskin [*][120 // 40"] - 4. [STR 9+ Only] Tinderbox [*][120 // 40"] - 5. [STR 6+ Only] Holy Water [*][120 // 40"] - 6. [STR 4+ Only] Torches 5/6 [*][120 // 40"] - 1. Rations 6/7 [*][120 // 40"] - 2. 5gp [*][120 // 40"] - 3. [*][120 // 40"] - 4. [*][120 // 40"] - 5. [*][120 // 40"] - 6. [*][120 // 40"] - 7. [*][90 // 30"] - 8. [*][90 // 30"] - 9. [*][60 // 20"] - 10. [*][60 // 20"] - 11. [*][30 // 10"] - 12. [*][30 // 10"] - 13.[/list][/hider] [hider=Unencumbered Items][list][*]1. Backpack[*]2. Holy Symbol[*]3.[*]4.[*]5.[*]6.[*]Ect.[/list][/hider] [/hider][/hider] [/quote] Gotta go with the Dwarf! And thank you for the options, Mae <3