Amal had a masterful physique from years of eating lean and climbing rooftops and running from city guards. However, he had to admit that he was looking somewhat emaciated after the last two weeks of being fed either gruel at intermittent intervals, or practically nothing save berries and a few conies while trekking through the Gods forsaken cold of Vaasa. However, when they dropped the food in front of him, he took little time and practically inhaled half of the food, even more actually, since Char seemed to be slightly less hungry than him. Well, she was actually just smaller than he, which made since. By the way she ate, he felt she was devouring as much, if not more than she normally would be able to. She was still careful not to let her hair slip though, only her nose poking out every now and then. He had remembered what it was like to be a street urchin, running from street to street, searching for a meal, going to bed hungry. But it had been some time in his adult life when he had been this famished, and so he filled his belly until the two of them finished all the food in front of them. Even the strange vegetables and the odd fruit pottage was not safe from Amal's appetite. Once the rakish thief was done, he leaned back in his chair and stretched, his long arms spread wide as he yawned. "Drink! We need drink! Eh? Oh, a bottle of ale! Two bottles!" The waitress was not there, but she had heard him, as had a quarter of the room even with the accompanying chatter. A few dozen eyes looked their way, but they were focused on Amal and his jackalish grin and not his swathed companion, luckily. The waitress walked up and plopped the two bottles down, bemused at his manner. Amal improved her mood giving her another bronze coin, and swiped up the bottles in his hand. He winked at Char. "Let us go to the room. I'm sure you'd like to relax while we drink, yes?" Even with the frightening cold, he was sure he would go crazy not being able to show his face, and he felt like getting close to a warm fire rather than sitting here where men belched and laughed like goats.