Hamerlin had left the bridge with a cup of coffee, a sextant, a note book with a guide sheet, the older man was struggling to stay awake so he had another hot cup of coffee and chosen to take the sextant and a use the night sky to calibrate it. the cool night air was cold on his skin but welcome and the light breeze that was a cool constant. a new constant and unused to the effects of being some 2000 plus feet up. They where on course and he would fall asleep if he did not keep busy. Even the complex maths and so he had with 10 notes in 3 books and 5 sets of sums feeding into one where not ernough. He sat down a large ammunition crate next to one of the machine gun mounts and sighed the north star before checking his rather bad handwritten notes of what it should be, his right hand mangled by shrapnel was not the best for fine work, but alas he was right handed. the notes where crude but accurate though and he breathed gently as he adjusted the settings with help of a small tool kit he found on the wall. Watching the lands move below, he sipped on a steaming mug of coffee, the night sky this high up clearer than he had ever seen from the sea making his task an rather technical but satisfying task. The lights of the world glittered from the darkness. His life had changed, his life was … unknown but for the first time in years the former Navy officer had a sense of adventure, daring and a much more simple sense of what he had to do. Part of him smiled and was glad, he was his old self more again. He thought back as he worked slowly through each calibration, slowly and steady making tiny adjustments with the small tool kit lining everything up as well as the quality allowed. He was worried about people, friends and lovers but chaos erupted so fast, they barely had a chance to even react to events, guards were barely at their stations before the gun fire crippled all over the city. The 5th column, regular army had them on the backdoor reacting from the very start they had every advantage and exploited it without fail. The handle of the sea knife as he took It to remove some dirt from slotted screws on the device was now stained a redish broken, the blood soaked Into worn wood from its lethal use. He doubted it would be the last time they had to fight before they finished this chapter of the adventure. He would catch a dew naps and so overnight, he would take readings om regular rimes, the wind was meant to be steady, speed steady, so the course was unlikely to drift by more than a hand full of degrees at worst. Their was likely a cot near bridge he could catch a few winks of rest. He was not the same 18 year old, he needed some rest.