As he worked, he had a million thoughts on his mind. He had to make sure he did things the way he wanted to here. Had to remember the fastest route out of the house. Had to remember the route to his hidden car. Had to go through the checklist of the emergency accomodations he had set up, incase he had ever needed to a disposable location, or house someone. He had never thought he would, but that's what a 'just in case' is good for. Then it was time to leave. A couple bottles snatched on the way and he had been about to gesture to where he had the car hidden. He had made a mental note to pull the towel and blanket to the front for her, he knew she was going to get soaked - and in that outfit, that was asking for hypothermia. But his gesture was interupted by the sound of a door shutting suddenly. He could feel the change in air pressure behind him, as well as the tension in his new companion's body. Before anything happened next, she was pulling him out into the storm, "hold on, go left!" he pointed towards the bushy edge of the property, where the road met the driveway. Jumping into the old beat up sedan, he slid the key in and as soon as it purred to life, he peeled out. He only remembered to breathe again once they got onto the road. "Alright girl, grab yourself a towel from the back, and start talking." He shook his head, shifting gears as he went to keep up the speed, just on the edge of where it would be illegal. It would be really bad to have to murder a cop for seeing Adam disheveled with demon blood on him.