[center][i][h1]Area Map[/h1][/i] [hider=Substantially better Map:] [img]https://i.ibb.co/T2HHbzp/Fantasy-Village-Life.png[/img] This lovely map was provided by [@Dragonydas] Please give them all the love and hugs.[/hider] [hider=Basic-bitch Map 'cuz I don't do fancy art-stuff:] 7 8 9 5 1 6 2 3 4 [list][*]1 The Nameless Village [*]2. [b]Tanglesteppe Hills[/b] [*]3. [b]Sandshore Cove[/b] [*]4. [b]Bubblebog Swamp[/b] [*]5. [b]Scorchrise Dunes[/b] [*]6. [b]Springwood Forest[/b] [*]7. [b]Cragstone Valley[/b] [*]8. [b]Snowsleet Highlands[/b] [*]9. [b]Sunnybreeze Plains[/b][/list]][/hider][/center] [hider=Area Descriptions:] [b]1. The Nameless Village:[/b] The Village is located in a small, grassy vale, with thin trees and sparse bushes around it. The climate is temperate and the area doesn't seem to have any monsters, apart from the rare slime. The buildings are, at this point, mostly falling apart, except for two structures near the center of the hamlet. There's also a well and a weird star-shaped statue at the heart of the town too. The roads are simple dirt patsh that've mostly begun to become overgrown by invading grass once more. The settlement is located about a 30 minute walk from all of the surrounding areas, give or take. [/hider] [hr] [i][center][h1]Village NPCs[/h1][/center][/i] [hider=Daryl & Sheryl:] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/isekai-smartphone/images/0/0b/BarralAnime.png[/img][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/isekai-smartphone/images/0/0f/Micah_Anime.png[/img][/center] [b]Daryl Brax:[/b] Daryl is a fairly tall and well-built human male, with brown hair and eyes. He dresses simply, and is most often seen wearing a dark apron. He's a friendly and jovial man, and loves his wife very dearly. He's a carpenter of several years worth experience. Daryl's speech is [color=beige]Beige[/color]. [b]Sherly Brax:[/b] Sheryl is the wife of Daryl. She's got vivid red hair and equally red eyes, but like her husband dresses fairly simply. She can be a bit tough on her husband and often scold him for his impulsive or not-very-well-thought-through plans, but she does love him a great deal. She's a seamstress by trade and is quite handy with needle and thread. Sheryl's speech is [color=lightpink]Light Pink[/color].[/hider] [hider=Milni the Huntress:] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3bfa2060-c5fd-4139-9485-609c77adfd4a.jpg[/img][/center] Milni's a fairly young dwarf. She makes a living as a hunter and trapper, along with doing some skinning and leatherworking. She's usually quiet and often seems lost in thought, but a nice enough girl otherwise. She's very skilled with her crossbow and a good tracker, of both beast and man. The horns she wears on her head are from some critter shee hunted - don't worry, they're not attached to her head. Milni's speech is [color=gold]Gold[/color].[/hider] [hider=Victor & Wilma:] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kamitachini-hirowareta-otoko/images/d/d5/Reinbach.png[/img] [img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/watashi-ni-tenshi-ga-maiorita/images/2/2c/Yuu.webp[/img][/center] [b]victor Sayber:[/b] Victor is an elderly human, with light grey hair and dull blue eyes. Despite his age he still has a seemingly strong and fit physique. He also seems to come from money, as he dresses in fairly fine garments. He used to run a successful business as a merchant back in the day, but has since retired. He's a sharp old coot with a quick wit, not one to let his age get the better of him. While he tries to be a good guardian for his granchild, he can't help but dote and spoil her sometimes. He's an honest and good-natured man otherwise. Victor's speech is [color=silver]Silver[/color]. [b]Wilma Sayber:[/b] Wilma is the grandchild of Victor. She's got brown hair tied into a pair of braids and brown, almond-shaped eyes. She's very short and very young. As a young child, she can loud, selfish and a general nuisance at times - especially since she eems to come from a well-off family. But on the other hand, she gets easily attached to people who're kind to her and isn't shy about showing her affection and fondness for them. She gets very concerned when people she likes get sick or injured. She has absolutely no worthwhile skills what so ever. Wilma's speech is [color=aqua]Aqua[/color].[/hider] [hr] [center][i][h1]Other NPCs[/h1][/i][/center] Nobody here yet. :( [hr] [center][h1][i]Monsters:[/i][/h1][/center] [b]Note;[/b] The monsters listed in the zones below are not the full, complete roster of creatures you can encounter in each area. Rather, these are just the [i][b]most common[/b][/i] things you're likely to run into - in that region - without specifically searching for a certain creature. [hider=Springwood Forest Monsters:] [list][*][b]Forest Slimes[/b] - They're the same as blue and green plain slimes, but a darker, more leafy green. They're also faster, and they're aggressive, leaping at anyone or any living thing that gets too close. Their bodies burn like nettles or mild acid, and they're sticky like sap. [*][b]Goblin[/b] - A small, ugly, gnarled green or yellow-skinned creature with long, droopy pointed ears and a lanky frame. They're weak and cowardly and only attack if there's more than one of them. They use extremely primitive tools like sticks, bones or rocks as weapons. They don't speak the commmon tongue and cannot be communicated with. [*][b]Kobold[/b] - A small, humanoid dog or lizard-like monster. Roughly the size of a goblin, which is roughly the size of an average human child around 10 years old. They're likewise cowardly and primitive like goblins, but a bit better organized and pose a slightly greater threat. [*][b]Dire Wolf[/b] - A really big wolf, so big it can't be considered a regular animal anymore. They're also solitary, unlike regular wolves who live and work as packs. They're very ferocious, strong and have sharp fangs and claws - but luckily they're an uncommon creature. [*][b]Myconid[/b] - A humanod mushroom being. They look like a giant mushroom with a pair of small, spindly legs and spindly arms. They mostly show up during the night. While they themselves aren't particularly dangerous, the spores they can spray from their cap-like head can cause a number of unpleasant effects, including blindness, poison, temporary paralysis, sleep and confsuion (though only one effect at a time). Myconids vary in size, and can be as small as a newborn human baby or as big as a fully grown adult dwarf. [*][b]Horned Rabbit[/b] - A large breed of rabbit that has a unicorn-like horn growing from its forehead. Unlike regular rabbits, they're predatory omnivores and quite territorial - and they don't fear humanoids, often charging them either to impale with their horn, or bite with their sharp teeth. Their meat is tasty and their fur is pretty though, so they're sometimes hunted as wild game. Their horns may have some use too. [*][b]Forest Spider[/b] - A spider that's the size of a fully grown bulldog. Well, their body is, though they look even bigger on account of their legs. They're predatory giant insects who live in the trees and caves. They can spin webs to catch prey in, have tow sharp front legs that end in dagger-like appendages that they use to cut enemies and food apart with, and have nasty mandibles with a lesser venom in them. They usually hang out in dark places. [*][b]Armored Boar[/b] - A large boar that doesn't look too different from a regular boar, except both the males and females have tusks. They're also covered in a thick layer of segmented skin-plates, sort of like an armadillo, which acts as 'armor', hence their name. They're usually shy, but will get angry if cornered, surprised or if they have young with them. In terms of size, they're slightly larger than a regular boar, but not by much. [*][b]Thunderhawk[/b] - A blue-colored bird the size of a regular hawk. What makes them special is that they can generate electricity around themselves via magic, and use it to shoot either a single bolt of lightning in a chosen direction, or discharge a static field around them, to zap enemies and prey. They usually stay away from humanoids, but can sometimes attack if they feel threatened or want to steal food from others.[/list][/hider]