[center][h1][color=#ffd700][b]Tristan Glory[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dqkP1Rw/Trist1.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=Inventory][h3][u][b]Inventory[/b][/u][/h3] Pokedollars: $4,600 Pokeballs: 20 Premiere balls: 0 Potions: 1 Repel: 1 Camping gear Old and tattered Pokémon textbook (gifted by Nurse Joy) Moomoo Milk: 6 Allergy Medicine Emergency care kit (includes one multi-bristled brush, comb, tweezers, clippers, skin cream, compact mirror) Special Gear: Mystery Files (quest item) Ice stone: 1 [/hider][/center] [center][hider=On-Hand][u][b]Pokémon Team[/b][/u] [hider=King][b]King[/b] [img]https://projectpokemon.org/images/shiny-sprite/murkrow-f.gif[/img] Species: Darkness Pokémon Type: Flying/Dark Level: 12 Ability: Super luck (Increases the chance of critical hits by 1 stage.) Moveset: Peck: King uses its sharp beak to peck at the opponent. (fly/att) Astonish: King startles the opponent with a surprise attack. (dark/att) Pursuit: King chases down and attacks an opponent trying to flee. (dark/att) Feather Dance: King flutters its feathers to lower the opponent's attack.(flying/debuff) Haze: King releases a mist to eliminate all stat changes. ( status change reset) [/hider] [hider=Princess][b]Princess[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/26/Spr_5b_447.png[/img] Species: Emanation Pokémon Gender: Female Type: Fighting Level: 9 Ability: Prankster (Gives priority to status moves) Moveset: Quick Attack: Princess lunges quickly to strike the opponent. (normal/att) Endure: Princess endures any attack with at least 1 HP remaining. (normal/buff) Feint: Princess strikes with a swift attack that ignores the opponent's defenses. (dark/att) Metal Claw: Princess attacks with sharp claws made of metal. (metal/att) [/hider] [hider=Ace][b]Ace[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/f/fa/Spr_5b_255_m.png[/img] Species: Chick Pokémon Gender: Male Type: Fire Level: 15 Ability: Speed Boost (Boosts the speed stat by one stage at the end of every turn) Moveset: Sand attack: assaults target with (pocket)sand (ground/debuff) Growl: Ace growls to intimidate and lower the opponent's attack. (normal/debuff) Ember: Ace launches small flames to burn the opponent. (fire/att) Quick Attack: Ace delivers a swift attack before the opponent can react. (Normal/att) Flame Charge: Ace charges at the opponent while cloaked in flames. (fire/att+buff) Detect: Detect protects the user from all effects of moves that target it during the turn it is used, including damage. This does not include damage at the end of a turn such as from weather or a status condition. ( non-damage/fighting/protect style ) [/hider] [hider=Angel][b]Angel[/b] [img]https://www.serebii.net/Shiny/SWSH/829.png[/img] Species: Flowering Pokémon Gender: Female Type: Grass Level: 11 Ability: Regenerator (Restores a little of the Pokémon's HP when withdrawn from battle) Moveset: Leafage: Angel attacks with sharp leaves. (grass/att) Sing: Angel sings a soothing melody to put the opponent to sleep. (normal/status eff) Sweet Scent: Angel releases a pleasant aroma to lower the opponent's evasion. (grass/debuff) Rapid Spin: Angel spins rapidly to deflect attacks and remove hazards. Increases spd by 1 stage. (normal/att+buff) ???- [/hider] [hider=Sewaddle][b]Sewaddle[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/31/Spr_5b_540.png[/img] Species: Sewing Pokémon Gender: Male Type: Bug/Grass Level: 8 Ability: Chlorophyll (Doubles the speed stat during harsh sunlight) Moveset: Tackle: Sewaddle tackles the opponent with its body. (normal/att) String Shot: Sewaddle spews silk to bind and slow down the opponent. (bug/debuff) Bug Bite: Sewaddle bites the opponent with sharp mandibles. (bug/att) [/hider] [hider=Combee][b]Combee[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/0/03/Spr_4d_415_m_s.png[/img] Species: Tiny Bee Pokémon Gender: Male Type: Bug/Flying Level: 9 Ability: Hustle (Boosts the Pokémon's attack but lowers accuracy) Moveset: Sweet Scent: Combee releases a sweet aroma to attract opponents. (grass/debuff) Gust: Combee flaps its wings to create a gust of wind. (fly/att) Struggle Bug: Combee launches a weak bug-type attack that lowers the opponent's special attack. (bug/att) Bug Bite: Combee bites the opponent with sharp mandibles. [/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=PC][u][b]Pokémon Storage System[/b][/u] [/hider][/center] [hr] By this point Tristan's nerves had been pushed to its limits, his body tense and rigid with fists clenched balled tight, the knuckles white while his palm burned red threatening bleeding. The teen's focus squarely on the small orange bird; a small twang of guilt stung at seeing the scared chick forced to charge at such a terrifying beasts, to this torchic especially, cruelly so. The order had been given and with it, Tristan attempted to keep track of the next chain of events as best he could though as expected, couldn't keep track of such a small object bounding towards a human-sized tree gecko (might as well be a tree wall). As such, the actual finishing attack was missed, the sudden flash of fire unfazed him unlike the others watching, his concentration and stressed-out mind merely had him flinch from its momentary heat. He did so, thinking if Ace had to do this, then he shouldn't look away. Ace falling to his feet after the clash hurt to see, but he could not pull his eyes away from the Grovyle. Expecting to hear Ace's loss or something, he could not hear as the world around him turned muffled when his gaze became affixed to his opponent. A mix of fear and admiration at the Grovyle's struggling refusal to back down, even with each attempt only served to tire and hurt itself. This left Tristan frozen in place, unsure of how to approach this. Even before it was announced, he knew. They won...right? That question rang in his head, uncertain happiness, a bitter aftertaste. [color=00a651]"That's enough Grovyle. You have fought well." [/color] Ramos's words pulled him from the momentary frozen lapse. He finally let loose a huge breath, hardly noticing having been holding it. With it came a quick chill of goosebumps as the events of what transpired finally hit him. Hearing Louis announce with that bitter scowl brought a small smile to his lips as he took in the cheers and praise. And normally he might have bragged boisterously following getting his first official trainer batter. * [color=00aeef]Then why doesn't it feel like I did?[/color]* His teeth grit in frustration as he gazed at the spot the Grovyle had been; victory when the opponent never actually fell. This reminded him all too well of the disappointing sensation felt from his last battle at the farm albeit in a slightly different sense this time. [color=00a651]"Do you feel better now, Tristan?" [/color] So engrossed in his thoughts he failed to notice the older gentleman make his way over to him, having him jump a bit in surprise." W-wh-what? I-I mean, ahem. Pardon?" Blinking a few times to help get his mind settled back in place."[color=gold] Ah, y-yes. Of course, I feel great. For I..er.. we have won![/color]" Stammering and struggling at first, the silver-haired teen was able to recover, in thanks to needing to stay on guard around a bunch of rich preppies all the time back at home. To cover up his awkward little victory cheer, he moved to check on Ace, doubting such an impact was at all pleasant. Might as well have been chucking a nugget at a rhino." Got to thank Ace for giving it his all...thank you." Gently petting the orange chick before recalling him to his ball, mentally promising to reward them properly. Even if he did not feel like he won, his pokemon did after giving their all....he was simply shown a tiny glimpse of the gap ahead of him. The realization with it came a fear of the possible threats; if this was just a friendly opponent then what if it was a force that wanted him dead? Like the Forbidden Forest? A haunting chill ran up his spine as the image of the forest opening formed clearly in his head, feeling like he was back there. For a brief moment he thought to abandon such folly, he was not built for forest trekking! The mystery of lady Aria, however came back full force with a strong curiosity, somehow feeling it being driven even more after Ramos pokemon's determined demonstration. With a screw-it hop and spin on his feet, regaining his composure crossing his arms." [color=gold]And with this, I do believe I am owed a flower?[/color]" A satisfied grin, a hint of smug; allowing himself to revel a bit in this victory even if a little. And now, with his mind calmed down, he recalled Faye and how she sought the forest first and now the knowledge he could rub it in her face brought actual joy to his smile.