[color=ed1c24][Center][h1]Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura[/h1][/Center][/color] [Center]Bakuto:[@BladeSS4] Mitsuaki:[@Morgannis] Ouga:[@Sho Minazuki][/Center][hr] Tony jumped a bit at the appearence of Ouga, he decided to play it cool and just go right after the thing he was searching from him, and with a little drop of sweat falling from his forehead he told him this, [color=ed1c24]"O-Oh, Mr. Ouga, well now that you're saying all of that, is there any sort of stuff i can do with my cool spirit dude powers, y'know like kill those big mean evil guys, can i do that?"[/color] Tony's voicetone was a bit shaky, not from awkwardness but from the fact that even to himself this was a bit dumb, there were probably two things to do as a substitute shinigami, help souls and kill hollows, and both could fall under the same category so realistically there was only one thing to actually do, yet, it was better than whatever was Tony doing on his house, that being nothing. There was a brief silence, maybe Tony did needed to go inside, with his nervousness growing, he began to walk into the entrance of the shop. [color=ed1c24]"Ok, We'll talk inside."[/color] Tony managed before passing through the door of the lobby entry that was beside the garage.