[h2][centre][color=fdc68a]Erin Williams[/color][/centre][/h2] Erin sighed as she pulled up her timetable on her phone and realised she had psychology. It was one of those classes she’d picked up on a passing whim, thinking at the time that it would be interesting. Well, it wasn’t exactly an uninteresting subject per se, but it also wasn’t anywhere near as grounded as she’d thought it would be when she’d signed up. As she walked, Erin pulled open her lecture slides, while lamenting her decision not to just wait the extra year it would have taken to enrol in a neuroscience elective, which probably would have been far more up her alley. Assuming she was, in fact, looking at the right week this time, it seemed like they’d be covering the psychology of dreams today; that sounded a little bit like new-age mystical mumbo jumbo to her, but maybe she was being unfair, and either way, it could still be interesting. Hey, maybe if she got really lucky, they’d teach her how to make her dreams more interesting, or at least productive – having to waste so much time sleeping every day really sucked. Erin scoffed at her own fanciful imaginings as she stepped into the lecture theatre, quickly taking a seat near the back of the room.