[h2][centre][color=fdc68a]Erin Williams[/color][/centre][/h2] On the one hand, Erin had been totally correct in thinking that this class would be less than scientifically rigorous. On the other, she’d been way off about it being boring. The guest demonstrator – or he might have been the TA, Erin wasn’t sure – had dedicated a single line to a single reasonable hypothesis on what dreams might be and then immediately jumped off the deep end with crackpot theories about dreams accessing other realities. Erin wasn’t sure whether the guy was high or having some kind of psychotic break, though whatever it was it’d lasted long enough for him to have created an entire presentation on the topic, even if said presentation was mostly just pictures of movies Erin hadn’t bothered to watch. Having sat near the back of the class, when the usual demonstrator decided to let them off early, Erin was one of the first to get out, though not before managing to snap a picture of the image link on the final slide of the insane presentation. She wondered if she could have gotten away with filming the whole thing, but after a moment decided it was probably better that she hadn’t; Erin didn’t actually know enough about either psychology or neurology to actually say what was happening with the guy and thinking about it along those lines made her feel a little bad for him. She decided she’d read up on it more later, either way, the incident itself was funny. Her phone already in hand, Erin pulled open the group chat and messaged her friends. [quote=8:19][color=fdc68a]Guess who’s already out of class? I am.[/color][/quote] [quote=8:19][color=fdc68a]Demonstrator had a psychotic break or something so we all got kicked out early. Gotta tell you guys about it later.[/color][/quote] Absentminded, Erin trudged over to the usual meeting spot, taking a seat before realising she was probably going to be waiting a while given the incredibly early mark. Erin shrugged to herself, shivering slightly from the cold, but not bothering to get up and move somewhere warmer. She pulled up the photo she’d taken, taking a moment to memorise the link before opening up her browsers and typing in the URL, having to make three attempts when her phone’s autocorrect proved particularly uncooperative to the endeavour. She didn’t exactly trust the link all things considered, but her phone was old, and it wasn’t like she used it for anything important. The page loaded up, and a quick scan revealed it to be… some kind of niche roleplaying forum where everyone pretended to go on adventures in their sleep? Whatever it was, the demonstrator earlier clearly hadn’t understood that it was a game, that or he was committed to the bit more so than his job. That said, the people on this site were clearly pretty dedicated to not breaking character. Erin scrolled through a thread where people made out like they were exchanging techniques, and for the most part, their stories seemed shockingly consistent. She searched for an informational or lore page, but couldn’t find anything to explain what these people were going off; maybe they had mods that deleted anything that didn’t fit? Or maybe all the posts were by one person with a bunch of alt accounts and way too much time on their hands? Erin decided to send another message to the group chat. [quote=8:25][color=fdc68a]This was the guy’s only source [color=0072bc][u]dreamsrreal․org[/u][/color][/color][/quote] [quote=8:26][color=fdc68a]There are a bunch of people here talking about how to jump into other dimensions in their sleep which is pretty much exactly what the demonstrator was saying up until the class got canned. Really crazy stuff. These people are obviously insane.[/color][/quote] [quote=8:26][color=fdc68a]Anyway we should definitely try it.[/color][/quote]