[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]Nieve — Beneath the Mausoleum[/h3][/center] Given her experience in dealing with the jiangshi that was struggling to do much of anything in the past, Sanae wasn't [i]quite[/i] sure what to expect from whatever was waiting for them inside of Seiga's new base of operations. Sure, Yoshika was... Well, she wouldn't say [i]strong[/i], per se, but she was problematic in her own right in a proper fight. Granted, there weren't any divine spirits lingering around for her to heal off of here as far as she could tell, but that had been more of a one-time thing anyway. Regardless, it felt like a bit more of an obligation to the green-haired girl at this point to follow after the Taoist, even [i]if[/i] she wasn't in peak fighting form. There wasn't any guarantee that whatever was waiting for them would be weak enough for Seiga alone to handle, after all. Thankfully, the fact that the three of them could fly meant that Sanae didn't have to worry about slowly plodding down the stairs inside the mausoleum—heavens knew [i]that[/i] would make her head spin even worse—and before long, the trio passed through into a space not all too dissimilar to what she had seen from the Divine Spirit Mausoleum back in Gensokyo. This one was smaller, of course, but it certainly did fit the bill for what she expected Seiga to be living in. The house in it's center was, of course, their destination, and before long Seiga—with Sanae, still using Rayne's shoulder for support—floating not too far behind. Her surprise when the 'rats' that had made their way into Seiga's home were Youmu and Mokou (and two other strangers), though, was... Well, it was more than she was able to physically show at the moment. "...How did you two manage to even [i]find[/i] this place?" she asked as the two unfamiliar face in the back glanced at the newcomers a bit warily before deeming that the green-haired girl, at the very least, wasn't any sort of threat at the moment—and thus, by proxy, choosing to ignore her. "I suppose the angry one is the homeowner, then?" the smaller girl asked with a bit of a shine in her eye. "Our timing could have been better... But I've got a bevy of questions of my own to ask about the goods here, so I don't have reason to complain." "More than that, though... Six from one place?" the monk remarked as he brought a hand to his chin. "...Never mind the odds of that happening given what you've told me, but doesn't that mean that there might be more people from our own worlds here, too? Two or three would be astronomically coincidental odds, sure, but..." [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze][@DracoLunaris] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Underground Caverns[/h3][/center] The decision to retreat as the cave began to collapse upon itself was swift, and as boulders began to seal off the path forward the group of would-be explorers would be able to avoid the last few parting shots from the wraiths as they barreled through any stray rocks that threatened to cut them off from both ends. Either way, the group would at least come away from the incident fairly unscathed. Unfortunately, what they had originally come for—both the goods [i]and[/i] the shopkeeper—were still nowhere to be seen. What Serena's response to that (never mind the explanations of what happened [i]here[/i]) would be... Well, they were probably not going to be particularly pleasant, but it was going to have to be something that needed to be done one way or another. With that said, this was a good a time as any to consider how to move forward. Though the princess' request could well be considered a failure, they had come away with the information that there was something lurking far beneath their feet. Unfortunately, this meant that their presence would be known as well; whether or not that would cause problems in the days to come remained to be seen. [@VitaVitaAR][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92][@Lugubrious]