[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OHf0AL9.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OnizJ1D.png[/img][/center] [color=FFCCFF]”Oh, it’s no trouble. I’d rather it not go to waste, right?”[/color] Trinity smiled, glad to see that Evangeline genuinely appreciated the meal. As the other mage posed a question, the musician had herself a seat. [color=FFCCFF]”My maker magic?”[/color] Trinity watched Evangeline for just a moment. She’d hushed her voice, suddenly. The minstrel lowered her voice similarly, [color=FFCCFF]“ah, yeah. I don’t usually run into magics that look like it, so I’m not surprised you don’t recognize it. It moulds energy. There’s almost always some kind of ambiance around, so it’s real easy to use in most places.”[/color] She looked Evangeline over for a moment and shot at glance at Matthew, [color=FFCCFF]“yourself? Unlike the man you came in with, your magic doesn’t seem as apparent.”[/color] As she spoke, she eyed the meal she’d offered to Evangeline thoughtfully. She still hadn’t figured out what to call the meal she actually wanted in Pergrande. Different places had different names for popular dishes, and the name that had worked for her so far had failed here. [color=FFCCFF]”Mm, before you answer. I think I know what name to order. There’s an old story about how the recipe came about. Maybe an old name will work.”[/color] She took a breath and projected her voice for the chef to hear, [color=FFCCFF]”chef, an order of lost bread!”[/color] She settled back into her seat and turned her attention back to Evangeline, [color=FFCCFF]"with any luck. So, your magic?"[/color]