[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 6: 07/60 Location: Dead Zone: Qliphoth Word Count: 450 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance: Level 6: 08/60[/center] [hr] Juri looked up after stomping a bug into mulch. She glanced around at all the other Seekers doing battle. Including the giant hot air balloons coming their way. And this new tactician thing? [b][color=ec008c]”Yeah let’s just ditch these fuckin’ idiots. They can have their stupid lobby.”[/color][/b] Juri said, spitting onto the ground. Juri ran over to a xylem tube, using her Drive Rush to get over there lickety split. She Using a leftover Fuha stock from the battle, she did an OD axe kick to slice it open vertically, her heel splitting open the artery cleanly as if she had used a battleaxe. She frowned at the blood fluid spilling out of the xylem, and then chuckled. [b][color=ec008c]”Probably cleaner than your average waterpark.”[/color][/b] With that reasoning, she held her breath and dove on in. The right was smooth and high pressure for the lithe woman. She had her eyes squeezed shut and her cheeks puffed out, her arms outstretched infront of her and her palms clasped together in a permanent dive. If she drowned in here, she was gonna be pissed off. After a second or two she started to contemplate grabbing the sides and trying to dig her fingers in to start splitting it open from the inside. Fortunately that wouldn’t be a problem, as she felt the flow lessen. After that, the vein burst and she fell out. Sandalphon came over, acting like she was checking up on Juri. [b][color=ec008c]”Buzz off, ya glorified Christmas ornament.”[/color][/b] Juri spat, waving her arm. She wiped her mouth with her hand and brushed a wet strand of hair from her forehead. At least her outfit was waterproof. What’s up with all the mirrors? Also, where are they? As Juri stood up and started wiping herself off, she was alerted to Sandalphon’s alarm. She turned and saw Sandalphon shoot a mirror with an ice blast which then reflected it back to herself. Then out of the mirror came some chick a dozen heads and a fucked up body! Not to mention the giant buzz saw for an arm. The sight of it made Juri’s scalp itch. [b][color=ec008c][i]”Eee-uwww!”[/i][/color][/b] Juri crowed, almost delight. She looked at where Sandalphon was frozen. This would be a good time to prove that Juri being scared in that gameshow was just a fluke, and also her just playing pretend. And if she saved Sandalphon’s ass, she’d owe her one big time. [b][color=ec008c]”Hey there, 12-in-1 shampoo!”[/color][/b] Juri used a Drive Rush to blitz forward, interposing herself between Sandalphon and the Guardian. That also gave her spinning hop roundhouse kick a bit more oomph. Juri wasn’t looking for a combo, she just wanted to slam her foot into one of its faces to knock it backwards. She took up a defensive stance in front of Sandalphon. [b][color=ec008c]”Did you seriously just freeze yourself?”[/color][/b] She asked over her shoulder. [b][color=ec008c]”Ya better figure something out or I’ll kick ya and see if it breaks you out or breaks you apart.”[/color][/b]