[center][h2][color=salmon]Ace Cadet[/color], [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Pit[/color], [color=D34C25]Primrose[/color], [color=gray]&[/color] [color=BC8DBF]Therion[/color][/h2] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 267/90[/color] [color=2e2c2c]---------[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][u]Level[/u]: [b]8[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 169/80[/color] [color=D34C25][u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 194/110[/color] [color=2e2c2c]------[/color] [color=BC8DBF][u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 202/100[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●●●[/color][color=gray]●●[/color] [color=2e2c2c]----------------------------[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●●●[/color][color=gray]●●[/color] [i]Tuesday Morning.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: The Dead Zone Word Count: 1856 (+3 exp)[/center] Up close like this, the Qliphoth seemed less like a tree and more like some kind of massive fleshy tower. It was kind of gross, but for a lot of Seekers it was far from the nastiest thing they'd seen. Now that they were out of the timefall Pit removed his raincoat before helping out with breaking into the Qliphoth, freeing his wings with a few flaps to stretch them out. He tied the garment around his waist by the sleeves just in case they needed it again... who knew what would happen to this demonic tree once they beat the Guardian inside of it, after all. It could wither, or even completely collapse! The question of how they were going to get back out of the Dead Zone afterward would go unanswered even if asked it. Sandalphon had taken the BBs back up to safety, so she could probably bring them back too if they needed to go back through the area, but without that stable field emitter... The emitter's bearer before it had been destroyed was thinking the same thing. Ace looked out over the now calm field of mud, his jaw set and brows furrowed. If only he hadn't dropped the thing, they wouldn't have to even worry about getting back out. Hopefully Tora and his crew could make a replacement, or some other way presented itself in the mean time. Once a way inside the tree was created, everyone shuffled inside. They were wet, muddy, and miserable, but they still had a mission to carry out. Getting to the Qliphoth had just been the first step. The group had only a few scant moments to get a look at the interior before they were immediately besieged. As the melee-inclined Seekers rushed to meet the infested masses and protect their back line, Primrose aided them with her dancing. For great numbers like this, being able to deal with them quickly would be best - so power was needed. [i]The Lion Dance.[/i] The short and fierce performance empowered her allies' physical strength and attack power. Once she was finished she lent her magic next, her hands conjuring clustered shadows among the floodfestation that erupted into the wide ranged spell, [color=D34C25]"Night Ode!"[/color] As before, when the Cadet felt empowering magic affect him he faltered. Since he was one of those in the front defensive line holding back the mass of enemies, the timing was pretty bad. A horror lunged, driving its limb of hardened muscle formed into a claw into the hunter's mail. It pressed in, others clamoring behind it to overrun the hunter. Ace grit his teeth and his rigging swiveled forward, pressing the cannons into the corpse-like creature and unloading. By the time it fell the Cadet had recovered, slaying the opportunistic monstrosities that surged forward afterward with a few swipes of his new long sword. Others kept up the offense from behind the defensive wall of Seekers. Therion focused on swift, precise take downs where he could, leaving the widespread attacks to those better suited to it. Any monster that might have had a chance of slipping through would get chewed up before it could do any real damage, but before it could even get that far a well placed knife, whether physical or conjured, saw it reduced to ashes. Of course after he'd figured out the weak spots on the more alien looking creatures his interest began to slip, and he instead sought out anything that looked like it could be a path up. This thing they were in was a tree, wasn't it? It made sense if the Guardian was toward the top. Thankfully in such a large group, everyone else could pick up his slack. Pit was once more equipped with his bow, firing arrow after arrow that snaked over his allies' heads and rained down on the infested flood. With the ability to now split them into three or strike through multiple enemies at once with a single arrow, it was easier than ever before to take on an army like this. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"At least we can actually hurt these things!"[/color] Pit said, giving voice to his frustration of not being able to do anything to the BT. However it eventually became apparent that the Seekers were making little, if any headway into the flood of enemies. No matter how many they took down, more replaced the fallen - and once larger, smarter monster began to filter in and assume control of their disgusting forces the battlefield gradually shifted from a mindless free-for-all in a more coordinated assault. Luckily the archangel looking out for them identified an escape route. The prospect of riding up the tree's interior through what was functionally its blood vessels did not excite anyone, but seeing as there didn't appear to be any other way to ascend with the horde of monsters on their backs they didn't have many options at the moment, especially for those that didn't have the equipment or abilities to make it up farther any other way on short notice. Already as close to the edge of the battlefield as possible when Sandalphon pitched the idea, it didn't take long for Therion to slice his way through a thinner section of fleshy abominations towards a vein once he came to the conclusion that the archangel's unpleasant suggestion was unfortunately their best bet. He cut the failing tubular limbs from the last few enemies in his path and then stabbed his dagger into the tree's vein. He slashed the blade upward, side stepping the burst of fluid that erupted out of it and washed away the weakened horde monsters still trying to close in nearby. He then hesitated to jump into it. It wasn't out of disgust (though he did certainly feel disgust about doing this in the first, and definitely wasn't the only one), but because of the uncertainty of whether diving into whatever blood-like substance this was would be akin to boiling himself by diving into water. If that might be the case it would be better to find a different way up, but at least he'd cut open a path for someone else. As she moved about the dwindling open space as more and more monstrosities flooded into the area, Primrose cast her eyes about for just such an escape route. It was unsurprising that she gravitated in the direction of her friend and fellow Orsterran, so when Therion opened up the blood vessel Primrose made a beeline for him. She let loose one last spell, the glowing moons of Luna covering a section of the ground and exploding in a burst of moonlight underneath the closest portion of the horde to cover her escape. She was there within only a few moments and, sensing the thief's hesitation, made the choice for him lest he got stuck with the floodfestation while looking for another path. Primrose pushed Therion into the vein, earning a surprised expletive for it, and then entered afterward. Like its outer skin, the wounded parts of the Qliphoth's insides mended themselves fairly quickly. Only a couple of people could squeeze through at a time before they either had to cut the veins open again or find a fresh one with better blood pressure to break into. For that purpose the Seekers scattered, breaking down their defensive line before they could be completely surrounded. Pit chose a high road, hopping from head to infected head of the flood and severing them at the neck as he went - at least on those monsters that even had necks. When he reached one of the veins along the wall he plunged the divine blade into it and cut open a hole. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Why does world-saving always have to come with gross parts?"[/color] he complained. Unfortunately, an angel's (often messy) work was never done. It wasn't Pit's first time basically being inside a giant body, though he had no idea trees had blood and veins. Maybe it was just demon trees? The thought didn't make things any better. Pit raised a hand to pinch his nose shut and held his breath as he hopped into the opened vein. The Ace Cadet was glad to abandon the never-ending siege of demons and monstrosities even if it did mean shooting up through the tree itself. [i]First time for everything,[/i] he thought, not that there was a lack of first times in this world. As the horde closed in he twisted his sword's angle, slashing it in a swift, wide, and powerful horizontal arc as he back stepped. After a moment a handful of the creatures fell in a spray of bodily fluid, and the Cadet turned to continue the slash so it would open the vein behind him. He sheathed his sword out of habit and wasted no time slipping into the crevice, and when it sealed itself up after him the xylem flow built up until it pushed him through the tree. The pressure was more intense than the hunter expected, but given the veins had to pump the Qliphoth's energy source throughout the whole massive structure it made sense. Initially his ship rigging kept him precariously balanced atop the crimson liquid as it rushed upwards, but eventually it splashed too strongly and engulfed him - until the pressure died down and the Cadet got stuck in the blood vessel. He blinked, squirmed, and them extended his bladed rigging to slice himself out. He spilled out with the xylem into a wide, hollowed out space. The Qliphoth's lining in this area had been trampled and hardened, making a it into a flat oval with curved sides. Save for an off-putting shimmer of energy in front of the only other vein there were no other features in the room, but it [i]did[/i] have other occupants. At first glance it looked like a Neopteron; it had a carapace, elongated thorax, and a pair of deadly looking raptorial forearms. It stood twice as tall as the Cadet, maybe more if it stretched, and was even flanked by two smaller looking insectoid beings like those below. Alerted to the hunter's arrival it stood and turned, making it immediately apparent that this queen was no real insect, but a [url=https://i.imgur.com/YEA7IAD.jpeg]demon[/url]. The queen reared up, unleashing a drawn out hiss that turned into a screeching roar. At the same time, another person ended up tumbling into the arena behind the Cadet. Was everyone getting split up and randomly dropped around the inside of the Qliphoth? That figured. If nothing else, the hunter lucked out with where he'd ended up. Even better if he had a partner. The Empusa Queen began to approach, its scythe-like limbs raised up in intimidation. The Cadet's hand went to the hilt of his sword and he let out a breathy laugh. After skeletons, magic, Consuls, demons, and abominations in number, facing down a big ugly monster like this was almost a relief. [color=salmon]"That ant-sy to fight? That suits me fine,"[/color] he said. Meanwhile, his deduction proved true as the other Seekers were swept through the Qliphoth's vascular system until being unceremoniously dumped out into their respective arenas.