[center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (78/130) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] Blazermate was pretty neutral to the whole situation, as she was more just stuck healing people than doing much on the offense herself. She knew though that her shield didn't command these undead as they weren't actually zombies which made things a lot harder than it could've been. But her whole thing was to keep people up and overhealed alongside Sandalphon. The latter noticing that things were going south and found a way to progress, which involved going through the vessels of the tree? [color=0072bc]"Oh come on! I just cleaned myself and you want me to pain myself red? ugh... fine."[/color] Blazermate said, hopping into the same vessel as Ace and ending up in the same location. Said location being fairly... clean and nice with this trees standards. Did she get lucky? Well, it was her and Ace and that was it, and well, a giant version of some of those things downstairs. This was a place she was good at though, and Ace would be healed at all times with this thing so hopefully the two of them could take it. As the creature got ready to attack, Blazermate summoned the engineer and got in defensive position behind Ace. [hr] [center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (40/60) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Roland wasn't much for giant horde fights like this, he'd prefer smaller scale fights if possible. At least these creatures went down much, much easier than Sweepers, although considering how grotesque some of these things were he wondered where stuff like the sweepers or other horrors of the city would be? They could be somewhere else, and that was a horrifying thought. At least at the start of this fight, these small fries were easy. But soon their numbers thinned out, only to be replaced by stronger, smarter, bigger horrors. Seeing how the fight was going downhill, even though Roland made it to Emotion level 4 attacking the small fries, getting Intemperance with a more regal tomboy voice saying "Is it so bad to lust for honey when there are flowers?", making it so that Roland couldn't lose every 4th clash. He also gained In the Name of Love and Hate EGO page. With the more advanced creatures approaching, an idea came among the group. To get to other parts of the tree, why not use the blood vessels on the wall to get there? This wasn't a surprise to Roland considering where they were, and while he had his own reservations about them, he cut open and jumped into a vessel when some of the others did and was whisked away to another floor. When he was pushed out of the vessel into another room, he found himself in a room with Edelgard, covered in blood he tried to shake off, and in the room was one other person. A giant zombie that looked like they were from District 9. [color=d7d7d7]"I guess we got split up. At least its only one thing... Think we got lucky and got the Guardian?"[/color] Roland said to his would be partner in this fight against Killabilly. [hr] [center][h2][color=92278f]Sectonia[/color][/h2] Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (72/120) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] At first, Sectonia made a nice protective area for her allies as the creatures coming for them were fairly weak and could be taken out with a mixture of electricity, dark lightning, and death pulses. But as the weaklings started to thin out, stronger, more durable, and craftier creatures began to swarm them making it look like there wasn't much of an end to any of this. It got even worse with ranged and air units being added into the mix, and seeing that it was unending and their goal was to just deal with the guardian, the other seekers figured out a plan. Granted that plan involved going through the blood vessels of the tree to reach a different room and that was something Sectonia was NOT going to do. She had enough of that ugliness in the under, and this was going to be worse? No way. If the idea was to go to a different part of the tree to get away from the hordes rushing them, she'd rather find another way. A different way she found as she looked up and found a hole that lead to another room. She really didn't want to touch anything here if she could help it, and was also worried what else this tree held, but if she was going to cleanse this ugliness from her kingdom, she'd need to get to work. Sectonia found herself in an adjacent chamber with one of the newer group members in an area that seemed to be for fliers only. And in front of her, what looked like the leader of those flying things she saw earlier. Perhaps if these were defeated, the amount of minions would stop spawning and thats how they got the guardian? A bit strange that it was only 2 of them here, but not much to go about it but wipe out this hideous thing.