[quote=@Estylwen] We're at a post a week, and there's no minimum on the length, just a few paragraphs is fine. :) I think that's a great idea! I would send you your Wealth to your secret district via PM, in the 0th post we would just call it a paycheck. That's a great question! Yes, Anime/Manga aesthetics are good. And The God Father aesthetics are always right on par with Nocturnia's vision. Example clip below, it has mafia, cops, the whole bit: [youtube]https://youtu.be/X06YnPWm7l8?si=4tyBZTTR18yx8LdD[/youtube] Painted art, realistic art, photo face claims are all good. Besides that, not really any restrictions. If you have a concept/artpiece you want to run by me, you're more than welcome to PM me. Does that answer your question alright? [/quote] It does, thank you! I have a concept idea in my head and halfway on paper. I'll most likely be DMing you the pre-product before hard finishes are written or decision making. I hope I have it up by the mid of this week.