[hider=Asterion Kairo] [center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/gPqCCx2/f26e876cc4689b669dba0a98a8d046d8-1.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlx4mFOopIU]I can't decide[/url] [color=c1196b][h1]Asterion Kairo[/h1][/color] [color=808080] [b]Jumper[/b] | [b]27[/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]6'3"[/b] | [b]185.0[/b][/color] [/center] [hr] [color=808080] [color=c1196b][b]Goal:[/b][/color] Pleasure. Satisfaction. A challenge. Something that isn't boring. [color=c1196b][b]Secrets:[/b][/color] ❇︎ Aesterion's true identity (most of the time but no one can truly know, right?). ❇︎ Has an extreme soft spot for children which he tries not to show. ❇︎ He killed his mother by jumping into her before the police got to their home. [color=c1196b][b]Fears:[/b][/color] ❇︎ Klara or Jax being in any form of danger. ❇︎ That he won't be able to keep "paradise" alive forever. ❇︎ Dying before he can make sure everything will get better without him. [color=c1196b][b]History:[/b][/color] [/color] [indent] [color=808080] The self-pity of a household was suffocating at best as two narcissistic parents found themselves not even interested in each other but the drugs that ran through their system... so... so interested that they forgot about their children. At least the government barely did anything. Aesterion was the oldest of his siblings, sadly, since he remembered when his parents were not so selfish. Standing there, the fourteen year old was playing with the wire of a phone, and his voice was too familiar with the whole situation. [i]"Yes, I am sorry that I am calling again, but I need a medical team at my house. I live on North 93rd Street, right on the corner of Abbet. My mother isn't responding and I think she is overdosing on something... again."[/i] The boy's anxiety wasn't recognizable in his voice though in his twitchy behaviors. His fingers twirled, twirled, and twirled on the cord that was attached to the wall to the point where his one finger was becoming red before turning darker. Cutting off circulation as he stared at his mother lying on the kitchen floor in her mixture of drunken and drug struck state. Where was dad? Probably fooling around with floozies on the corner again. Drunk off his ass in an alleyway? His dark eyes was beginning to change, pink, and he was wishing for more than this. For more. Why couldn't he be selfish? As selfish or even more selfish than his parents? He wanted more for himself than this. There was nothing more than what he wanted than his parents to die. They just needed to die. They needed to stop tormenting him and his siblings. Couldn't they see that they were making the family suffer? Suffer daily for what? A moment of pleasure or bliss from reality? It disgusted him but at the same time he was feeling absolutely nothing as he heard the beeping static of the phone. [i]"I hope they don't get here in time."[/i] he whispered as his blank eyes stared at his mother's unmoving body. [center] ... ... ... [/center] That was the last time he saw his mother. There was nore memory of the sheet they threw over her lifeless body or how they dealt with the whole ordeal. Him and his two little siblings were pushed into a vehicle and they were being taken away by a very nice woman named Miss Klooney. She was very nice. Too nice in his opinion. He had no words for her though his little siblings wanted to talk. All of that blurred as he watched the movements outside of the window. People, places, and everything else passing by as he began to smile a little. Just the littlest curve to his inner lips. Finally. Aesterion looked at the woman, "I love your hair," he smiled which seemed to be off putting to her as the car was slowing down. "Oh, thank you," she smiled more forcefully at him than his little siblings. "I'm sorry," he spoke out more seriously as if something switched in him like a light flicking off. She seemed to become concerned as she looked at him. His eyes reflecting a pinkish-color before a zap of light overtook the car for a split second. Within a blink of an eye it was gone. Aesterion's body laid lifelessly in the chair and Miss Klooney grinned as the car's breaks slammed because the driver was going to investigate. Aesterion sat his own body up right to make it look like he was sleeping as the driver got out and opened the door, "Is everything alright, Miss Klooney?" "Yes, perfectly fine. Thank you, I accidentally turned my phone flashlight on," the tight-curly haired woman shook her phone slightly with a charming smile against her darker skin. The driver seemed perfectly fine with that response without realizing that Miss Klooney was shoved into the back of her head and was trapped. Trapped while Asterion took over the reins. Her mind was so weak, she was so easy to take over, and it was perfect. For the next two weeks, Aesterion hid his body in the closet of the woman's apartment as he figured out how to fool the system and get his siblings into better homes. His little brother was adopted by a middle class family that seemed good while his sister went into the hands of a very rich and wealthy family. It was weird to give each of them a kiss on their foreheads and tell them that he will always love them and watch over them while he was in the middle aged woman's body but he wanted Klara and Jax to know that he would always love them and always try to protect them. When their adoptions were official, he went back into his original body, and stood over Miss Klooney. "Thank you for being so weak-minded. I appreciate it," he did his best to prop her up in her bed and make her look as comfortable as possible. "You might have a migraine. I found your anti-headache medicine so it's right here on your nightstand with a glass of water," he spoke to her as if he cared. He did a little bit. She helped him get what he wanted. His siblings safe and him out of his parents home. Aesterion decided to leave not long after that so Miss Klooney wouldn't wake up to him. That day he stepped out of the apartment, he knew that he could make a living for himself by body jumping. Maybe he could make it better for other people by using his powers... just maybe he could make it better for Klara and Jax. [/color] [/indent] [hr] [color=808080] [color=c1196b][b]Alliance:[/b][/color] Mafia Boss [color=c1196b][b]District:[/b][/color] Nickle [/color] [indent] [color=808080] The most notable buildings in this district are: [b]The Jax and Klara Hotel[/b] which is a grand building with eccentric designs and overall a very classy and elegant aesthetic. [b]Kairo Academy[/b] the educational establishment that he set in place to make the future better. Hopefully. No one chooses to be born into Nocturnia but people can choose to make it better. Something him and his siblings were not given. Not a chance. [b]North Nickle Police Station and Sheriff's Office[/b] which is funded plenty by Mister Kairo so they leave him alone to a point. He tries his best to get them off his and his people's backs but that isn't always successful. He's pretty sure the Sherrif is obsessed with him... constantly trying to do official investigations and interrogations. [b]Echo Chamber[/b] is the large and popular nightclub in the Nickel district. It's own by Mister Kairo and there is a bar, a large lounge, a place to eat, a large dance floor, V.I.P. areas, private rooms, and strippers. It's a night club and this is the main source of income for him and his district. [b]Kairo Skyscraper[/b] is where Mister Kairo tends to be found and tends to work. When he is not in his actual body, his body can be found somewhere in his office. Behind a secret door and in a safety capsule so no one can ruin it or permanently kill his body. [/color] [/indent] [hr] [color=c1196b][b]Gyft:[/b][/color][color=808080] Imprint[/color] [indent] [color=808080] Aesterion has an ability that lets him imprint on people, physically, so he can jump in and out of people's body at will. This allows him to appear, sound, and reach into the memories of that individual. Taking control of that individual. [/color] [/indent] [color=c1196b][b]Limitations & weaknesses[/b][/color] [color=808080] ❇︎ Aesterion needs to be looking into the person's eyes so he can jump into their body (sunglasses, blind folds, darkness, or anything that makes it so he cannot see someone's eyes makes it so he cannot jump in and out of them). ❇︎ Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago [Ghost mode] Mechanic Asterion has an energy limit to his ability. He has a capacity of 60 for energy that renews after every new day (time skip) or after a stated night of sleep. Using the d12 in the already established mechanics, upon successful rolls for entering someone's body, Asterion takes the amount of the other individuals roll (e.g., -# to his energy amount) and upon every successful roll of staying in that person's body, Asterion loses energy for fighting that individual which is another d12 amount (e.g., -# to his energy bar). The description above is for Players and non-player characters. Animals have a slightly different decrease for his energy. They are easier to fight off so whatever their d12 rolls are cut in half before decreasing the number amount from his energy reservoir. Upon reaching 0 or an energy level that cannot withstand the fight. Asterion will be forced out of the player or non-player character. If Asterion tries to jump into someone but does not have the energy, he will fail (e.g., Asterion has an energy level of 5, rolls a 10, and the potential host rolls a 6. He cannot jump into them successfully). ❇︎ His empty body can slowly heal from wounds if he's not in it. It's an empty vessel so it will begin to weave itself back together. It can not heal limbs back onto it and it cannot recover from decapitation. If he is able to jump out of his body during a fatal wound, it will begin to heal once it is out, but he can definitely lose his birth body which is why he's barely ever in it and keeps it in a safety capsule. ❇︎ When he is in someone else's body, he is sharing, and he can hear them in their own head. It's annoying and he cannot turn them off but he can zone them out or choose to ignore them. The weaker someone is, the easier that is to do. ❇︎ Individuals that are strong-minded or able to black Aesterion out can keep him out of their body so he cannot jump into them. ❇︎ Jumping into someone with abilities makes for chaos. Some are easier to control than others. That has been and still is a learning process for the man. Everyone is different and so is their abilities. ❇︎ People can learn how to block him out from jumping into them. It is possible or they can wear shades around him. Either way. ❇︎ If Aesterian is in another body, he has to be in the same city as his original body. It's better for him to be in the same city block (roughly a 1,000 radius around his body). ❇︎ Across the board, when Asterion jumps out or is forced out of a body. An individual will be confused/turned around from the sudden disembodiment. This [i]usually[/i] gives him enough time to get away but things happen! [color=c1196b][b]Mechanics[/b][/color] ❇︎ 1d12 versus 1d12. If your character rolls higher on a 1d12 than Asterion, he cannot jump into them for 3 written posts. He can experience consequences from his 1d100 list upon failure as well. ❇︎ 1d12 versus 1d12. If Asterion is in your character, you are able to roll 1d12 versus 1d12 with him. If you beat his 1d12. He's forced out of your characters body. He can experience consequences from his 1d100 list as well. ❇︎ 1d100; if Asterion is not in his own body. The writer of Asterion will roll a 1d100 to determine what happens to him and/or the body. Disclaimer, nothing bad can happen to the body if it's a players body unless the player accepts. This is mainly for NPCs/unnameable/throw aways. [center] [hider=1d100 outcomes] 1.[b] Host body rejects the jumper:[/b] The body reacts violently, causing physical pain or injury to the jumper. 2.[b]Heart rate acceleration:[/b] The jumper’s heart rate could become dangerously elevated. 3.[b]Muscle weakness or fatigue:[/b] Upon leaving the body, muscle weakness or fatigue happens. 4.[b]Lack of coordination:[/b] Not able to operate the body as well. 5.[b]Sleep deprivation:[/b] If the host suffers from insomnia or a sleep disorder, the jumper might face exhaustion and lack of focus due to inadequate rest. This can transfer with Asterion for an undetermined amount of time after jumping out of the body. 6.[b]Hormonal imbalances:[/b] causes different emotions than what Asterion would usually have. 7.[b]Conflicting emotions:[/b] The jumper takes on the emotional state of the host, such as depression or anxiety, leading to confusion and instability. 8.[b]Memory overload:[/b] The jumper might experience a flood of the host’s memories, creating mental confusion and emotional strain. 9.[b]Host’s powers require training:[/b] The jumper cannot control the host’s powers because they have not undergone the necessary training or practice. 10.[b]Identity confusion:[/b] The jumper may lose their sense of self, as the host's emotions and thoughts start influencing their own identity. 11.[b]Addiction transfer:[/b] If the host has substance abuse issues, the jumper may experience cravings or withdrawal symptoms that hinder their actions. 12.[b]Severe allergies:[/b] The jumper might develop allergic reactions from the host’s environment or physical state, such as rashes or breathing issues. This follows Asterion for an undetermined amount of time. 13.[b]Psychic instability:[/b] The blending of two consciousnesses creates mental strain, potentially leading to insanity or mental breakdown. 14.[b]Dehydration:[/b] If the host is chronically dehydrated, the jumper will begin to feel the effects of dehydration, affecting their physical strength and focus. 15.[b]Overwhelming empathy:[/b] The jumper might be flooded with empathy for the host’s emotional pain, making it hard to function. 16.[b]Strange food cravings:[/b] The jumper may crave food that is unusual or unhealthy due to the host’s dietary habits. This can follow Asterion over for an undetermined amount of time. 17.[b]Nightmares or flashbacks:[/b] The jumper experiences vivid dreams or intrusive thoughts based on the host’s past experiences, often traumatic. Whatever attaches to his psyche in a host's body will return with him in his own. 18.[b]Host's unresolved trauma:[/b] The jumper takes on the emotional burden of the host’s past, which could lead to depression or irrational behavior. 19.[b]Body temperature fluctuations:[/b] The jumper’s body could run too hot or too cold, depending on the host’s internal temperature regulation, creating discomfort. 20.[b]Dissociation:[/b] The jumper might feel disconnected from their own consciousness, leading to confusion or numbness. 21.[b]Inability to control host's powers:[/b] The jumper cannot master the host’s powers, causing accidental destruction or harm. 22. [b]Spontaneous physical reactions:[/b] The jumper might have uncontrollable reactions to stimuli, like sweating, shaking, or vomiting, due to the body’s stress responses. 23. [b]Impairment of vital systems:[/b] The jumper may experience difficulties breathing, digesting, or performing other necessary bodily functions. 24. [b]Neurological disorientation:[/b] The jumper might experience frequent headaches, dizziness, or other symptoms related to a neurological disconnection from the host's body. 25.[b]Powers only work with the host’s specific traits:[/b] The jumper might lack certain physical or genetic traits needed to activate the host's powers. 26. [b]Organ dysfunction:[/b] If the host has an underlying medical condition (e.g., liver damage, kidney failure), the jumper’s body may begin to show signs of those issues for an undetermined amount of time after jumping back into his body. 27. [b]Muscle memory conflict:[/b] The jumper struggles with muscle memory, causing clumsy movements or difficulty performing tasks that the host does easily. 28. [b]Psychological trauma transfer:[/b] The jumper may inherit the host’s trauma or phobias, causing emotional instability or irrational fear. This can last a few minutes to an undetermined amount of time. 29. [b]Hyperactive bodily functions:[/b] The host’s body may have heightened metabolism, making the jumper feel constantly hungry, thirsty, or fatigued. 30. [b]Hypervigilance:[/b] The jumper could feel heightened anxiety or paranoia, especially if the host has been a victim of trauma or abuse. 31. [b]Feelings of isolation:[/b] The jumper may experience loneliness, as they are distanced from their true self and trapped in the emotional state of the host. 32. [b]Desperation to return to their own body:[/b] The jumper could experience an overwhelming need to escape the host body, leading to anxiety or panic. This can cause anxiety attacks, panic attacks, or mental instability for an undetermined amount of time after returning to his body. 33. [b]Unhealthy attachment to hosts:[/b] Asterion can develop strong, unreasonable attachments to the people he jumps into. 34. [b]Sudden emotional outbursts:[/b] The jumper may not be able to control emotional outbursts due to the instability created by inhabiting the host's body. 35. [b]Power is linked to emotions:[/b] The host’s powers are strongly tied to emotional states, and the jumper struggles to control them due to emotional instability or clashing emotions. 36. [b]Power-induced hallucinations:[/b] The jumper might experience hallucinations or mental distortions. 37. [b]Host’s powers malfunction in new hands:[/b] The jumper’s body does not have the specific energy resonance to use the host’s powers, causing them to fail. 38. [b]Inability to express emotions:[/b] The jumper might find it hard to express their true feelings due to the host’s emotional repression or detachment. 39. [b]Loss of mental control:[/b] The host’s mind fights back, creating a mental struggle where the jumper risks losing control of the body. 40. [b]Powers linked to the body’s health:[/b] The host’s poor health might degrade the powers of Asterion, so he might not be able to jump out of their body right away. 41. [b]Inability to manage conflicting desires:[/b] The jumper might experience constant inner conflict as the host’s desires clash with their own. 42. [b]Energy drain from powers:[/b] The host’s powers require an enormous amount of energy, and the jumper quickly becomes fatigued or weak. 43. [b]Unseen attachment to the host’s soul:[/b] The jumper could become spiritually entangled with the host’s soul, creating an emotional or spiritual bond that is difficult to sever. 44. [b]Host’s powers interfere with jumper's mental state:[/b] The powers of the host might disrupt the jumper’s consciousness, leading to a loss of clarity or mental focus. 45. [b]Rejection of external stimuli:[/b] The body’s heightened sensitivity to the external world may make the jumper uncomfortable, such as experiencing extreme pain from touch or light. 46. [b]Host’s spiritual baggage:[/b] The jumper might inherit the spiritual burdens, unresolved karma, or negative energy associated with the host, leading to spiritual turmoil. 47. [b]Sick or compromised immune system:[/b] upon entering a body or exiting into his own. Temporary. 48.[b] Mental fog or confusion:[/b] The jumper may struggle to think clearly or make decisions, as they are overwhelmed by the host’s thoughts and memories. 49. [b]Powers backfire:[/b] The jumper’s powers may backfire due to misalignment with the host's abilities or body, causing unexpected consequences. 50. [b]Power fatigue:[/b] Using the host's powers too much could cause the jumper to suffer from debilitating fatigue or exhaustion. 51. [b]Overload of power:[/b] The jumper’s own powers may overload or clash with the host’s, leading to energy loss or dangerous side effects. 52. [b]Energy drain:[/b] Inhabiting another’s body could cause the jumper to siphon or drain spiritual energy, leaving them fatigued, weakened, or spiritually depleted over time. 53.[b]Loss of control over powers:[/b] The jumper might lose control of the host’s powers. 54. [b]Absence of spiritual grounding[/b]: The jumper might feel untethered or adrift spiritually, lacking the usual rituals, routines, or practices that provide them with stability and peace. 55. [b]Uncontrollable urges:[/b] The jumper might inherit compulsive behaviors or instincts from the host that clash with their own moral compass. 56. [b]Absorption of spiritual wounds:[/b] The jumper might absorb the host’s unresolved spiritual wounds, such as guilt or shame, making them feel spiritually burdened and unable to heal. To the point Asterion might obsess about it so much he has to go help them make peace with those burdens. 57. [b]Unpredictable power behavior:[/b] The jumper might accidentally use the host’s powers in the wrong context, causing negative consequences (e.g., summoning a storm at the wrong time). 58. [b]Fragmented soul experience:[/b] The jumper’s soul could feel fragmented or scattered upon return to their own body. 59. [b]Interfering with the host’s consent:[/b] The jumper might feel guilty or ethically wrong for inhabiting a body without the host’s consent, leading to moral conflict. 60. [b]Power malfunction:[/b] The host’s powers are malfunctioning or weak, making them unreliable or dangerous for the jumper to use. 61. [b]Psychic imprint of the host:[/b] The jumper may inherit psychic impressions or mental echoes from the host’s experiences, leading to overwhelming visions, memories, or intrusive thoughts. 62. [b]Temporary loss of senses:[/b] The jumper temporarily loses one or more senses (e.g., sight, hearing), disorienting them. 63. [b]Loss of empathy for the host:[/b] The jumper may find themselves resenting the host’s weaknesses or emotional baggage, leading to emotional detachment. This can cause unhealthy relationships to hosts. 64. [b]Body aches and stiffness:[/b] The jumper might experience sore muscles or stiffness upon returning to their own body. 65. [b]Breathing difficulties:[/b] The jumper might have trouble adjusting to the host’s breathing patterns, especially if they are accustomed to different lung capacity or conditions (e.g., asthma). 66. [b]Emotional manipulation:[/b] The jumper might be manipulated by the host’s emotional triggers or attachments, confusing their judgment. 67. [b]Sensation overload:[/b] The jumper might feel overwhelmed by the heightened or altered senses of the host, such as heightened smell, taste, or touch. 68. [b]Host’s powers have a mental link:[/b] The host’s powers are mentally linked to their thoughts, and the jumper cannot control them properly. 69.[b] Heightened or lowered physical tolerance:[/b] The jumper might encounter an altered pain tolerance or resistance to physical stress, which could be more or less than they’re used to. 70. [b]Loss of muscle memory:[/b] The jumper could find it challenging to perform physically skilled tasks. 71. [b]Mood swings:[/b] The jumper experiences drastic mood swings, as they adapt to the emotional state of the host's body along with those emotions conflicting. 72. [b]Impaired judgment:[/b] The jumper could make poor decisions due to a difference in the host’s life experience or current emotional state. 73. [b]Loss of sleep cycle:[/b] The jumper could experience a disrupted sleep schedule or insomnia due to the host’s existing sleep habits. 74. [b]Psychological projection:[/b] The jumper could project their own unresolved issues onto the host’s personality, causing confusion in both the jumper’s and the host’s actions. 75. [b]Involuntary activation of powers:[/b] The host’s powers might activate uncontrollably in response to the jumper's emotions or actions. 76. [b]Unfamiliar physical habits:[/b] The jumper may adopt new body language, gestures, or movements that don’t align with their own personality. 77. [b]Loss of emotional control:[/b] If the host is dealing with depression, anger issues, or anxiety, the jumper might unexpectedly experience these emotions without warning, causing mental distress. 78. [b]Obsessive thoughts:[/b] The jumper may become fixated on particular thoughts or memories of the host, leading to obsessive behaviors or difficulty focusing on tasks at hand. 79. [b]Body Sensitivity:[/b] The jumper may experience discomfort or sensitivity due to changes in the body’s condition or health status (e.g., injuries, illnesses, fatigue). 80. [b]Loss of fine motor control:[/b] The jumper might find it difficult to perform tasks that require delicate movement, such as writing or using tools, due to the body’s limitations. 81. [b]Increased risk of accidents:[/b] Due to unfamiliarity with the host's body and movements, the jumper might be more prone to accidents, like falling, tripping, or injuring themselves. 82.[b] Power misalignment:[/b] The jumper’s powers are incompatible with the host's body, preventing effective use. 83. [b]Difficulty accessing personal knowledge:[/b] The jumper might lose access to their own learned knowledge or expertise, as the host’s brain might not hold the same type of information. 84. [b]Energetic imbalance:[/b] The jumper might experience energetic imbalances in the host’s body, leading to a sense of internal chaos or spiritual discomfort. 85. [b]Inability to remember how to interact:[/b] The jumper might struggle with basic communication. 86. [b]Substance intolerance:[/b] The jumper may have adverse reactions to substances like caffeine, alcohol, or certain foods. 87. [b]Vision issues:[/b] This can be due to the host's already pre-existing issues or temporary issues from the host and Asterion blending together. 88. [b]Dental pain:[/b] The host might have untreated dental issues, such as cavities, causing sudden pain or sensitivity. This pain can follow Asterion into his own body for awhile even if he has no issues. 89. [b]Sudden sensory overload:[/b] The jumper might find the host’s senses (e.g., heightened smell or sensitive hearing) overwhelming in certain environments. 90. [b]Emotional numbness:[/b] The jumper may feel emotionally detached in the host's body or his own. 91. [b]Accidental role assumption: The jumper might find themselves mistakenly assuming the host’s role in society, whether it’s a parent, leader, or professional, causing confusion[/b] and unpreparedness. 92. [b]Unfamiliar gait:[/b] Adjusting to how the host walks might cause muscle strain or awkward movement. 93. [b]Physiological discomfort from body size:[/b] If the jumper is inhabiting a body with a significantly different size (e.g., very tall or short), they may experience physical discomfort from the body’s dimensions, such as awkward movements or pressure on joints. 94. [b]Loss of body autonomy:[/b] The jumper may feel that they have no control over how their new body moves, speaks, or behaves, leading to frustration or a sense of helplessness. 95. [b]Chronic fatigue:[/b] The host might experience ongoing exhaustion, limiting the jumper’s ability to function fully. 96.[b]Memory gaps:[/b] The jumper might experience memory loss due to the host’s inability to recall certain memories or trauma. 97. [b]Host’s chronic pain:[/b] The jumper may experience long-term pain from a physical ailment or injury the host is dealing with, such as chronic back pain or a previous surgery. 98. [b]Host’s repressed emotions:[/b] The jumper might experience the sudden surfacing of emotions or memories the host has suppressed. 99. [b]Bruising or wounds:[/b] Upon entering back into his own body, forcefully, Asterion can have bruises from jumping. 100. [b]Body rejects jumper:[/b] The host’s body might react negatively to the jumper, leading to nausea, dizziness, or even physical breakdowns as the body tries to reject the foreign consciousness. [/hider] [/center] [/color] [/hider]