[center][h2]Sagamiyama[/h2] [h3]Saturday Midday[/h3] Bakuto:[@BladeSS4] Mitsuaki:[@Morgannis] Tony:[@McNephelim] Sara:[@LadyAnnaLee] Tony:[@McNephelim] Mikazuki:[@Letter Bee] Darius: [@WSilversun][/center][hr] Ouga greeted Darius and Mikazuki, "well, more the merrier, Tony, Mikazuki, you two are welcome too", he waved the group to come into the lobby with him. One of the mechanics saw what was going on and being a rather quiet day decided to bring out some drinks to go with the sandwiches and rice balls. The other mechanics in the shop were actually aware of all the spirit stuff, and some were even just konpaku too. As the group entered the shop, Ouga began talking, seeing as Tony was one of the newer Shinigami here, perhaps just after Bakuto, he was happy to answer him, [color=fff79a]"Yeah that's what you're training to do. A shinigami's zanpakuto is able to kill Hollow, but not only that, it disperses their spirit and sends them to Soul Society... Hm? Oh Sara's here too, I didn't see you come in at all, make yourself comfortable"[/color], he turned to look into the lobby to see Sara just making herself... Not quite comfortable, perhaps trying to fade into the background. He waved to her briefly as he walked in with everyone, letting them get comfortable. [hr] [i][b]Hayasegawa [color=ed1c24]Shouko[/color][/b][/i] [color=9e0b0f]"My, is this report correct?"[/color], she pursed her lips as she looked at the small letter in her hand. Shouko in her kimono which she wore for the flower shop, a rich pink with golden flowers embroidered upon it, with a black and red obi. There was a small blue bird sat upon the window sill, it had a distinctly ethereal appearance too, and seemed rather cartoonish, almost featureless, as the deliverer of the letter it stood by for until it could be dismissed. [color=9e0b0f]"A concerning development if this is the case, very well... I will notify Soul Society of these findings, whether or not they act is not on me unfortunately, for they have their own issues to deal with"[/color], she closed the letter, before letting it burst into light blue flames, and with that the bird would fly away too disappearing into the sky. Not moments after this Shouko began to pack her bag, and closed up shop. A typical day for her was to work the store, then go out to the shopping district to buy any supplies she might need, this usually was something like food and drink among other necessities. She often did this herself as the konpaku who cared for the house had some rather unusual decision making skills for the current world. Today though, she skipped all that and allowed the konpaku to do it, there were more pressing matters to attend to, first was sending off a message to Soul Society, and then... Well, she had to get to Ouga and gather all the substitutes for an impromptu meeting. The former would take a little preparation, but the latter she was able to do right this moment, as she made her way to the autoshop where Ouga 'worked'.