[center][h2]Wednesday April 21st, 2094, 09:52 London, United Kingdom[/h2][h3]Richmond, Lauderdale Drive[/h3][/center][color=#FF611E]”I thought you had the week off?”[/color] Akela Ward sipped her tea in Bea’s living room, [color=#FF611E]”Strange to spend it working.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Remember what they say about not working a day in your life if you love your job?”[/color] Bea asked as she set down the clear coat spray she was covering her helmet with. She got a weird idea during the last school visit she did, and it was panning out nicely. [color=#1EFF24]”I like sharing my passions with other people who enjoy them. Especially kids. It’s a whole new set of questions you don’t usually hear.”[/color] [color=#FF611E]”But you need to remember to take time for yourself, even if this is your hobby, as you call it.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”I am. You tripped over a painting when you were taking your coat off, remember?”[/color] She reminded her mother. High time for another giveaway, they were starting to overflow into the hallway again. [color=#FF611E]”Maybe you should also make time to clean, then.”[/color] The Ward matriarch returned her daughter’s mischievous grin. [color=#1EFF24]”Funny… I was going to on Friday, but then I got Eva’s message and I am NOT missing that.”[/color] [color=#FF611E]”Ah, yes, the elusive Prince Charming, finally revealed.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Aerospace Researcher Charming, I think.”[/color] [color=#FF611E]”Of course. You didn’t seem surprised when she shared that. Makes me wonder what else you know?”[/color] She tried to pry. [color=#1EFF24]”You didn’t raise us to go back on our word.”[/color] Bea shook her head, [color=#1EFF24]”Be patient, it’s only three days.”[/color] [color=#FF611E]”[i]You[/i] did not just tell someone else to be patient.”[/color] Both women had to laugh at the absurdity of that. [hr][b][center][h3][code]Thu 22/04 11:26 PAUL MULDER [Batt: 98%][/code][/h3][/center][/b] [center]———— Today - A few seconds ago ————[/center][color=#1EFF24]> Just read about your head engineer, everything OK “at home”?[/color] [hr] [b]ThrottleMeMommyVillarosa[/b]: What does everyone make of all the chaos at Valkyrie? [b]TurboLover[/b]: Where is that truther guy when you need him? [b]TiresAndTinfoil[/b]: I think they got something on Bea. Why else would she agree to the Mulder charity gig when his team is under so much scrutiny atm? [b]MadBea:[/b] Are “doing nice things for your friends” or “occam’s razor” are a thing in your world? [b]GalwayGirl:[/b] That’s EXACTLY what someone being blackmailed would say! :P [b]MadBea:[/b] Galwaaaaay! Stop feeding trolls. :D [b]Xinny:[/b] She’s not feeding trolls, she IS the troll. [b][center][h3][code]Thu 22/04 11:28 ACE [Batt: 96%][/code][/h3][/center][/b] [center]———— Sunday - 21/03/2094 ————[/center][color=#7AFFAD]> Let me know how you’re doing when you can, will you?[/color] [sup][You reacted with ❤️][/sup] [color=#1EFF24]> I’m in one piece, thanks. [/color] [center]———— Tuesday - 30/03/2094 ————[/center][color=#1EFF24]> Forecast looks bad for We and Th, flyout to Japan as normal, ad shoot on Friday.[/color] [sup][“Ace” reacted with 👍][/sup] [center]———— Thursday - 01/04/2094 ————[/center][color=#7AFFAD]> Fujikura shoot at 0700.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> WHEN?![/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> Waiting outside.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> Out in a bit.[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> Do I want to know how long ago you got out of bed?[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> I refuse to answer.[/color] [center]———— Monday - 19/04/2094 ————[/center][color=#7AFFAD]> Good tip with the dam, thanks.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> Don’t mention it.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> I’m taking the crew out for dinner to celebrate, you lot coming along? It’s palazzo di Gusto, at five.[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> We’ll be there.[/color] [center]———— Wednesday - 21/04/2094 ————[/center][color=#1EFF24]> You’ve been to Luna before, any tips to share?[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> The horizon is only 2,41 klicks away, so you’ll have to get used to judging distances differently.[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> Greatly diminished braking action and loose handling because of no atmosphere.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> How loose, like driving on gravel? The beginning of aquaplaning?[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> I have no idea what either of those feel like.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> Slight delay between steering input and actually turning, understeer due to lower traction.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> God I need to get you out offroading someday.[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> Yeah, pretty much that.[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> You’ll also be carrying oxidizer on board. The ship will be heavier. And if you have a fire, stop and bail immediately.[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> Don’t even try to find a safe place to stop, just do it and get out.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> Got it.[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> And don’t hit your head on the ceiling.[/color] [center]———— Today - A few seconds ago ————[/center][color=#1EFF24]> I think you have a fan. 😛[/color] [Screenshot of an online conversation featuring the username ‘ThrottleMeMommyVillarosa’] [color=#7AFFAD]> Oh God[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> Why do you willingly engage with these people?[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> Now you see what I meant by “mad” =/= “insane”?[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> And if I didn’t, they’d make you do it.[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]> Point.[/color] [hr][center][h2]Thursday May 6th, 2094, 12:08 Portimão, Portugal[/h2][/center]The Carrera Condor ship returned to the pits, stopping at the usual marks. The lengthened cockpit opened and a young woman with a face almost as green as the highlights on Bea’s racing suit staggered out, holding onto her partner helping her down to the ground. Bea was right behind her, untangling herself from the harness in the back seat of the tandem cockpit of the modified 2090 ship and jumping down. [color=#1EFF24]”I need a rag and bucket!”[/color] She called out into the garage, causing the nearby Ava to lift her head up from instructing the next person in for the ride along. [color=#7AFFAD]”Did you scare away a fan?”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”I asked her if she ate before this. She said no.”[/color] Bea groaned exasperatedly, [color=#1EFF24]”You didn’t eat recently, did you?”[/color] She turned to the fan waiting for his turn, the man shaking his head as a mechanic brought a rag and bucket. [color=#7AFFAD]”See something new every day I guess?”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Actually, I have driven with vomit in my footwell before, but at least this time I have an enclosed helmet and it wasn’t mi-”[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]”Eugh, too much information.”[/color] Ava waved at Bea to get her to be quiet. [hr][color=gold][center][h1][i][b]DELTΔ HYPER[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color][color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Episode 5: The Atlantic Breeze[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [hr] When Bea arrived for the interview, Elise had already been there, talking to some Swiss journalist Bea didn’t recognize. She eased up her steps, sneaking up to the junior series pilot, standing behind her left shoulder and quickly gesturing for a Delta Hyper crewmember to act natural when he saw her and activated a camera drone. She gave Elise 20 seconds before slowly reaching around her back and tapping her on the right shoulder, the Andorran pilot turning to the right before realizing what was happening and quickly changing sides before Bea had time to side step into her blind spot. “How long has she been standing there?” Elise turned to the journalist, knowing he must have seen her and said nothing. [color=#1EFF24]”An hour or so.”[/color] Bea beat him to the answer. [quote]"Beatrix, Elise, welcome to Delta Hyper. Elise, are you excited for your first round in Junior AG? How's the team been?" Aurora asked, her usual chirp coming in, knowing the beaming smile on the footage was definitely not fake. "Oh yeah, it's really exciting. Bea has been really busy so we haven't really caught up much, but her sim data has been great, and it is so cool to see the team on top. First season here after Formula 3, so I'm excited to see what I can do!" "And Bea, anything for the journey you would suggest to Elise to know from your experiences so far?"[/quote] [color=#1EFF24]”I would suggest you don’t learn from people who are still learning themselves. Blind leading the blind and all.”[/color] Bea shrugged, [color=#1EFF24]”Whatever I think I’ve learned so far, the sample pool is so small I don’t know if I even drew the correct conclusions or if I’m just lucky.”[/color] She explained further. [color=#1EFF24]”I guess, don’t try to be what you’re not, on or off the track, find your groove and stick to that. History’s full of drivers who switched teams, sat in a car that handled differently and fell off a cliff, unable to adapt.”[/color] She tried to actually answer the question, [color=#1EFF24]”But don’t be too good, or they’ll kick me out.”[/color] She added with a grin. [hr][center][h2]Saturday May 8th, 2094, 15:38 Portimão, Portugal[/h2][h3]Qualifying[/h3][/center]The interior cameras came to life, showing Bea’s helmet covered with smiley faces, stickers and good luck wishes from the schoolkids she talked to in the week after italy, plus a few empty spaces where she had to scrub off a dick or two before clearcoating the helmet to make sure the permanent marker didn't smudge or rub off. The main straight ended deceptively fast. T4 was the first struggle, the crest visibly upsetting the Carrera Condor ship, only quick stickwork keeping Bea within the track limits. T5 would’ve been a handful a few weeks ago, but the handling upgrade was notable. The first big problem came in the form of T10, the blind corner over crest - a terrain feature she grew to hate in her first year in rally and hasn’t accepted since - combined with less than ideal amount of time in the sim making her miss the braking point and brake early, wasting precious time. [color=#1EFF24][i]’Idiot!’[/i][/color] The shameful display was completed with another wobbly moment in T13 compromising entry into T14. [i]This[/i], Aurora, was a qualifying to forget. [color=#129914]”Not what we wanted, but well done, considering.”[/color] Alistair maintained a neutral tone as Bea slowed down, staying off the racing line to let Paul by on his outlap. [color=#1EFF24]”We knew it would be bad here. Really missing that week, but we didn’t burn out and there will be gains elsewhere.”[/color] Bea shrugged verbally, or rather double nonverbally given her setup, already counting all the ‘cope’ accusations in her head. [color=#1EFF24]”We’re going easy on Zygon, Cassie’s home race and all.”[/color] Bea chuckled. [color=#129914]”How nice of us.”[/color] Alistair joined the chuckles. [hr] [center][b]Njál Sigurdsson @SmolNjol[/b]: Preach! [i][A phone-shot video from the Carrera Condor hospitality center, showing the floor but the voices are clear enough. [color=#1EFF24]”...eriously? Ten places and not even for the crash, for what she said afterward! What are we, in reception?”[/color] “FIAR is gonna make them sit on the ground and hold hands.” [color=#1EFF24]”Hah! Call Astrid’s mum to tell her that her daughter has a potty mouth. What a joke. Might as well rebrand to ‘FIARsco’ if this is the new low we can expect.”[/color]] #FormulaAG #FIARsco #JusticeForAstrid[/i] [/center] [b]ChesterFromChester:[/b] Americans still fistfighting each other in NASCAR once or twice a season, hockey players almost putting each other through the barriers, everyone sleeps. The Korean drone gets insulted: Real shit. [b]DohnJoe:[/b] dont hate us cause we know how to have fun [b]Galenhulme:[/b] Because FA is a gentleman’s sport. These drivers should behave to a higher standard than some brutes on skates. [b]TruckerTim:[/b] OK, sports Hitler… [b]Xinny:[/b] It’s absolutely criminal because the rematch between those two would’ve been fire. [b]Exxalibur:[/b] You mean the European would’ve cracked like last time, if she could even make up 4 places? [b]Darkstar69:[/b] [b]@SmolNjol[/b] Seriously uncool of you to record a conversation like that. [b]SmolNjol:[/b] Don’t say things you don’t want public in public. She’s right, anyway. Watch FIAR throw a fit over that too just prove the point by accident. [b]CloroxEnjoyer:[/b] More people should speak out against this. They can’t penalize everyone. [b]Zero:[/b] Austria F1 GP 2023 would like a word. [Link to the full list of penalties from the race] [hr] [center][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrLdbYUu7LJQf9_6F1zblN3WfwvCU8R3W8Xskd8b3vI/edit?usp=sharing]Carrera Condor NPCs[/url][/center]