[CENTER][img]https://i.postimg.cc/K8WL9ssF/f4ae3675e73f1d57c6f3cde45b5dbc96.png [/img][/CENTER] [color=gray] [color=8882be]"Works perfectly for me."[/color] Alice said, nodding in agreement as she replied to Rho-Hux when he suggested a silent signal should they spot enemies. [color=8882be]"Despite my choice of weapon making me a bit ill suited to spearhead the formation, should we encounter heavy ethereal interference or presence, I have no problems in scouting ahead, should it prove to be necessary."[/color] Alice said looking to the entire team and nodding reassuringly to them before they prepared to go enter the Sargasso. The moment they entered the Sargasso station, they were greeted by the flesh growths covering the walls and corridors of the station, releasing unknown, possibly harmful chemicals in the air, contaminating the little oxygen that was still left in it. Mostly due to her experience in expeditions to the Oneiric Chasm, Alice found herself unbothered by the low gravity or even the considerable buildup of qillatu that was ever so familiar to places that constantly fell in and out of the Oneiric Chasm. Unlike the clear, rampant infection that seemed to plague Sargasso and the apparent state of disrepair, the first thing Alice noticed was that many of the electronic devices not only were still working, but there were signals of them being used quite recently as well. Unsurprising, considering the briefing they had received about the station, but by putting that fact together with the strange, liquid-like sensation she could feel like a trail leading to different rooms made it quite clear that they should expect to meet something rather sooner than later. Other than those clear signals, there were many sounds Alice could hear. From the beeping and buzzing noises of old electronic devices to the sounds of the pulsating flesh growths and veins, there were also other sounds that were... difficult to pinpoint the source. A distant, but strangely clear sound coming from above the room they encountered themselves in, raising and lowering in intensity, indicating whatever it was the source, it was definitely moving. Even though there seemed to be no immediate danger in that room, something that Alice was making sure of, both sweeping their surroundings and being ready to react at a moment's notice, she still gave Salvator a concerned glance. She wasn't sure the others would have felt the same as she did, but she knew most certainly that Salvator, being a voidhanger like her, would have felt that weird liquid sensation as well as she had. Even though she didn't want to break the silence, fearing to announce her presence to whoever, [i]or whatever[/i] might be listening, her expression was enough to send a clear message... That mission wouldn't be an easy one. Trouble seemed to dwell closer to them than what Alice thought it would at the briefing. A single wrong movement could warn other things of their presence and by the small hints Alice had caught by looking around, there was a rather considerable chance that it could be something worse than just pirates. [/color]