[color=gold][center][h1][i][b]DELTΔ HYPER[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color] [color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Post Qualifying Press[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [hr] Paul had just finished his qualifying run. He was still in his racing suit. He had pulled off his helmet and the fireproof balaclava that he wore under his helmet. He had handed them off to Carmella. He gave her a huge smile as she slapped an orange flavored Zap drink into his hand. He guzzled it down before turning to Carmella. Paul: [color=fff200]“I don’t think the ship could be set up any more perfectly. The only thing that would make it better at this point is a little more speed. But the handling and stability are great for this circuit. Please give my thanks to the engineering team and mechanics. The ship is slaying! I can’t wait till tomorrow. Set up the qualifying telemetry in the trailer for review. I will go over it again later tonight.”[/color] Carmella gave him a nod and jotted a few notes on her tablet after handing his helmet off to another team member. Carmella pointed to the press that were gathered outside the paddock hoping for a sound bite from him. Carmella: [color=f7976a]“The Culture Vultures are already circling. Go on and get it done. I will have this set up and ready for you later when you are ready for it.” [/color] Paul ducked into the back of the paddock and used a wet towel to cool down. He washed the sweat from his face and rubbed vigorously at his head. The cooling effect was immediate and a welcome relief from the heat here in Portugal and from the cabin of the ship. He ran a quick comb through his hair and found a sponsor hat to wear with the press. He planned to hold a Zap drink so he picked up the I Can’t Believe It's Not meat hat. He then put on some aviator style sunglasses. It was bright out. He then went to the entrance of the paddock where the press were congregating. Paul waited as the obligatory drones took video and flashes went off in his face. He was grateful that he thought to grab his sunglasses. [color=ed1c24]“Lauri Ivan with Victory Racing Laps News. Paul, how does it feel to get P3? Do you think you will be able to repeat your performance tomorrow and win your first podium?” [/color] Paul gave them a humble but charming smile. [color=fff200]“Well Lauri, It feels fantastic to place well but we have to wait for the rest of the racers to finish before we know if I have secured the P3 position. As far as getting on the podium tomorrow, well I certainly hope so. I try to win every race but that is not always possible. I like my chances here in Portugal though.”[/color] He gave her a winning smile. [color=ed1c24]“Jabari Biko with Worldwide Sports. Paul, How do you feel about all the controversy and drama that has followed Team Valkyrie since Alexander Knight took over?” [/color] Paul kept his expression neutral as he took a moment to contemplate how to answer that question. [color=fff200]“Change is always difficult and tumultuous. I would argue Jabari that it depends on whose point of view you are reporting. As for mine, I support the changes that Alexander Knight has brought to the Team.” [/color] [color=ed1c24]“Shannon Taylor with AG Source. Do you feel that Felix Burkhardt leaving will impair Team Valkyrie’s chances for a winning season.”[/color] Paul gave Shannon a bright smile. [color=fff200]“I would say that Felix Burkhardt is an amazing engineer of great integrity. He has already set Valkyrie up for a great season. While his leaving was sudden and unexpected, engineers change teams for a variety of reasons. I wish Felix all the best no matter where he lands. Whoever he goes to work for will be getting an amazing engineer.” [/color] [color=ed1c24]“Dave Harris with Autosport. Would you comment on the rumors going around the paddock that Cavan Mitchell was stolen from Fitzroy?” [/color] Paul couldn’t help but laugh as this was the first time he had heard this particular rumor. [color=fff200]“I can’t believe you just asked me that after Cavan Mitchell’s fiery exit from Fitzroy that was caught on camera and shared after the Tokyo Grand Prix.”[/color] It took Paul a moment to stop laughing since this was a ludicrous rumor. [color=fff200]“I will say that Alexander Knight recruited a talented engineer that was available after Burkhardt left. Cavan Mitchell was publicly a free agent when he was approached by Valkyrie. I am looking forward to working with Mr. Mitchell. I question your integrity and sources there Harris.” [/color] [hr][b][center][h3][code]Thu 22/04 11:26 PAUL MULDER [Batt: 98%][/code][/h3][/center][/b] [center]———— Today - A few seconds ago ————[/center][color=#1EFF24]> Just read about your head engineer, everything OK “at home”?[/color] [center]———— Response 10 minutes later ————[/center] [right] [color=fff200]It was certainly a surprise but Knight has the situation under control. Were you worried about me Bea?[/color][/right] [hr][b][center][h3][code] Sat 06/05 Formula AG Pilot Group Chat [/code][/h3][/center][/b] [color=fff200][b]PAUL MULDER:[/b] Well the cat is out of the bag now. Would any of you other pilots be interested in supporting a fundraising and awareness campaign for the Mulder Foundation? I would be happy to discuss details privately with any of you. I want to thank Bea and Hyeon-Ae for already agreeing to be a part of the event.[/color] [hr] [hider= Team Valkyrie Characters] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zrLx5XUgYiVm6KjTpFTWZtJvXc0MX77enkLzINHujKw/edit?gid=0#gid=0 [/hider]