The rest of the day seemed to pass uneventfully. Teachers and students came and went through the campus as the bell chimed its hours for all to hear. The snow had thickened throughout the day and the staff worked hard to keep the pathways clear for the students but as the temperatures began to drop more and more, an alert was sent out to all students and faculty. "Due to freezing temperatures expecting during the night and the following day, classes will be cancelled for Tuesday, January 21. The cafeteria will remain open for students. Be Careful while traversing campus in this cold weather and be sure to remain warm. We'll see you all back Wednesday." It was far too cold to be out at their usual meet up area, so a table not far from the coffee booth served as the temporary meet up area for our group of friends. The tables were packs with students, the area noisy with chatter. No one wanted to be outside in that weather. It was far too cold for anyone to want to remain outside for too long and despite that, there were a few people who dared it, bundled up in so many layers, they looked like puffed up statues rather than students.