[hider=Webb] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eWAYcTk.png[/img] [center][url=https://i.imgur.com/65r7Jjp.png]Full Picture[/url][/center] [h1]Webb[/h1] [b]Cursed Spider[/b] | [b]Physically around 16[/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]3’10”[/b] | [b]110lbs[/b][/center] [b]Goal:[/b] Survival and Answers to who they were before everything. [b]Secrets:[/b] (Even unknown to him) He’s much older than he looks and is linked to a cult. [b]Fears:[/b] Finding out he was someone horrible Being Eaten by something bigger Being trapped Fire. [b]History:[/b] Webb is a strange case, even for those within Nocturnia. He has no memory of before he woke up one day in the city, people kept away from him so he secluded himself for the most part. Once he figured out he could use his powers to help others, he quickly tried his best to help whoever needed it, but due to his naivety; he’s known for accidentally helping the wrong person. He quickly learnt that with his specific powers, he needs to eat [i]a lot[/i]; and he figured out pretty soon that it has to be meat. He’s never actively eaten a human, but being an obligate carnivore can become very hard to live by, especially without the funds to be able to find food for himself. Unknown to Webb, his Gyft is linked to a ‘prophecy’ of an old all-but-dead cult of an old Spider God. Said to have been ‘reborn’ within the city and was to bring the glory of the cult back to life. Webb of course, has no idea about this cult or the prophecy; but he has had a couple of run ins with the occasional cult member, where he just simply runs away. Due to Webbs’ unknown upbringing and him simply just waking up one day, he doesn’t know a lot about the world. He’s quiet and tends to not speak unless he needs to; and when he does, it’s usually done with smaller sentences and smaller words. [center]__________[/center] [b]Alliance:[/b] He believes he’s a hero, but he’s somewhere in the middle. [b]District:[/b] Floater, no real home. Doesn’t do things for wealth, just wants to help where he can. [b]Faction:[/b] (Unknowingly) Cult of the Black Web [indent]Cult of the Black Web is a well-hidden cult, thought to be dead for centuries. They hide within the nooks of Nocturnia, awaiting the rise of their long lost Spider God; Garderra - Said to be the Spider God of Stealth and Poison. [/indent] [center]__________[/center] [b]Gyft:[/b] Touch of the Black Web / Garderra’s Curse [indent]Subject is cursed with a ‘twisted’ appearance; extra eyes, hidden mandibles that contain a paralysing poison, Multiple limbs, clawed hands and feet with the ability to scale walls as well as a thorax that can produce a strong web that can hold 10 times the weight of the cursed. Paralysis Poison; Roll 1D20, if lower roll than target; the area affected is small and is mostly just numbed. If higher roll, the area affected can be as much as a limb and causes full Paralysis. The effect lasts roughly for an hour. (used more as a defensive attack rather than offensive) Super Human strength; the Cursed can lift 10x its own weight with ease. [/indent] [b]Limitations and Weaknesses:[/b] [indent]- Due to the multiple eyes, the cursed is affected quite harshly by changes in light levels, if put into an area with too much light, can be hindered and almost blinded. The superhuman strength eats away at a lot of calories within the cursed, as well as the webbing ability, which causes them to have to eat [i]a lot[/i], often at least half their body weight whenever they can. Sticky hands make it hard to do most normal things, as their ability to stick to things ends up getting them in awkward situations. Unable to be ‘covert’, appearance is hard to hide unless within a big cloak. Easily Spotted in daylight. Meat prepped for humans - no effect Wild caught animal meat(small birds, bugs, fish etc) - able to eat but will have to bring up the non-digestible pieces in 1d4 days time. Human meat - 'feral' for up to 1d12 hours, is violently sick once back to normal. Feral just basically means he's like a wild animal and is agitated and unable to be consoled etc. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Harriet] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0ReB5pX.png[/img] [center][url=https://i.imgur.com/nMiH4zH.png]Full image[/url][/center] [h1]Harriet Talon[/h1] [b]Winged Blade[/b] | [b]27[/b] | [b]Female[/b] | [b]6’3”[/b] | [b]200lbs[/b][/center] [b]Goal:[/b] Vengeance for the lost children, running the biggest and best foster system within Nocturnia. [b]Secrets:[/b] Runs a Forest System/Care Service for the lost, thrown away or abused Children of Nocturnia. Is known as ‘Mother bird’ by a lot of the little kids she visits. Want’s nothing but the best for her adopted child, Calem. [b]Fears:[/b] Claustrophobic Calem being harmed in any way Clowns [b]History:[/b] Harriet grew up in Nocturnia, unluckily becoming an orphan before she hit the age of 8 years old, and was put in a [i]horrible[/i] foster house where she was abused in every way possible by both her ‘loving’ parents. When her Gyft appeared, she accidentally lashed out and killed both of her abusers, causing her to have to go on the run away from the siblings she loved so much. She fought against the cops who saw her as a murderer, and wouldn’t believe that she was simply an abused child. She fought against the horrible Foster System within Nocturnia, vowing to make it better for every child; and vowing that any child under [i]her[/i] wing, would not be abused. She was soon seen as a horrible ‘child stealer’, however it was always misconstrued as she took children away from undeserving parents and put them somewhere safer. Harriet has in the past (And will again) smuggled children out of Nocturnia so they can have better lives than she ever had. She will not let children be mistreated as long as she stays standing. She knows there are corrupt cops, who often will keep abuse underwraps unless the victim is wealthy; which she will put a stop to. Even if she’s seen as a villain. [center]__________[/center] [b]Alliance:[/b] Mafia Boss [b]District:[/b] Hamlet [indent]Has one Weed Lab. One orphanage (Funded personally from Harriet) A good Pharmacy A large grassy park w/ playground A Foster Agency (Run by Harriet) [/indent] [b]District:[/b] Bazaar [indent]Has one LSD Lab Three different Orphanages Two good Pharmacies Two smaller grass parks One large grassy park with large playground 2 ‘seperate’ foster agencies (Both run by Harriet) [/indent] [b]Faction:[/b] The Aviary [indent]Not entirely your average Mafia Group, solely made up by Harriet to ensure the kids of her districts were safe. Those affiliated with her will often have a small blue feather (Real for higher up members, fake for lower members) on their person, usually as a clip or part of a hat/headwear. [/indent] [center]__________[/center] [b]Gyft:[/b] Avian Blessing (Prehistoric Gene) [indent]Growth of Avian Wings and Tail (Dikotaraptor) Growth of insulating Feathers Ability of Flight Sharp thumb claw [/indent] [b]Limitations and Weaknesses:[/b] [indent]Flight causes Exhaustion and cannot be done for too long Insulating feathers causes overheating easily unless in colder temperatures. Inability to be Covert, easy to spot. Unable to wield most weapons due to Thumb Claw. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Calem] [center] [img]https://images.pexels.com/photos/415223/pexels-photo-415223.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1[/img] [h1]Calem Talon[/h1] [b]4 ½ [/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]Talons’ Baby Bird[/b] [/center] [b]Description:[/b] Calem is Harriets adopted child, she found him at a crime scene when he was around a year old. He’s cheeky and loving, and is able to calm Harriets’ anger no matter how high it is just by showing up. Loves hugs, adores dinosaurs; very happy his mother is a Dinosaur. [b]Gyft:[/b] N/A [/hider][hider=The Doctor] [center] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjZb9SLLvbcNGXy1JLLesv5uN5rj6cs1_r_Q&s[/img] [h1]Unknown[/h1] [b]Unknown (Presumably over 40 years old)[/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]The Doctor - Head of Cult of the Black Web[/b] [/center] [b]Description:[/b] No one really knows The Doctors true identity. He is mysterious, conniving, and cruel. Always watching, always plotting. He wants nothing other than to control all of Nocturnia from his underground operations. He wants nothing but the Cult of the Black Web to be well known across the land. He knows of the one who will bring it all being in Nocturnia, but he has yet to find them. He has eyes everywhere. Watching. Listening. [b]Gyft:[/b] [i]Shadow Manipulation[/i] The Doctor can control the shadows around him into solid objects; most often he uses it for Blades and Daggers, but if and when he needs to, he’s able to manifest them into a set of shadow tendrils from his back. He can’t do too much with his shadows, striking them drains his energy and control. But he can block most standard attacks to give himself time to get away. (If Fired at by a lot of bullets, his blockage will be limited and he’ll likely be knocked back or lose control of the shadows) [hider=Hunger Gems]Doctor has a supposed ‘endless’ supply of this strange Citrine Coloured gem. He has a large palm sized gem in a carbon fiber glove on his left hand. The Doctor’s ‘signature’ for creating his experiments is putting a ‘Hunger Gem’ into the upper neck vertebrae of his ‘subjects’. The Gem then ‘grows’ into the nervous system and attaches to the brain stem; allowing The Doctor control of the subject's mind. The Gem is visible from the back of the subjects neck, and in extreme cases it grows into spine-like structures down their neck and sometimes onto the spine. The Doctor doesn’t truly know the full abilities of the gems, nor does he know how they’re created; he simply knows they appear infrequently in Nocturnia’s Undercity, and has some sort of connection to the Deities that hide beneath. [/hider] [/hider]