Death wanted to pull his hair out of his head. This was turning into a right mess! At least he was out of that cage and they were out of that man's house but that was really the only good things he could point out. He was so stuck in the stupid mortal body, in the mortal world, with no idea how to break the centuries old spell. He just wanted to grab the magician and rip him apart! Oh right. He can't. Cause he can't use magic! Death groaned loudly as he flopped down on his back on the floor, splaying his arms out to either side in defeat. How did he ever end up like this? Him? Death? All powerful god! Ender of all things! Trapped within a mortal body. He sighed as Kaia placed a mug of something in front of him. He contemplated not sitting up at all but figured that would be considered rude, so with a grunt, he sat up again and picked the mug up. He wasn't sure what she was trying to give him to drink but it had a strong smell to it, and when he took a sip he found it had just as strong of a taste as well. He wasn't a fan and the disgusted face he made after trying it proved that. He set the mug to the side as he listened to her explanation of their options. He grunted as he crossed his arms, pondering hard on what they could do. She made a lot of good points. The way he saw it, they could work on multiple different fronts to try and get the runes sorted. That way they were not putting all their eggs in one basket. They could send the runes to her father to try and decipher while they sought out Thoth. After all, there is no guarantee that he would even help them after they go through the trouble of tracking down his study. In the meantime, they could do their own research to try and decipher the runes as well. It would probably be the safest bet for them. That way, if one path failed, they weren't left with nothing. They still had some ground to stand on. He was about to present his thoughts on the matter when she suddenly stood up with a yell. He watched as she scrambled to perform the spell, watching as she walked over to hand him a small jar. He eyed it with a deep frown on his face. So this was what his life was reduced to, eh? Relying on the spellcraft of a witch to keep him hidden from a mortal man? He sighed as he set the jar in his lap. He may not like it but he wasn't going to go anywhere without it. There was no way he was going to let that magician capture him again and shove his ass in a cage. “So, two things.” He started as he reached out to take the shirt from her. He slipped it over his head and pulled it down, thankful to have some kind of decent clothing on at least. “Why does that man have your blood? And we should most definitely send the runes to your father while we try and sort them out on our own as well. If getting help from a god doesn't work out for us, it's best to have at least some kind of help in that regard. Best not rely solely on one plan.” He twirled the jar around in his hands as he spoke.