[hider=Leon "Leo" MacAoidh] [center] [img]https://image.cdn2.seaart.me/temp-convert-webp/highwebp/2024-09-09/crfhp55e878c738ca920/b3ca75a154c38529863ff87c06c88ffb_low.webp[/img] [h1]Leon "Leo" MacAoidh[/h1] [b]Captain[/b] | [b]32[/b] | [b]Male[/b] | [b]6'4"[/b] | [b]220[/b][/center] [b]Goal:[/b] A Nocturnia unified and able to show the rest of the world that Gyft-users and non-gyfted can coexist for the betterment of humans as a whole. He hopes by showing how 'good' Gyfted can be a benefit to society that eventually the wall might finally come down. [b]Secrets:[/b] -He is not above breaking the law in order to bring criminals to justice. Whether that means torturing prisoners, paying off criminals, or kidnapping targets to put pressure on the Mafias. He believes he is fighting a war, and trains his officers to believe the same. -He has a secret son(Victor) from a drunken one night stand with a woman(Elana) six years ago. Leon and Elana agreed it was best if no one knew the truth as Leon was rising through the muck of the Sheriff's department and cleaning house. [b]Fears:[/b] -Falling from grace. When nearly every other district in the city has fallen to corruption or the guns and Gyfts of the Mafias, can he really afford to even pretend to be a good person? -Turning into a monster. With such a drastic physical transformation, Leon has a deep concern that the beast he becomes is tied closer to his soul than any mere coincidence of nature. What happens if the beast becomes strong enough to overcome Leon's will? [b]History:[/b] Leon MacAoidh is a native born citizen of Nocturnia. Growing up in a city that was always just on the side of falling apart between the damage caused by multiple crime families, ineffective policing forces, and finally the Gyft contributed to his outlook on life. Leon was raised on the idea that laws were created to be a fair and effective means of serving the people, but in a city where you are the only one following the rules, it never takes long before you find yourself making exceptions. Leon signed up with the police academy almost immediately upon graduating high school, displaying a particular talent for making arrests and getting confessions from criminals that set foot on his protected routes. He made it a point to become a publicly known figure, attending high class social events and volunteering at community driven activities. What initially began as a trusted network of contacts that could feed him information about the drugs and violence taking place on his streets, expanded to where he suddenly began arresting and charging dirty cops with the crimes they were committing while holding their badges. These acts inspired great loyalty in the man, but eventually, he stepped on one toe too many. Lured into an ambush by another cop he was investigating, the Galan family sent a half dozen of their problem solvers to make sure he couldn't keep disrupting their operations in Burberry. Though his squad car gave him cover from the fusillade of bullets that were meant for him, three other civilians were gunned down from stray bullets. Angered at the sight of innocent blood and blaming himself for getting caught in the ambush, part of Leon broke under fire that day and his Gyft manifested itself. Leon's transformation overwhelmed the gunmen and by the time his fellow officers showed up to support him, he was already stacking the corpses of the mafia men as some kind of message. Over the next three years, every chance he had, every lead he garnered, he hunted down the Galan family personally. If they surrendered quickly, Leon would take them into custody, but the mafia family members always arrived at the station ready to confess to any crime Leon charged them with. Internal Affairs has opened a case on Leon twice, but has never been able to gather sufficient evidence to charge him with anything more than moderate excessive force. As the years rolled by, dirty cops were either transferred or arrested as Leon cleaned his own department. He isn't foolish enough to assume he has found them all, but there are enough cops in the department that either owe him huge debts, or are afraid of him enough to follow his orders. [center]__________[/center] [b]Alliance:[/b] Detective [b]District:[/b] Burberry [indent] Burberry Enforcement Bureau - Leon's headquarters. A fortified sheriff station built adjacent to the checkpoint that has been expanded with additional facilities for holding Gyfted individuals and a training range where Gyfted officers can train their powers. A military style bunker building has also been set up on premises to hold seized goods that have failed to be smuggled past the checkpoint managed by the Bureau and the Military. College of Gyfted Studies - A former science lab now dedicated to understanding the nature of the Gyft, how humans come to be Gyfted, and unraveling the mysteries of Nocturnia. A heavy deployment of Enforcement Operatives is on site, and the College offers lower class or unemployed citizens a place to earn a daily allotment of food and supplies by assisting the operations or volunteering for (ethical) experiments. Officer's Memorial - A small, but well kept park with a memorial statue to Law Enforcement Officers that have fallen in the line of duty since the rise of the Wall. At the base of the statue is a slag heap of badges taken from officers that were condemned as being 'dirty'. Once a year, new names are added to the memorial and badges are tossed into the slag heap in a small ceremony. [/indent] [b]Faction:[/b] Law Enforcement Operations [indent] Dedicated to justice, citizenship, and service, the Law Enforcement Operations of Burberry are the broken remains of the previous Law Enforcement for Burberry reforged under the guidance and training of Leon. Though their ranks are open to all from within Nocturnia, a strict testing program is administered to each applicant to ensure that the most suitable are brought into the ranks. From the lower tiers, the faction does it best to maintain the peace and enforce the law within the walled city. Officers are expected to adhere to the law in all cases except those where the law inhibits the greater good, which is a very loose definition when it comes to carrying out the law. The program does it's best to weed out candidates that are susceptible to abuse of power, but also encourages recruiting persons with moldable minds and attitudes, turning the upper ranks of the department into a near fanatical branch of law worshippers that is armed like a private military from weapons and armor seized from smugglers and raids. Leon's training program is near barbaric in terms of physical excess, aimed to seek out exceptional normal individuals and Gyfted persons. While a lack of physical ability will deter you from ground operations, Leon has also done his best to maintain a cyber division gathering some of the smartest minds in the districts to solve crimes and find ways(if any) to neutralize Gyft users. The people within the districts openly view the officers as the protectors they are intended to be, but as with all overly authoritative organizations it is not hard to see how hard the Bureau keeps it's boots on the neck of the people they protect. It's hard to be a good cop when the city around you bleeds, so most settle for being effective cops instead of good ones. [/indent] [center]__________[/center] [b]Gyft:[/b] Leonine Form [indent] A transformation which grants Leo an increase in his physical abilities, increasing his muscle mass, hardening his skin, and causing his teeth and claws to elongate. Taking on the form allows him to claim a greater resilience to damage, but it's primary advantage is the increase to his speed and reflexes as well as taking on the enhanced senses of a feline, though that can be turned against him. [/indent] [b]Limitations and Weaknesses:[/b] [indent] Delayed Transformation: Due to Leon's fear of losing control, his transformation is slow, taking up to thirty seconds before any real benefits come in to play. Overloaded Senses: Extremely bright lights and smells can disorient Leon in his transformed state, potentially to the point of forcing him to revert to avoid suffering damage. Pride before the Fall: Leon's sense of Pride in himself and his officers is one of his greatest weaknesses. Embarassing him, taunting, or otherwise baiting him can more easily draw him out when he is in his transformed state. [/indent] [/hider]