[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OlhFGWT.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][h3]Within Yusei's Domain, The Labyrinth[/h3][/color] [sub][@Asuras][/sub] [hr] [quote=The Guards]“Chosen. Uncalled," "Master. Recovering," "[i]Begone,[/i]”[/quote] Reina gave the guards a fleeting look. It was good. Lord Yusei's followers were still here. They hadn't abandoned him, like other, weaker forces might. However, the fact that they hadn't responded to her call… They were focused on Lord Yusei. It betrayed anxiety. She couldn't forget her manners though, before speaking. Regally, she faced the direction of the throne and gave a deep bow, mumbling softly, [color=916BB4][b]”My Lord.”[/b][/color] She then gazed down at the shadow guardians of the throne, and spoke salutations to them before daring to speak her mind. [color=916BB4][b]”Sapientia tenebrarum super vos. [i](The wisdom of the darkness be upon you.)[/i]”[/b][/color] A pause. Before her jaw set firmly. [color=916BB4][b]”With all due respect, the flowers speak a different tale. The colors wane. He is not recovering. My lord is [i]dying[/i]. I am not leaving until I am certain of his health. “I sent a signal up when my party approached the threshold. No one watches the perimeter. You're in a dangerous position. If word catches that we are weak, the Labyrinth's inhabitants will not hesitate to converge upon us.”[/b][/color] Reina shifted her weight, chin lifting in the direction of Lord Yusei. [color=916BB4][b]”Please inform me. What made my lord's condition to be like this? What caused this?”[/b][/color] All the while, she kept her spell up to detect Cygni and Erina's larger emotions. Though they were out of range now, they would surely return soon. She wanted not to be caught unawares when they did. Fates knew what would happen if she dared let her guard down around Cygni. And with the threat of a swift death from the Labyrinth's other denizens, reinforcements would be a boon until Lord Yusei was somewhat recovered.