[@TheMushroomLord] [quote] So is the only thing that actually matters getting into a lucid dreaming state? There isn’t anything overtly occult or otherwise supernatural we have to do to make everything work?[/quote] At the moment, no. Just to get the realm hopping moving, we're going to start with stuff like this. Now to actually be able to use some of things learned while realm hopping, that's a another matter and something we'll dig into when we get there. Also figuring out how to get to previous realms as well. [quote] In other words Damon, our resident insomniac, a potential regular lucid dreamer? [/quote] That could be a fun little tidbit! Maybe he was dream hopping and didn't even realize it haha [@Crimson Flame] I just want to check in with you here since you're the only one who hasn't had a chance to post the follow up to the end of classes. Just wanted to make sure you're fine with us just jumping so far ahead or if you wanted to get a response in before hand.