Selene stared out at the wreckage from her place perched at the top of the stone pillar. Her kingdom was destroyed and there wasn't a thing she could do about it.

"Are you ready?" a voice called out as a presence materialized behind her. She glanced up, her eyes meeting those of Helios.

She nodded, her gaze dim as it fell to the ground.

"Yes, let's go..." she said quietly. Helios's gaze softened. He held out a hand for her, helping her up when she accepted it.

Then, in a flash of colors that all faded to white, they were gone, now back in the room that had originated from before activating the illusion.

"Any clues?" The pair turned to a slightly smaller figure who was floating in the air, an expectant expression on their face.

"All of the ones who used powers had rainbow gemstones somewhere on them as the centerpiece of a piece of jewelry," Selene answered.

"That gives us something to work with," the child smiled. "Are you alright, Selene?" they asked quietly, their gaze softening.

"I'm fine, Vess. It hurts, but we're doing all of this to get revenge and find a way to bring them back," she smiled gently. "And, it's not as if I'm the only one whose entire kingdom was destroyed," she added, her gaze flickering from Helios to the child she had addressed as "Vess," short for Vesper.

All in all, her kingdom was the last to be destroyed by the strange group of people none of the three Heirs knew about.

Selene, Heir to the Moon.

Helios, Heir to the Sun.

Vesper, Heir to the Stars.

All three of them met each other after each one's kingdom was destroyed by this unknown group. Vess was first and wandered alone for an unknown amount of time, then Helios five years ago, and Selene last, three, almost four years ago.

All they had were each other and the memories of people who had long since passed.