[center][h2] Two Weeks Later[/h2][/center] [center][h2] The Horseman's Trumpet[/h2][/center] [center][h2] [color=ec008c]Samantha "Chaos" Dalton[/color] [color=8dc73f]Chuck "Boomer" Simmons[/color] [/h2][/center] [color=ec008c]Samantha sat in the briefing room feeling grateful that she had listened to her instincts. She had finished the repairs and replacement for the team’s gear about a week ago. They even had some time to work with the new gear and armor to get used to it. Her hope was that everyone found the repairs and new gear to their liking. They would need every advantage they could get going into this next fight. There was a prevailing sense of weight to the oppressive mood in the room. Samantha looked around the room as others trickled into the briefing. Samantha had an overwhelming sense of destiny that this was why her parents had made her come back. She kept that to herself though. She pushed out all other thoughts and did her best to focus on Skye as she started the briefing. [/color] [color=8dc73f]Chuck took a seat next to Freya as he entered the briefing room. He could tell from the look on the leaders faces that the shit had hit the fan. They all knew Rose was still out there. He was betting they were about to find out what she had been up to. Duke had come in with him and immediately went to Freya and begged for attention giving her soulful eyes as he placed his head in her lap. Chuck just chuckled to himself. His dog was as besotted with Freya as he was. He couldn't hold it against Duke since Freya was an amazing woman. That thought brought a smile to his face which was quickly replaced by a serious look as the briefing got started. [/color] [color=ec008c]Samantha’s brain focused on Skye and began processing what she was being told. Her abnormal neural pathways firing on all cylinders as she began summarizing what they were up against. She began to pick up the obstacles so she could condense this briefing into how to tackle each one. Samantha waited for Skye to finish speaking as others joined in with their ideas. Samantha was thinking to herself. To summarize this new shitshow we have been handed to solve by Rose. We have three days to hit a secure orbital launch site protected by the People’s Liberation Army led by extremist General Zhao and Rose. We need to neutralize another batch of Sol Hestia before it can be used against the population. The PLA will be supported by mechs, arial, naval, and armored infantry assets. We need to save the launch site hostages. We also must get into the space station Ark Angel to neutralize any Sol Hestia, remaining clones, and Artemis operatives on board. Samantha was silently cursing the new developments as she processed the latest threat. [/color] [color=ec008c]Samantha crossed her arms and said she was thinking. “Well this is a clusterf*ck of epic proportions! But Skye if you need force multipliers then we need to get creative. I won't need as much training as you think to go into space. I was a teenager with the coding skills they needed. I thought it would be fun to fly the rocket. I am good to go. I think I should go ahead of the main force and use my skills to sabotage their equipment, SAM launchers, and mechs before we kick off our attack. I designed some new gear. I will need to sneak onto the base and place some special encrypted transceivers which will give remote direct control over to Rafael and Enri. I can also get them a hard link to their communications network so they can wreak havoc with it. I can also set up a portable drone swarm that Enri or Rafael could take control of to offer closer arial support. The more time I have before the attack the more I will be able to set up or sabotage. Of course the more I sabotage the more likely they will find it before the attack and be able to counter it. But having control of those mechs and the SAMs would help eliminate their aerial assets if we can turn them against them.” [/color] [color=8dc73f]Chuck looked amused and crossed his arms. “Skye, you are forgetting my skill set. I want to go in early with Samantha with some dive gear and explosives. I can plant the explosives on the hulls of boats and time them to kick off with the attack. I could plant explosives on the base too but stealth is not my best skill. I try but I am simply too damn big. I have a greater risk of being seen. Then I can sneak back out and get into my armor to join the attack. I won’t be able to get all the boats in that timeframe but I should be able to plant explosives on one or two. Maybe the ones with the most firepower?” [/color]