It wasn’t long after the two returned to the ship that Jet noticed two black specks on the horizon. From his vantage point, he watched as they gradually grew in size. It became clear that the Basilisk had finally deployed TIE fighters. Jet’s heart rate quickened, each beat pounding in his ears. [Colour=ff0000][b]“Not a moment too soon, Fel. I’ve got two coming up on us. I’d say it’s time we make tracks,”[/b][/colour] he barked into the commlink, his voice steady but urgent. He trained his aim towards the TIE which he assumed to be the closest. Firing at this range would be a fool’s errand, but being ready was the best thing to be done. A single drop of perspiration perched upon his brow, nestled into the fine, greying hairs that crossed his weathered face. The muscles in his arms tensed, his grip tightening on the cannon’s controls. The hum of the ship’s engines reverberated through the hull, mingling with the distant, ominous drone of the approaching TIEs. As the ship made its distance from the village, Jet took a deep breath, steadying his aim. The TIE fighters were almost within firing range now, following the UA as they made their ascent off world. He could see the faint glint of the sun off their solar panels, the menacing shape of their cockpits becoming clearer with every second.