[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240828/688ac5d3d40c75e034e218d1778edf8d.png[/img][/center] [center]LOC: Dead Zone (Crashed ship) > Qliphoth, 09:12 hrs [/center] [center]LVL: 2 [/center] [center]WC: 1,800 [/center] [center]EXP: 14/20 [/center] [center]Interactions: OPEN [/center] [center] Mentions: Everyone present at the Qliphoth, first floor [/center] The silent tension of the surrounding BTs did not last long. Being led halfway around the dome-like perimeter of the SFE suddenly gave way to a firefight against twisted amalgamations of flesh and metal for the rest of the group. With no time to waste, Snake had emerged out of of the protective blue aura of the SFE and out into the rain as the shield pack quickly enveloped him in a flickering golden-white field. Wasting no time, Snake plodded against the slippery obsidian ground in a half-crouch; thankful his Sneaking Suit considerably muffled his footsteps through the wet grass and sloughing mud. Once he was inside the hull of the wreck and out of the Timefall, the Mercenary took a moment to orient himself around the surprisingly large, industrial-like interior of the desolate spacecraft before proceeding deeper inside. Whatever was in here, he didn't plan on waiting for the fight to die down before the rain did. The main group couldn't afford to stagnate on their behalf, and the sounds of combat most assuredly drew more of those things near. Snake made his way into the ship with an air of urgency; quickening his pace as the unholy roar of whatever was outside had reverberated through the ship. The craft had been throughly ransacked, with nothing of interest or benefit that would be of use to the three that entered. Aside from offering substantial protection from the Timefall, the ship’s constant creaking against the downpour assured that protection was finite. Venom Snake grunted in frustration, turning to move back to the blown-open hull as he stopped and stared at the visage at the crater. His eye widened as he stared at the amorphous black mass; the creature having formed the body of a lion with a hollow golden mask at the front. Not even the Skulls had compared to this, and for the first time since his arrival, a primal chill forced instinct to the surface. The group that had stayed previously at the crater scattered fully now; most fleeing the Catcher as they went around and headed straight to their objective point, while a brave few stayed behind to serve as a distraction. There was nothing he could do but run. [hr] With startling speed compatible to an Olympic runner starting at the gate, Snake launched himself in a dead sprint toward the looming Qliphoth. The vantablack monstrosity looming behind had been sufficiently distracted by the others as they ran to the objective, and his positioning meant that the only obstacles he faced were cragged terrain and slippery grass on his dash toward the spiky helix-like spire. The next time he looked up, the sky had been replaced with a dark, festering cloud of swirling burgundy particulate. Branches of calloused biologic growth jettisoned outward in sharp points from the sides of its gray, mottled, and rotted construction. Snake could only surmise that it was far worse inside. Trailing behind the group, he saw the staccato flash of arms fire as the fleshy surface cratered and ripped open from the sustained trauma. Creating a gap big enough for the party to enter, Snake slowed his pace and made the gap. The inside of the structure was only a hint of what the outer spire revealed; a non-euclidian labyrinthine interior of pulsating infection and active decay. As the group quickly opened fire on the various creatures that dwelled within this living hellscape, Snake assessed the multitude of targets that began to operate in a coordinated swarm as they confronted the group. A gaggle of five humanoids had been loitering off to his left; all clad the camouflage BDUs of soldiers who once were. Above the waist, the chests of these infected servicemembers had become engorged with sickly greenish-yellow biomass that seemed to bloat the chest up and outward; displacing the head off to the right. The right arms hung limp at their sides, twitching with the stilted, halting movements of their unsteady gait. However, it was their left arms that were the most concerning. The mutation had seemingly forced the biomass to split the forearm into three clawed appendages; creating an organic weapon with a deadly reach. Snake drew his tactical pistol as one of the lolling heads had careened off to look in his direction. The glassy jaundiced eyes widened in recognition- and at that moment, [i]all[/i] of the Combat Forms in that group turned toward him as they erupted in a charge. However, that wasn't the only thing that happened. Throughout the entire arena, a chorus of rumbling baritone voices accompanied a bone-chilling roar. Each Floodform present, save for the scuttling Infection Forms, uttered in a chorus of rattling baritone voices to anyone still at the base of the Qliphoth: "Your future is integration. You shall sing with us everlasting! [i]S̶̗̈́̂Ŭ̶̗ͅB̵̟̅͛M̸̘͛̏Ȋ̵̤T̶̤̍!̸̰̋̍[/i]" Bracing himself into a ready stance and quelling his dread hearing the horrific voices, Snake grit his teeth and took aim at the center mass of the Combat Form to his right. The telltale red-tipped frond array of the Infection Forms scuttling around on the ground in his peripheral matched exactly with the ones protruding from the chests of the Combat Forms. Taking aim, Snake's adrenaline peaked as his perception of time slowed. Snake swept the muzzle of his gun from right to left; needing only to fire a single time into the central mass of the Combat Form to strike the nestled Pod Form within. [i]Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop![/i] Within the span of a second, the five reanimated horrors that had closed in a blind charge seized and tumbled to the floor as the Infectors buried within their chests burst and erupted into a greenish-yellow plume of Flood ichor. Snake had looked up, seeing some of the members [i]entering[/i] torn open blood vessels that propelled them further up the hellish spire. Breaking into a sprint to the right and toward a rubbery looking vessel about as tall and wide as he was, Snake drew his knife into his left hand and shot the vessel twice to puncture the exterior; quickly swinging his blade down into the bullet holes and pulling downward to cut the vein open like a plastic curtain. The flow was stronger than he anticipated, and Snake had barely managed a breath as the current of blood had pulled him inside and upward as he watched the ground rise beneath him. There was no time to feel revulsion at his circumstance, and as the light gradually began to fade the further he ascended, seconds had passed until he had hit his head on something hard and calloused. Feeling the air beginning to leave his lungs, Snake swept and swung furiously at the vein wall, and was met with the sound of wet tearing paper as he was suddenly pulled forward and onto solid ground, a torrent of crimson flowing around him. Snake coughed and sputtered as he took in lungfuls of wet metallic air, shaking hands still clinging to his weapons as he quickly pushed himself upright to look back at the vein. What could only be assumed as a literal blockage of some sort was what had forced his stop to this level. He'd have to look for another vein to enter if he wanted to reach the top. Blinking blood out of his eyes that did not belong to him, Snake could only see a few feet ahead of his position as he looked down and toggled the taclight affixed to the underside of his handgun. The revealed area looked akin to a catacomb, or perhaps more accurately, an ant colony's chambers. Sweeping his weapon up and over the walls, a pitched chitter caused him to dart his weapon to the left as a pair of glowing eyes met his own. Standing roughly at equal height to him, the ant-like creature's facial mandible opened and snapped once before it released a shriek and leapt toward him. Snake threw himself in a rightward roll; quickly regaining his footing as he holstered his pistol and switched hands with his knife. The creature crashed down where he once was, quickly turning for another charge as Snake was forced to evade the demonic being again with another combat roll. From the agitated clicking of its maw, he knew the thing was getting more and more irritated that he was proving a difficult catch. With another failed lunge the being roared; rearing up on its hind legs as Snake darted forward and planted a heavy frontal kick into its midsection. A loud ‘CRACK!’ reverberated throughout the area as the two chitinous plates caved around the edges of the impact; sending their jagged splinters into the soft body segment beneath as the creature howled in pain and rage. Like a tree falling forward, the being doubled in on itself as Snake stepped forward and jammed his knife up to the handle in its cranium. With a strangulated croak, the demonic insectoid died almost instantly. Yanking the knife free from the head of the monstrosity, Snake was only allowed a second’s reprieve before he was knocked aside with a bodyslam; losing grip on his knife and sent tumbling into the calloused, bony wall to his left. Another had arrived, announcing itself with a rattling cry as it charged over to the slumped Snake and raised its right front claw to slam downward into Snake’s head. The Mercenary jerked his torso to the right as the claw slammed into the bony surface, as Snake pushed himself quickly upright and jammed his knife into the joint of the Empusa. With a guttural screech from the creature, Snake wrenched the knife upward and severed the joint as he wrenched the arm in the opposite direction to dismember the creature. The thing staggered and fell to its side as it attempted to scrabble for purchase, with Snake wasting no time in pulling the severed appendage from the wall as he hefted it in his hands like a spear. With an adrenaline fueled yell, Snake charged the struggling insectoid and thrust the claw up and into the midsection of the being with all his might. The claw went through the back of the Empusa as Snake released his grip. Drawing his pistol, he quickly finished the hellish being off with a single headshot as he turned his gun to sweep the rest of the area. With heavy breaths and shaking hands, the man took a moment to collect his nerves as he performed a quick magazine check on his weapon. One round left, and one more chambered. Snake began to leave the area in search of another blood vessel, bracing himself for any more encounters as he at least hoped his newfound allies were on time and on target with their main objective.