[@Kronshi][@Asuras][@OwO] [color=fff79a]"Dammit,"[/color] Mathias grunted to himself as he witnessed that Rafael and Emma's endeavor to damage the incorporeal creature. It was a pointless endeavor to even attack it; they were only hitting air. Mathias' mind raced, going over every possible scenario on how to solidify the damned thing. To give an intangible concept form one must impose their will on it, to inject an idea into something's being to force it into being. It was a task that he had done so many times, but something was wrong. Something was shielding it, preventing it from being tethered to give it form. Every thought every mental image was twisted, morphed until it was nothing, but meaningless, intangible obscurities much like the manifestation that they were combatting. Before Mathias could even relay to his team what was going on, groaning sound echoed through the City followed by the sensation that his gut was being twisted. [color=fff79a]"What in the hell is going on now?"[/color] He stepped back and watched as the City tore itself apart from the ground to the sky above, cracks branching out like webs. Then two people, whether they fell from the sky or came from the earth, suddenly just appeared unceremoniously. A boy with glasses and someone wearing a gasmask hacking her lungs out on the pavement. His gun was trained on the two suspicious individuals, his eyes focused on them with deadly precision though quickly lowered his weapon. They weren't the threat; they were probably just some unsuspecting mages that got spat out from wherever in the Dark City they were from. If they could even remotely call it the Dark City anymore. This was completely unrecognizable from the city he was used to. The geometry of the city made no sense, clipping and then twisting as if the Dark City was converging into this very spot as if this was the hotbed of something being born. However, there was only one question going through his mind: if the Dark City was empowered by the shared collective consciousness, then what in the world was happening to the people in the Realspace. However, there was not time to think deeply on that question. From one of the unnatural tunnels, he heard footstep and turned his gaze towards it. From it emerged two women though before he could say anything, heard a deep growl rumble from above. Mathias' eyes trailed upwards to the side of building. Black shimmering in and out of existence, fangs of knives and eyes of malice. Was that the beast? Why did it suddenly become partially tangible right now? Because of what just happened? There was no time to think about it; the beast dove down and crashed upon the facsimile of the street, its eyes taking shape and had their sights on them. [color=fff79a]"Talk later. Kill the bastard,"[/color] Mathias said with an abrupt gruffness. His eyes flashed with hexagonal shapes of yellow energy flowing into another and then slammed his hand onto the street, the asphalt crackled with yellow energy before it erupted in a wave of spikes to crash down and pierce whatever actualized form the wolf had.