[color=C0C0C0] The vindication she felt as the cannon fire hit the streets of Junktown, aiming toward the Imperials. The white armor of the troopers stood out like a sore thumb making them easy targets. From her vantage point, she saw Fel and Zane repel down toward the warehouses below. She wished they wouldn’t have stopped but the kolto was too valuable to pass up. Thanks Viszt for the info. Won’t be long now. Seconds, then minutes passed. She had concentrated too hard on the troopers when she realized that Zane was rambling through the comms. Something about a friend? No, A brother? Both? Kriff. They didn’t have time to pick up another person but the captain had spoken. For once, they agreed on something. They needed to get the heck off this planet. No more diversions. She had clearly done enough of that on this mission. As the UA shot toward the sky, more troopers made their presence known. Aellyn shot off several blasts from the cannon but at this range, she was hitting the dirt around them. The two were hanging banthas out there. [color=AE91B8] “Wrench…get that cable going faster…they are easy targets down there…” [/color] She yelled into the comms as she heard Wrench beep back at her. At least the bucket of bolts agreed. Soon enough, all the crew and stolen goods were aboard the ship. [Colour=ff0000][b]“Not a moment too soon, Fel. I’ve got two coming up on us. I’d say it’s time we make tracks,”[/b][/colour] Jet barked into the comm. Aellyn leaned forward as she heard Jet in her ear. Two black specs in the distance, closing on them, fast. Just two? Figured it would be more, she thought. [color=AE91B8] “Fel, going to need you to get this heap of junk out of orbit and make a jump. Any kriffing day now.” [/color] The initial recoil of the cannons sent a shiver down Jet's spine, causing the fine hairs on his arms to stand erect. The familiar sensation of cannon fire against imperial adversaries was as welcoming as an old friend dropping by for their yearly catch-up. The shots whizzed past the TIE fighters, missing their mark. Jet pondered whether he had grown rusty after years spent pressed up underneath starships rather than engaging in combat within them. More likely, the distance was still too great to ensure a perfect hit. Regardless, the shots compelled the TIE fighters to veer off, losing both their speed and their advantage. Jet chuckled to himself, the sound carrying an edge of mania he hadn't anticipated. It was a step back into an old role that felt almost unnervingly familiar. Fel had said his piece to Zane. There was nothing else to be done for the moment – except getting vaped if they didn’t get the kark out of there. He bolted for the flight deck, moving through the foredeck and the small galley, pots and pans clanking and swaying from their hooks above the cooktop, past closed doors to bunks, worn and chipped paint reminding him he was home – and into the cockpit, nearly vaulting over Wrench and into the pilot’s seat. Switching over to manual interface, much to the dismay of the aged Astromech, Fel got quickly up to speed on their situation. Two TIE fighters 5000m off the port quarter, and a further three TIEs breaking atmo, making for their position. To buy them a few moments, he banked the UA into a *relative* descent, and a crescent arc to starboard, with the fuselage making a roll to wing-over in the course of 25,000m or the next fifteen seconds, increasing to flank. Not that any of it mattered in the Black. There was no ‘up,’ nor a ‘down,’ neither. What it would accomplish, is make them a difficult enough target at the TIEs current range that they wouldn’t be able to score a decent hit, and at the UA’s max sublight speed, they’d begin to pull away. Wrench protested that the ship wouldn’t withstand such forces of lateral acceleration and that at the age of the airframe, metal fatigue was of primary… …but Fel had long since ceased listening to the little droid. He swivelled to his left, calling up several pre-programmed jumps from the hyperdrive’s memory, and just to be double-sure they wouldn’t be tracked, told Wrench to randomize the first two jumps from the droid’s own memory, which served as the UA’s tertiary backup jump-drive. When he received a series of chirps, whirrs and bleeps that all was prepared, the spacer took one more look at the short range scan, and, satisfied that the TIEs were no closer and were sufficiently eating their dust, engaged the hyperdrive disappearing into the void. As the hypnotic swirl and safety of hyperspace shone through the viewport, Fel placed his boots up on the console, lacing his fingers behind his head. As the UA made the jump to hyperspace, Aellyn sat back into the chair, pulling the comm from her ear. Several moments passed before she reached up and pulled herself up, climbing the ladder. The med tech was leaving the cockpit area as the eyes met one another. The tech looked unsure of himself, knowing he couldn’t go back. He was now an enemy of the Empire much like the rest of the crew of the UA. He slid into the booth behind the Dejarik table as she made her way into the cockpit. Wrench beeped, making her presence known as she sat in the co-pilot seat. Her arms crossed, staring out the viewport. [color=AE91B8] “Well, we didn’t die.” [/color] Aellyn turned her head toward the captain who seemed relaxed for someone that pulled off a heist. [color=AE91B8] “Guess I misjudged you…” [/color] It wasn’t an apology but she admitted to herself she had made things a bit too complicated. Still, the crew made it out and she hoped the pay day would be worth it. [/color]