Noting his expression, she couldn't help but feel that strange sense of excitement. She clenched her jaw against a smile, trying to figure out exactly why this excitement was. Could it be this dangerous situation? Running from a dangerous man next to another dangerous man. Could it be because she was so close to a [i]hunter[/i]? Someone who has, no doubt, killed plenty. Killing does not come easy for most. But killing demons seemed a logical thing for most humans. Especially those involved with the church. Was it that she was telling only half-truths to someone who'd surely not hesitate to remove her from the picture? Or was it simply due to this sudden leap into the curious unknown? "As far as I understood, Rainolf was still only looking to hire him. I'm not aware of a deal or agreement having been made yet." She looks out the window, the darkness of the night obscured by the storm, rain hammering down all around. "That said, I don't know if Cain's drive is the money or the thrill." She almost rolls her eyes at his comment, leaning her head against the window, the cold of the glass strangely calming, "The irony of the name is not lost on me. And I don't think even these demons want Lilith to be free. I can only imagine their fear of her." They pulled up to a motel. It looked like a typical place married men would take their hookers for five minutes of "fun", and parolees would come to "medicate" their headaches. She follows him out of the car, the chill of the night immediately taking the little heat her body managed to work up during the ride here. Her hair was still wet and her useless clothes stuck to her skin. She grabs the two bottles under an arm again, considering chugging the one to warm up from the inside. Adam? She scoffed, this had to be some elaborately planned story or something. Biblical names were becoming all the more popular in recent years, with the increase in demonic worship opposing the church and all that. Unnecessary. "Lucy."