[quote=@Digizel] Hey, Tanrith's always taking commissions~ xP And even though he doesn't know Aaliyah that much yet, you will still get his Friend Discount of 100% off~ xP [color=43BDF5]"Eh...not that it'd be a good idea to have me make something for her nanyway. It's kinda important that the end result of your gift comes from you, right? And she also gets my Friend Discount, so there's nothing special there.... But hey, you can still make something yourself anyway if you want! If you ask me, it's not the quality that matters...."[/color] Tanrith pauses for a second. [color=43BDF5]"...I mean, unless it's something where the quality is actually important to its functionality. Like you wouldn't want to give a fighter a sword that breaks after a few swings or a shield that can't stop arrows. I mean, unless it was, like...part of their training to dodge instead of relying on a shield so much, but that seems kinda pointless. I mean, some people just don't dodge as well as others, y'know? ...Wait. What were we talking about again...?"[/color] [/quote] :lol Aaliyah would definitely appreciate the offer, but she does agree with Tanrith's thoughts about the gift having to come from her. If she didn't, she would have considered/asked her patron if he could grant a wish of Mariel's.